thanks for dates. yes that all makes sense. some how my mind slipped a
I a looking for a GE Diginet tdm-114 acoustic coupler.
2 reasons, GE computer related
but also my first acoustic coupler I had with an ASR-35 teletype
I am also looking for the top mental plate that covers an ASR-35 punch
( drop me a line off list if you have either you want to sell/trade/?)
thanks ed# _www.smecc.org_ (
In a message dated 11/26/2017 3:38:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
cctalk at writes:
On Sun, 26 Nov 2017, COURYHOUSE at wrote:
> does the 71 sate seem early?
No, a 1971 date does not seem too early.
The price seems steep, even for a "relatively" early modem.
Bell 103 (300bps) dates from 1962.
The Bell 101 (110 baud) was 1958.
SCROTUS "Carterfone" was 1968 (ruling permitting direct connect)
Bell 212A (1200bps) came out in 1976.
The Livermore Data Systems modems that I sold off were from about 1964?
1970-1972, when I was working at Goddard Space Flight Center (Bldg 26,
"National Space Sciences Data Center"), we used a time-sharing system for
APL. APL type ball on Selectric terminal.
Yes, 1971 is prior to most mass-marketed "personal computers"
(1978?: Apple, PET, TRS80).
But there were teminals.
Where: Living Computers: Museums+Labs (Seattle, WA, USA)
When: February 10th and 11th, 2018
Registration deadline: December 10th, 2017 (About 2 weeks left)
We have about 15 registered exhibitors now. We are looking for a few more
to fill things out and to ensure that if somebody drops out that the show
doesn't look too thin. The exhibits span a wide range so it won't be a
pure 8 bit gaming or a DEC heavy iron show.
If you are procrastinating about being an exhibitor then it is time to
register ... If I can answer questions to help you decide then email me.
This is our first time in Seattle; the bar is low so don't be too worried
about having the perfect exhibit.
We are still looking for speakers too; the floor is pretty open. If you
did something cool during your career or just want to share aspects of the
hobby with others, this is a great place to do it. (I especially enjoyed
Lyle's talk on repair and restoration at VCF West.)
Interested or know somebody who is? Check out at
. Please email me directly if you have questions or need encouragement.
Mike Brutman
michael at
what is this NCR modem? what did it go to?
NEW Vintage 1971 NCR Acoustic Coupler Modem, NOS, Factory Boxed, C260-400
/ F01 132411929563 on the bay
not mine etc etc etc
This one is already on Bitsavers but if you'd like a nice original
copy with the fold-out schematics and color cover, I'll send it to you
for the cost of shipping from 60070.
The manual is in fairly good shape, bent a bit near the spine and the
glue is starting to crack. Still an essential display accessory for
your 9-track.
I just got my HP-85 working for the first time over the weekend (except for its tape drive, which is still a work in progress). I'd like to acquire some accessories for it:
1) HP 82903A 16k RAM module
2) HP 9122C dual 1.44M 3.2" floppy diskette drive
Do any of y'all have either of those items available for swap or sale? I'm located in southern California.
Those two items are at the top of my HP-85 want list, but I might also be interested in other related bits such as the 82940A GPIO Interface, other compatible HPIB mass storage, etc.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at>
Free for shipping from 95006, a stack of original IBM documents for the
S/360 including Field Engineering Manuals and Systems Reference Library
documents plus others - dumpster rescues from an engineer's estate.? All
have been hi res scanned.
Titles from the IBM Systems Reference Library as well as several Field
Engineer Manuals.? Everything except one doc is an original publication
(and the dup looks like it was done contemporary to the other
originals).? Dates on everything are late 60s or early 70s.
some titles:
Field Engineering Manual Vol 1 3277
Field Engineering Manual Vol 1 3271
Engineering Reference Manual Automatic Punches
System 360 Model 40 Functional characteristics
System 360 System Summary
System 360 Basic Operating System Specifications File utilities
IBM 46-47 Tape to Card Punch Manual of Operation
IBM Systems Reference Library 7 Oct 1968 Cumulative Index of Pubs and
No parsing out individual titles - this is all or nothing.? Box weight
is ~28lbs ( and it's all paper - there are no 3 ring binders adding to
the weight).
It can ship media rate - figure 29 lbs by the time I get packing matl
and tape included.
First requester gets it..
Steve Shumaker
Boulder Creek, CA
Hi folks,
I can't seem to find the "Networking Support Utilities" package for
the 3B2 anywhere online. Unfortunately, this package is required in
order to install TCP/IP (which I DO have)
(Note that this is NOT the "Basic Networking Utilities" package --
that's UUCP, and I do have that)
If anyone has diskette images squirreled away, please let me know!
Seth Morabito
web at
> From: Liam Proven
> TCP/IP basically postdates the MS-DOS era, in PC terms, and it's Bloaty
> McBloatface.
This must be a uSloth TCP/IP you are speaking of. There's the one from FTP
software which was based on the one done at MIT which was freeware. That one
was definitely DOS-era - it ran on DOS 1 and DOS 2. I think I have the MIT
version somewhere if you have a use for it.
> But only someone who thinks that Emacs or Vi are usable editors could
> think this was an appealing virtualisation solution.
Epsilon! Even on Windows 95, it was a not-so-humungous 261KB. If Lugaru
can't cough up a DOS version, I'm pretty sure I still have my DOS Epsilon
distro disks somewhere. Of course, I would have to get a 5" floppy drive
working... :-)
Hi all,
I was given an MTI MXV21 controller which is apparently compatible with
the RX02 drive. The card has a 50 pin header, but the RX02 drive has a
40 pin ribbon cable. Does anyone know what am I missing here?
I don't see anything about this in the manual:…