THe site is The reason why your suggestion won't
work is that the drives are right in one of the corners.
Hmmm... Seems to me that two PC's stacked on top
of each other is just
about a cube. So, why not a case that has two motherboards, with an
integral Monitor/kb/mouse switch...
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^ ^ ^
| | \
| \ ---- Mobo 2 with Exp Cards
\ ---- Drives (Shared Floppy?)
---- Mobo 1, with Exp Cards
Okay, so maybe there isn't any point or anything, but I still think
it's a
cool idea... Hmmm... Mac on one side, PC on the
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a) that none but madmen
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
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