shortwave radio.
Speaking of shortwave, imagine
if the FCC authorize commerce on
ham radio! Ugh...
I am completely unfamiliar with S-100 systems, so could you please
explain... were S-100 technologically superior to PCs (i.e. IBM
PC 5150), or just aesthetically? As far as I know, they used an
older processor...
Was it just an issue of being used to them?
As for laissez-faire, I never have believed in it. It makes society
too concerned about money. This is proven when complete crap hardware
is released now, and people don't care because it's good _financially_
And just to bring it back on topic...when consumer PCs
came out (IBM,
PET, Atari, Apple, etc.) those of us who built and used "real" micros
(S-100s of course) lamented that fact that the microcomputer market was
being overrun by large corporations bent on destroying the
market of the mid 70s. Sound familiar?
Jack "I use an IMSAI, not those toy computers" Peacock
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