Good evening, folks...
Does anybody know if Datapoint made monitors for Convergent
Technologies? In my "near junk" section I have some modules that someone
stored in a warehouse next to a carpenter shop and under bombardment
>from bats and birds.? The modules were made by Convergent Technologies
and I never did much about them because of their extremely dirty state
and also because of the lack of a keyboard.? I have:
- Two CP-001/8 cpu modules (80186 at 8MHz, 256KB RAM, 6845 video IC)
- Four 5 1/4" dual-floppy modules (each has two Mitsubishi M4853
half-height drives)
- One GC-001 graphics controller
- Two PS-001 power supplies, one is missing parts
and then, a monitor that by the looks and controls is a VC-002 15" to be
used with the GC-001, except that it is labeled as:
Datapoint Corp.
Model 97-1224-001
Serial 934055
Other marks:? 53-00355-00???? 5-84
So, do you guys know if Datapoint made monitors for others?
> From: Paul Koning
> Isn't the interrupt disabled by RESET?
Nope. On the -11/03 and KDF11-A, BEVNT is wired straight into the CPU, and
there's no internal register to control it.
The BDV11 does have a register which can enable/disable the LTC (it connects
BEVNT to ground via a transistor when the appropriate register bit is
cleared); but, ironically (given your question), BINIT/RESET does _not_ clear
that register! Only BPOK does. (My theory is they were short of a bus receiver
for BINIT, and rather than put a whole extra chip on the card...) So, once on,
it has to be explicitly turned off, or the 'boot' switch (which toggles BPOK)
has to be hit.
The KDF11-B and all KDJ11 machines do have the LTC register, which operates
> From: Jerry Weiss
> I turned BEVENT off and it boots successfully. I am not immediately
> sure why this is necessary.
If an LTC interrupt happens before the OS has set up the LTC vector, etc,
hilarity ensues.
E.g. the LTC has to be turned off before UNIX V6 will boot on an -11/23:
I discovered this the hard way; I roached the disk on my simulated /23
when I didn't.
After hanging vertically for 36 hrs in a hot upstairs room, more goop seeped
out from under the keyboard. It now works again. Whew.
While running on the bench for burn-in testing, a cursor problem suddenly
appeared... it would only move every other keystroke. With the technical
description and schematic at hand, it wasn't hard to track down a 74LS193
up/down counter with a blown (floating) LSB output. Confirmed by manually
toggling that bit and the cursor would move back and forth one position.
Meanwhile I removed the bad chip and put in a DIP socket. Naturally my TTL
collection didn't have an 'LS193 so I'm waiting on that. So I have a 24
line, 1 column terminal :)
The monitor was occasionally intermittent (no display at all, no HV, +15 and
drive signals OK). It seemed to change with movement of the wiring harness
>from the main board to the monitor, too. I reseated the edge connector on
its PCB and it seemed to be fixed - but then the VERTICAL deflection
collapsed and tweaking the height adjustment caused increasing loss. The 100
ohm pot to the base of the vertical output transistor had picked that moment
to go open. Changed that out and readjusted everything - so far so good
after another hour of run time.
This ADM-3A could have been unpowered (and in a storage area without climate
control) for a very long time. I wonder if that contributed to the failures
I'm seeing... hope there aren't any more until I get to use it for a while
on my PDP-8/A (or 11/23+).
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Recently, I assembled one of the RX02 emulator boards developed by
AK6DN.? I am using it presently in a BA11-M box with PDP-11/2 cpu
(really basic 16 bit system).? I put the disk images from github on the
SD card (RT11 V5.07 and XXDP not sure what version).
The box has a BDV11 bootstrap / terminator board and I use this to boot
the RX02 emulator.? Works fine when I boot RT11, however I can't boot
XXDP - it halts at 000104.
Do I need to use a different version of XXDP to run on the PDP-11/03?
Hello All,
Does anyone out there by any chance have the Service Manual for a Compaq
SystemPro XL or at least schematics to the PSU? Trying to revive one of
these systems and the PSU is not working. TIA!
At Rice in the early 90s the department was "Electrical and Computer Engineering" if my hazy memory serves.
The genealogy of Computer Science departments (and their curricula) (at least in the US) is also weird and historically-contingent. Basically it seems to have been a tossup at any given school whether it came out of the Electr[ical|onic] Engineering department, in which case it was memories and logic gates and a bottom-up, hardware-focused curriculum, or out of the Mathematics department, in which case it was algorithms and complexity analysis and a software-focused curriculum.
Just for reference the following site has ribbons for the subject card
I bought some a few years ago. As I understand it he makes a batch every
year or so. I don't know but he might like the used reels back to use
again. :-)
Or some RN 68 pin CLCC sockets, or even a part number for them?
I tried buying a 1981 RFN catalog, but they weren't in there.
I have a bunch of IMS 80186 slave cards with the CPUs pulled
Of course, they didn't keep the caps. RN was bought by 3M and
I've been unable to even find a part number for these sockets.
I'm hoping not to have to replace the sockets to get these boards
Pics of what I need are here
I have a question about cable length - any electrical engineers in the
Connected a Qualstar 1260 tape drive to an Emulex TC02 qbus tape
controller in a pdp-11/53.? The interface is pertec with 2 50 pin cables.
When I use a pair of short flat ribbon cables, 18 and 30 inches each, it
works.? Under RT11 I can INIT, Copy, DUMP, do a Directory.
It doesn't work when I use a pair of 5 foot long flat ribbon cables.?
Are they too long?? Do I need twisted pair type of cable?? Is it
possibly a termination problem?