It was thus said that the Great Ray Arachelian once stated:
Philip Pemberton wrote:
Nice.. I have yet to find a religion that
worships a chinchilla god,
Too bad you don't have pet squids, otherwise that would have been
easy... Ia Ia Cthulhu. ;)
opening Pandora's Box. "You have no idea
of the terror you hath
wrought..." and all that.
Even better fitting since the name means adored by
everyone - well, not
everyone, but the public doesn't know any better, and woe to them when
the plagues are unleashed.
I do know someone who named his servers after curse words. Two DNS
servers: "f*ck" and "sh*t", an email server called
"bullsh*t" and a
web server called "jacksh*t". He was a strange guy...
I once named an
openbsd firewall I created for the office sh!+stains -
because of the really crappy machine they gave me to install it on.
Worked just fine. :-)
I remember calling one of our servers "pain," since it was. Also, a friend
of mine named one of his machines "kwalitee" because, you know, quality with
a K and all that.
Right now, we tend to name physical machines after our pets, and virtual
machines after cities. I don't think they've forgiven me for naming one of
them "truth-or-consequences" (New Mexico).
-spc (At least I didn't name it