On 8/9/12 8:29 PM, "William Donzelli" <wdonzelli at gmail.com> wrote:
are simply going to fail no matter if you use them or not.
electronic components simply can't last forever.
Nothing lasts forever. Get used to it.
But using electronics makes forever a much shorter time - there are
bushels of engineering studies on component reliability out there if
you do not believe me.
Citations, please. There is another school of thought that maintaining
systems in running condition, and running them, extends their lifespan.
I've not seen literature that suggests that using solid-state components
shortens their lifespan as long as they are treated well (not run at
extreme temperatures, no voltage spikes, etc.). We run our ECL-based 2065
24 x 7 to avoid thermal stress on its components, for example. -- Ian