test-drb November 2018

  • 150 participants
  • 133 discussions

PDP-11/05 microcode dump?
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
3 years, 8 months

Font for DEC indicator panels
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
4 years, 4 months

Motorola EXORciser M6800 System
by osi.superboard@gmail.com
4 years, 11 months

anybody have MOVIE.BYU?
by rdawson16@hotmail.com
4 years, 11 months

Free to a good home: Honeywell/Bull DPS-6 workstation / server (Seattle, WA)
by derschjo@gmail.com
5 years, 5 months

eBay: 1982 Prime Computer
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
5 years, 7 months

HP-2250 in Salt Lake City
by Tim@Rikers.org
5 years, 7 months

AW: 50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
by guykd@optusnet.com.au
5 years, 12 months

50Hz Pulley for 8" Floppy Drive Mitshubishi M2894-63B
by thomas.riesen@predata.ch
5 years, 12 months

Data Systems Design DSD-4140 microcode PROMs
by jzatar2@illinois.edu
6 years
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