I picked this up a while back but just got around to checking it today.
It looks brand new!! The power cord has never been unfolded or had it's tie
strap cut off and the paper for the printer is still sealed in heat shrink
plastic. The case, CRT and keyboard are all immaculate and the plastic is
nice and white not faded to a dirty yellow/brown. The only flaw that I
could find is that something caused the carrying case to rub on the bottom
of the case and it wore away some of the paint on the bottom of the
computer. It even has both manuals with it. BUT all of the original disks
are missing. Does anyone have copies of the disks for this thing? I'd LIKE
to have originals but I'll settle for copies. I did boot it today with a PC
DOS 3.1 disk and it worked flawlessly. It has been upgraded to 512k and a
second 360k drive has been added.