there is not a full set. Bear and I are trying to put one together from what he got and
what exists from other sources
unfortunately, we didn't connect when you offered all of the ones you had in 2009, and
Bear didn't win all of
the auctions
the last four would be helpful, and they should go to Bear
On 5/29/16 9:15 PM, David Griffith wrote:
Over the past six months or so, I've been selling install floppies for the Xerox 8010
Star. I had no idea if I had a
full set or not. I'd just put together a set of as many unique floppies that I could
find from my stash. Then last week
I was asked if I had a full set. This person then stated that Al Kossow might or might
not have a full set. In any
case, it's not on Bitsavers. Al expressed interest in a set that I offered a couple
months ago, but he never followed
up on that. So, would someone please confirm the existance of a full set of install
floppy images for the Xerox 8010
Star somewhere?
The floppies I have left are these:
ViewPoint 1.1 (file check)
ViewPoint 1.1 (essential applications)
ViewPoint 1.1.6 Common Software
ViewPoint 1.1.2 Local RS232C Communications Access