Sellam wrote...
I imagine the region it would cover would be the
traditional southwest
states as well as areas as far east as Alabama as well as north of Texas.
Well, I agree with a few others here that said "Southwest" generally doesn't
cause most people to envision Texas (no affront to Texas intended). I tend
to think more along the lines of Arizona, New Mexico, etc so I think many
would find the name confusing. When you're talking about an event named
after a region - for attendance purposes you'd want the name to clearly
reflect the region.
My biggest concern is it steps on VCF Midwest too much and too soon. As you
say.. "it would well as north of Texas". VCF Midwest is doing
well and growing, but it's a pretty new event still. Now is not the time to
water it down with another event in the same territory. Perhaps when VCFmw
attendance grows to a larger number, then it might be time to spread it out
more. Do it too early and both events will suffer.
That being said, in general I'm all for more VCF event locations. Just my
two cents worth!