Lars Brinkhoff <lars at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Richard Cornwell wants to implement DL10 for his KA10/KI10 simulator,
> but he doesn't have any documentation for it. Any leads?
First question is: since the DL10 is a DMA device for a handful of PDP11s,
what is intended at the other (unibus) end of it?
I have found that…
contains the engineering drawings for the DL10.
Also, the tops-10 source file D85INT.MAC (from the unsmon directory)
contains the driver for it.
If the idea is to get more terminal lines, maybe a DC10 scanner would
be an easier starting point.
> From: Lars Brinkhoff
> Specifically, the DC76 supported by ITS.
>> The DL10 was used in two DEC system products, the DC76 Asynchronous
>> Communication System, and the DN87 and DN87S Universal Communication
>> System Front Ends. I couldn't find any documentation on the former
> Ouch, it's the former we want.
Eh, no problem. The DL10 part is the same, and the PDP-11 devices in the DC76
were almost certainly standard DEC PDP-11 stuff.
ITS ran its own code in the PDP-11 attached to the DL10, anyway - looking at
IOELEV (in the MX-DL section), it only supported DL11's and DH11's. Those are
very well documented.
> From: Pontus Pihlgren
> Thank you for sharing Noel.
Well, I thought people might find it useful. Over time,I've made a variety of
shelf designs to hold my boards, searching for something that worked really
well, and I liked this one so much I thought it was worth passing it on.
In fact, I liked it so much that I took the dual rack (next to it in the
picture) which held boards horizontally, and re-built it into one that holds
them vertically, like the quad rack. For the duals, the shelf-shelf spacing
(i.e. bottom of one, to the top of the next) is 5" (i.e. the repeat distance
is 5-3/4", when using 3/4" planks).
> In retrospect are there any measurements you would do differently if you
> did it again?
Nope. I made another quad rack for my workshop upstairs, and built an exact
duplicate of the first one (in the picture). And I made another vertical-type
dual rack, also for upstairs.
About the only thing I'd have changed (had I thought of it in time) was to
make that second dual rack a mixture of dual and quad shelves (which you can
trivially do in this design, unlike the horizontal-format one) as I need more
quad shelves, and have an excess of dual shelves. Oh well!
> E.g. Have you found any boards that need higher clearance to the next?
Well... There are some DEC boards which have a Berg connector on the top edge,
and ones which use the later Berg (the ones with the little latch handles)
sometimes place them too close to the edge.
One example of this is the M7800 (DL11); they _just_ fit in a shelf with the
'proper' 10-1/4" spacing, but I have a couple shelves where, due to variation,
the shelf-shelf distance is only 10-1/8", and M7800's won't go into them. The
M7856 (DL11-W) is the same.
For the dual shelves, the E-Rev of the M5904 (MASSBUS transceiver) places the
top of the latches about 1mm from the edge of the board. (The F Rev has been
re-laid out, to move the connector a but further in.) I guess it would be
possible with very careful cutting to space shelves to hold that, but I
elected not to; the tolerances are so slight, a bit too far, and boards will
come out of slots. And some off-brand QBUS memory puts a resistor a little
over 1mm from the card edge, and those also won't go.
Hi Folks!
I have documentation for some forestry software, that came with my HP9816 machines.? I am not sure, but I may have a tape or disk to go with it.
It's called "MSAP", for Multispan Skyline Analysis Program, and appears to be a successor to the software documented in the following links:
I have no use for it, but it seems like it may be of historical value.? Would anyone here be interested in it?
> From: Michael Zahorik
> Thanks for responding.
Sure. Not sure how much use it was, but...
> I do like your wood working.
> may give it a try. Should not be very difficult.
No, as long as you have either a radial arm saw (best), or a table saw
(preferably with a 'sled' - if you don't have one, probably worth making one)
to cut all the slots.
Like I said, if you want a drawing, let me know. A few data bits: the slot
pitch (slot center to slot center distance) is 5/8"; I used 1/8" for the depth
of the bottom slot (just enough to hold it in place), and 3/16" for the top
(some extra, to allow for board size variation). The shelf-shelf spacing (i.e.
bottom of one, to the top of the next) is 10-1/4" (i.e. the repeat distance is
11", when using 3/4" boards).
I have this board Dilog SU7 23A
Does anyone know this board?? I think it may be a SCSI controller. I
cannot tell if it is Unibus or Qbus.
Any help appriciated.
John Welch
I also have a Dilog SU723A, but never managed to find any docs for it.
My board is revision D.
It works be very nice to find something.
As the MSCP / TMSCP selection is only a matter of firmware, I wouldn't be
surprised if the MSCP SU726A was the same board with different PROM.
On 1/6/2018 5:51 AM, shadoooo via cctalk
> Hello,
> I have some doubt about DEC tape units and related interfaces.
> What I know about (right or wrong, please correct):
> - TU80 is a Pertec drive, it needs M7454 (unibus, TS11 driver) which is a
> modified Dilog DU132. No option for QBUS.
> - TS05 is a Pertec drive, it needs TSV05 (qbus, TSV05 driver) which is a
> modified Emulex ???)
> - TU81 plus is LESI or Pertec, you need KLESI (unibus / qbus, TMSCP driver).
> Now the questions:
> I have both a TU80 and TU81plus, and both Unibus and Qbus machines, but no
> interfaces.
> I would like to connect at least TU80 to unibus, and TU81 to qbus, but for
> backup reasons it would be better to have both drives on both busses.
> What are the DEC or third party card which would fit better on my drives,
> and/or which would offer better driver compatibility with various OSs (via
> switchable configuration).
> I'm not sure about interface compatibility (Pertec interfaces could be
> swapped),
> and driver compatibility (what is better for RT11, what for BSD, what for
> VMS).
> I would accept also some offer to my email, if somebody has something
> interesting to sell (better if in EU).
> Thanks
> Andrea
I only have SCSI tape drives, and a TS05. But take a look at the various Emulex tape controllers. I believe TS11 and TMSCP emulations are what you'd want.
TC02 Q Emulex Pertec-interface tape drive controller.
Emulates TS11. Early revisions incompatible
with VMS.
TC02 Q Emulex Pertec-interface tape drive controller.
Emulates TS11. Early revisions incompatible
with VMS. Supports 1-4 Cipher F880, CDC 92181,
Kennedy 6809, and Pertec F1000.
TC02/FS Q Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller,
TC05 Q Emulex CDC Sentinel .25" cartridge tape controller.
Emulates TS11. Supports CDC 92192 Sentinel.
TC05/SX Q Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller.
TC11/N U Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller.
Emulating TM11/TU10.
TC11/P U Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller.
Emulating TM11/TU10.
TC11/V U Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller.
Emulates MT11/TU10. Needs Emulex VAX/UT software.
TC12 U Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller.
Emulates TS11. 22-bit. Supports 1-4 Cipher F880,
CDC 92181, Kennedy 6809, and Pertec F1000.
TC12/FS U Emulex .5" reel-to-reel tape controller,
TC13 Q Emulex Pertec-interface tape drive controller.
Switchable TU81 TMSCP or TS11 emulation.
TC13 U Emulex Pertec-interface tape drive controller.
Switchable TU81 TMSCP or TS11 emulation. Supports
1-4 Cipher F880, CDC 92181, Kennedy 6809, and
Pertec F1000.
{above excerpted from M. Gentry's Field Guide)
- js.
I asked a while back, but thought I'd try again. I'm looking for a
replacement flyback transformer for a VT220-F, part number 16-26299-01
by TAI HO. I've found a few online, a bit higher priced than I'd like,
especially after import tax. If you have one you'd be willing to sell,
please get in touch.
Aaron Jackson
PhD Student, Computer Vision Laboratory, Uni of Nottingham
Any RS/6000 hobbyists out there?
I got my old 7009-C20 pretty tricked out and hardware carefully selected to be compatible with AIX 4.1.3, the version I'm trying to get running on it. Unfortunately, I can't get the dang thing to boot my 4.1.3 or 4.1.4 CD's. It'll boot my 4.1.5 disc, however. The 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 CD's are labeled "AIX for clients" or something like that, and I seem to recall having trouble getting other RS/6000's to boot from this 4.1.3 CD, even though it's genuine original media, and reads just fine in a working system.
Anyone know a way to check what systems an old AIX 4.1 disc supports, or have C20 or similar MCA machine running 4.1.3?
My other thought was to try to NIM boot it using my ThinkPad 860 as a NIM server (running 4.1.5), but it unfortunately doesn't have enough capacity to hold a lpp_source and a SPOT, and even then it looks like the 4.1.3 disc may not have enough stuff on it to support the C20 anyway...
Anyway, thanks in advance!