I just wanted to thank Tony for asking the question (disability vs. masks)
and particularly wanted to thank Robert for the kindness of answering it!
I learned something today!
Hi all,
Does anyone have any documentation (or perhaps even a copy?) of Oregon
Pascal for the Motorola 68000?
I'm looking for information on its calling convention, if such is
available -- or otherwise a way to run it with arbitrary code and see
how it behaves.
Once again I'm reverse-engineering a 68K-based embedded system... :)
Hello all,
As you all know by now I probably have cancer and I am selling off
my possessions to finance my travels around the country. I have for sale
one Panavise vise with nylon jaws and a large circuit board holder
adapter. $100 plus shipping. Please reply off list. I live in Reedsburg,
WI 53959. I prefer Paypal F&F. If you use G&S please add the 4.5%
handling fee. Will accept MO, Cashiers Check, and Personal Check (must
clear before shipping)!
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Hello all,
The Panavise is sold. I appreciate the interest!
GOD Bless and Thanks,
On 3/18/2021 3:41 PM, Richard R. Pope wrote:
> Hello all,
> As you all know by now I probably have cancer and I am selling off
> my possessions to finance my travels around the country. I have for
> sale one Panavise vise with nylon jaws and a large circuit board
> holder adapter. $100 plus shipping. Please reply off list. I live in
> Reedsburg, WI 53959. I prefer Paypal F&F. If you use G&S please add
> the 4.5% handling fee. Will accept MO, Cashiers Check, and Personal
> Check (must clear before shipping)!
> GOD Bless and Thanks,
> rich!
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Does anyone remember the product name or number of the tiny HP portable
printer (*not* an HP 2225 of any kind!) that probably came out about the
same time as the HP Omnibook 300 (1993)?
(My google-fu failed me.)
IIRC, it was able to print on regular paper 8.5" wide, probably using a
thinkjet mechanism.
Battery powered, probably black, probably HP-IL interface.
I remember coveting one when I got my first Omnibook, but by that time they
were off the market and the only one I ever saw wasn't for sale (I did
borrow it for a few days, it worked well).
The use of standard (in the U.S.) paper, plus the tiny size, had be
interested in it.
If anyone has a modem made by Datec, a long-defunct manufacturer from
Chapel Hill, NC, please let me know. I used to do customer support for
them back in the early '80s. (They used to run ads in Byte Magazine
touting their "crystal-controlled stability".)
For what it's worth I've posted some notes on PDP-10 I/O from a
course taught by Mike Bennett at UWO in the early 1970s.
The monitor at the time was likely prior to 5.06.
See: http://www.execulink.com/~dstalk/pdp-10_io.pdf
Have a bunch of modems as well but first have to get PDP-11 stuff
shipped off to those people who want it. Will see if Value Village
in Kamloops will still take them. For a while they were a great
place to get old electronics like the DAT SCSI drive I picked up for
$5 8 years ago. "high speed" at 50 Kb/sec transfer rate which seemed
fast in 2010 when I picked it up and got all my DAT backup tapes
transferred to "disks" which can only run under BasiliskII now.
>Clearing out stuff at my space, I have the following modems:
>NEC UltraLite-Series Image Modem Plus w/box
>CTS Datacomm 2424 ADA modem w/box
>Scout Plus External Data/Fax modem w/box
>Digital DF03 modem
>Any offers?
I have this controller, I bought it from the Netherlands three years ago
with a Cipher horizontal tape drive. It was pulled from a working system
but... no drivers.
Does anyone have any related software for this controller?
It is listed here:
I tried everything from Bitsavers. All drivers, all software. Nothing
works. The board is not listed so I installed and tried everything.
To give something in exchange, I wish to contribute with the full Qualstar
Tapestar for Dos package to bitsavers and archive.org (separate thread).
I have the Qualstar Tapestar Package for DOS. It is fully working. However
it requires a Microtech MCS1 "TAPE816" 16-bit ISA Pertec controller. I have
the full Ms-Dos package. Where do I send the software package to be
uploaded to bitsavers?