I found this and thought someone here might find it of interest... (reply
to Kevin, not me :)
Kevin Willis <kwillis41(a)home.com>
Chester, Va US - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 11:35:50
I have several old systems and was curious if they have any value and advice
on what I can do with them. All I know about them is their BIG and HEAVY.
Don't know what works and what doesn't
1 - Burroughs B96 unit - Model #31821150
2 - Burroughs Disk Drives - Model B9493-80
2 - Burroughs Streaming Tape Drives - Model 15 MTS Streamer
2 - Burroughs Printers on stands - Model B9246-6
7 - Burroughs Terminals
Any help appreciated
Bob Stek
Saver of Lost Sols