Saved some Data I/O manuals from the dumpster when a local firm tech
pubs library closed down. Manuals are loose sheet style in original
Data I/O 3 ring binders. Except as noted, they are lightly used in
very good condition and appear to be complete.
29B Universal Programming System Operator's Manual in the "horizontal"
format binder copyright 1985. two available
GangPak Manual copyright 1987 one available
Unisite Universal Programmer User Manual in "vertical" (standard)
format binder. binder in used condition documentation seems
intact/complete. Release date appears to be Jun 1995. one available
Unisite Universal Programmer User Manual in "vertical" (standard)
format binder. binder in good condition documentation seems
intact/complete. Release date appears to be Jul 1992. This one has
update notes and some misc product lit with it. one available
Unisite Universal Programmer User Manual in "vertical" (standard)
format binder. binder in used condition and is NOT an original Data I/O
binder. documentation seems intact/complete. Release date appears to
be Oct 1996. In addition to the basic User Manual, this one has User
Notes covering 7 different releases ranging from 5.5 to 6.2. one available
Programmable Logic Development System Operators Manual. Binder in
standard vertical format in good condition copyright 1986 with User
Notes Update dated Nov 1987. one available
Unisite-xpi Programming System User Manual (with legacy Unisite
Programmers) Binder in standard vertical format in good condition
copyright Jun 2001. two available
Logic Diagram Package dated Sep 1990. Complete set of Dat I/O logic
diagrams for all supported devices as of pub date. Binder in standard
vertical format in good condition copyright Sep 1990. one available.
Free for Shipping: Individually, any binder will fit a medium flat rate
box. Email me off list to claim one.
FWIW, these have all been scanned if someone wants a soft copy.
I originally attempted to post this to simh at,
but they have a policy of automatically rejecting any messages from
non-subscribers, and as I only read that list via the Web
interface, it doesn't seem worth it to subscribe just in order to
post one message. However, I suspect that Brian Knittel and/or
Mark Pizzolato probably see stuff that's posted here too.
Once upon a time (i.e., prior to early January, 2016), the
SimH IBM1130 GUI worked like this (on Windows):
You start the simulator in a console window and issue the
commands (either manually or via a command file argument):
detach prt
delete printer.txt
att dsk0 dms.dsk
att prt printer.txt
boot dsk
At this point, the simulator, after having booted the DMS
operating system, enters a "Wait state" and drops
back to the SimH prompt. The console window shows
(if you've started the simulator with the command file
argument "guijob" containing the above commands):
IBM 1130 Simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: e8ea427d
guijob-2> detach prt
Not attached
PRT: creating new file
Loaded DMS V2M12 cold start card
Wait, IAR: 0000002A (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
The line printer icon in the GUI now "shows paper" which,
if you view it (thereby "tearing it off" and causing
the creation of a new printer file) will show the boot
message from DMS.
At this point, you can submit a "job deck" by dragging a
file to the GUI's card reader icon -- e.g., one of the
decks from the software kit at
(such as a job to print the LET [Location Equivalence Table] list.job,
a sample Fortran program for.job or one of the more substantial
Fortran programs like csort.job or swave.job, etc.)
Each time you drag the "job deck" file over the GUI's
card reader icon, the depicted input tray "fills up" and
the console shows, e.g.
sim> attach cr "C:\ibm1130\dms\list.job"
You then click the green PROGRAM START button, the blinkenlights
flash briefly, the card reader "empties", the printer "shows paper"
(if it was empty beforehand) and, most significantly here,
**the simulator enters Wait state and drops back to its prompt
when the program has finished**. The console window now shows (e.g.)
sim> attach cr "C:\ibm1130\dms\list.job"
sim> cont
Wait, IAR: 0000002A (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
You can continue to submit jobs, without rebooting DMS, by dragging
a new deck to the card reader icon, and clicking PROGRAM START.
Each time, the simulator swallows the "cards", flashes the blinkenlights,
adds output to the line printer file, and enters Wait and drops
back to its prompt.
The "git commit id" in the IBM1130.exe used for the above example is e8ea427d from archive (January 7, 2016).
If I use the IBM1130.exe from the very next archive (January 29, 2016), I get
a different result (using the same file of startup commands):
IBM 1130 Simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: b8049645
guijob-2> detach prt
Not attached
PRT: creating new file
Loaded DMS V2M12 cold start card
Here, the simulator has not entered a Wait state and dropped back
to a prompt. If I try to drag a "job deck" file to the card reader
icon, the attempt is rejected with a Windows error gong and
the card reader remains empty.
I can get around this by performing the following:
Click the red "IMM STOP" button.
Drag the "job deck" file to the card reader icon. The reader
"fills up".
In the console window, type "boot dsk" to re-boot DMS
(clicking PROGRAM START doesn't work here!),
The card reader empties, the blinkenlights flash and apparently
the program runs. However, the simulator does not enter
Wait state when the program is finished. (Nor can I click on
the lineprinter icon to "tear off" and view the results at this point.)
However, if I again click the red "IMM STOP" button and then
click the lineprinter icon, I can see the results of the
program that just ran. Or, I can click IMM STOP, submit a
new job deck to the card reader, type "boot dsk" (you have
to re-boot DMS; PROGRAM START won't work!),
and the new program will run and add its results to the lineprinter output.
The very latest Win32 build of IBM1130.exe, from (May 2, 2017)
exhibits slightly different (but still apparently broken)
When the startup command file executes, the initial result looks
correct (i.e., the same as the January 7, 2016 result above):
IBM 1130 Simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: e9dea63b
guijob-2> detach prt
Not attached
PRT: creating new file
Loaded DMS V2M12 cold start card
Wait, IAR: 0000002A (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
Note that the simulator has entered the Wait state and dropped back
to its prompt, and you can now drag a job deck to the card reader
and start the program normally by clicking PROGRAM START.
However, at this point the simulator reverts to the broken behavior
exhibited by the January 29, 2016 example above -- when the program is
finished running, the simulator does not enter Wait state and
drop back to a "sim>" prompt. The console window looks like:
IBM 1130 Simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: e9dea63b
guijob-2> detach prt
Not attached
PRT: creating new file
Loaded DMS V2M12 cold start card
Wait, IAR: 0000002A (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
sim> cont
and the simulator remains unresponsive until the IMM STOP button
is pushed. Then we see:
IBM 1130 Simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: e9dea63b
guijob-2> detach prt
Not attached
PRT: creating new file
Loaded DMS V2M12 cold start card
Wait, IAR: 0000002A (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
sim> cont
Immediate Stop key requested, IAR (4c80 BSC I ,00028 )
At this point, the GUI becomes responsive again, and the
line printer output can be "torn off" and viewed, or a
new job can be dragged to the card reader.
However, you cannot then use the PROGRAM START button to
start the new program. If you do, the simulator will issue
a "cont" command, but the card reader will not empty and
the new program will not run.
You have to type "boot dsk" in the console window to reboot DMS.
At this point, the loaded card reader will empty by itself,
the new program will run, and the program's output will be added
to the lineprinter listing.
For each additional job deck you want to run, you have to use
the IMM STOP, load card reader, "boot dsk" (reboot DMS)
So it appears something happened to break the normal functioning
of the 1130 GUI back in January of last year, which has not yet
been completely repaired.
>I've made little more progress in deciphering the operation
>of Carl Claunch's "Lunar Landing" program, as featured in one
>of his 1130 YouTube videos. (I'm guessing he's the actual author
>of the program -- he mentions on one of his blogs that he was
>interested in space before he became interested in computers.)
Alas, not my program. It was one of many programs distributed by Share to
1130 users, thus it was contributed by somebody.
Can anyone ID what this panel is from? I picked it up recently for parts but the more I study it the more I suspect it may have been part of a computer system. At least one status light references 'No Write Ring'. The displays at the top are terrific, 7-segment incandescent units!
Photos at:
I was contacted though my site by someone looking for a boot disk for their
California Computer System S-100 2200 computer with Morrow's Disk Jockey
DJ/DMA floppy disk controller. I checked and found what might be a
suitable disk.
I imaged the disk and the file has been uploaded to my web site along with
a PDF of the directory the original owner printed and inserted into the
disk sleeve. Does anyone have such a drive controller and would like to
take a look at this image to see if it's usable? Uploaded, here:
There may be something wrong with the disk. The label reads
8" Morrow E14 Phil's System Disk Backup 9/22/86
Permanent error on boot track
Despite what was printed on the lable I was able to image the disk without
error. I am hoping the error referred to in the hand-written label is not
a physical error and can be edited/corrected. Maybe this disk is
salvageable, maybe the error is a BIOs thing.
There was talk about trying to find a diskJockey boot disk on this list a
few weeks ago (right?), if so I hope this is useful. If anyone attempts to
read, let me know how it goes.