I'm toying with putting the "ultimate" classic Mac together, although I'm
having a little difficulty pinning down the definition of what the ultimate
representation of the type is, so was looking for a little input from
Classic CMP'ers.
I'm aware that there's a clear divide between Motorola and PowerPC CPU'd
variants, so I'm going to plump for a PowerPC based version so that I can
get access to newer hardware and use it as a kind of bridge system between
my current computers and the more historic versions.
In terms of hardware I have a lovely mirror-door G4 PowerMac I'm intending
to use. I have the original media that shipped with this, so I can get
9.2.1 on it relatively easily. Are there any add-in cards (PCI) I should
be considering? It has a built in Airport Card (possibly Airport Extreme?)
although my home Wi-Fi is 802.11n or better with WPA2 so I'll just use
Ethernet to connect it to my LAN. Was a gigabit ethernet card ever
released with Mac OS 9 drivers? I have a couple of 600GB PATA disks that I
can use with it, but has there ever been a SATA implementation that worked
with classic Mac OS?
Also, I have an Asant? ether bridge tucked away somewhere that I hope to be
able to use to connect some of my older Mac OS boxen without Ethernet.
In terms of the software - any top-line utilities or System Extensions I
should look to get my hands on? What's the state of the art in classic Mac
OS browsing nowadays, Mr Kaiser - is Clasilla still maintained?
Liam, thank you so much for this information!
I did not know about all the HACKINTOSH action out there!
Good to hear that one system will use SATA drive > I will just have to
find some old installable OS for it.
The family of the deceased engineer that passed these on to us at the
SMECC Museum project tossed most any paperwork or media , so we have
what is installed on the system and of course for the diskless one we are
empty handed.
We we were out scrounging now I wish I had picked up more vintage MAC
paperwork and discs now.
We saved stuff related to the early MAC and of course ANYTHING we could
find for the APPLE II.
We do also have something that looks like an APPLE LISA but not the
twiggi (sp?) drive model I have heard reference to. it turned on last time I
tried but just a bunch of diddle crap all over the screen. (bogus
contents of memory mapped video or!?? <this machine is a mystery to me I saw
it when it came out but that is abut the only experience I have had with
LISA remember I was a HP guy in the business days... I do remember going
over to a store in Metrocenter in AZ and seeing one for the first time
with a MOUSE on it! I was amazed...
Again... thanks for the hints and help now and in the future.
Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org)
In a message dated 7/18/2016 12:03:32 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
lproven at gmail.com writes:
On 18 July 2016 at 20:18, <COURYHOUSE at aol.com> wrote:
Ed, *please* will you get a proper email client? They work fine with
AOL mail. I know, I am also liamproven at aol.com & have been for 20y!
> will not load curvet os because?
> "This is caused by the lack of the 64 bit EFI bios. The hardware of the
> Mac Pro 1.1 is already complete 64bit capable but they do ship the efi
> only in 32bit version."
> Ed says..... OK whatever an EFI Bios is....
There are ways around it.
Ask the Hackintosh community:
> ---------------------
> ok we also have a -
> "The Power Macintosh G5 shipped from 2003 until 2006. All models pack
> 64-bit PowerPC 970 (G5) processors in an easy-to-upgrade aluminum tower
> design with a single external optical drive bay"
> This one is missing disc drives... this has the neatest form
> insides of any of the macs I have seen.
Takes any old SATA drive, as far as I recall. No special firmware needed.
Will run up to OS X 10.5, nothing later.
Liam Proven ? Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk ? GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lproven at hotmail.com ? Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Cell/Mobiles: +44 7939-087884 (UK) ? +420 702 829 053 (?R)
EEEKK!!! and it is not the one with the Plexiglas surrounds... kaaa
It does have a nice a/d unit Ed#
In a message dated 7/19/2016 12:07:02 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
jwsmail at jwsss.com writes:
On 7/18/2016 10:23 PM, Sam O'nella wrote:
> There may be some archives here or vcf with enough prices. Iirc i
thought i remember one selling for something pretty high (8000/12000?) X years
ago although i think like this it's a calculated price of doubling the last
sale they saw. Although apple 1s seem to accomplish whatever that law is
called :-)
I think Straight 8's are nearly to the point that other systems which
have published tracking inventories. There are very few, this one looks
complete, or near complete.
That said I'd figure though some of the higher prices such as the
current PDP8/I and GT40 are setting for want of bids, they aren't that
far from what you have to pay to get said systems on demand. This one
may go for around the opportunistic price, and be lower, but $10 to $12k
isn't going to be surprising.
There may be some archives here or vcf with enough prices. ?Iirc i thought i remember one selling for something pretty high (8000/12000?) X years ago although i think like this it's a calculated price of doubling the last sale they saw. Although apple 1s seem to accomplish whatever that law is called :-)
I found various DEC (Qbus?) boards at my local tame recycler earlier.
They're scheduled for preprocessing this evening (e.g. ceramic ICs pulled
and diverted into different pile due to higher gold content), but I may be
able to get them a stay of execution (as of now I've got about 2 hours in
which to let him know before I'm awol for a family event).
Anything below strike anyone as being worth saving (vs. common as dirt
serial interfaces etc.)? I'm not sure at the moment if I can rescue the lot...
M8061 x 2
M8044 x 2
M8043 x 2
M8067 x 2
In addition to those, a board branded Dilog CQ1610, another marked PXX-2
with four SC44077P ics in the center, and a memory board marked 980110014
containing 128 mmc3764 RAM ics. Also several Emulex boards which didn't
contain anything that was obviously a part number (from memory a couple
that were "full width" and three that were "half width") - I'm guessing
they're probably tape controllers, but they might be hard disk.
Working status unknown, but cosmetically they looked good. It sounds like
the previous owner had complete machines which he split and scrapped at
some point in the past, and this box of boards had sat around in his garage
On Jul 18, 2016 2:30 PM, "Ian S. King" <isking at uw.edu> wrote:
> Absent physical trauma, core seems pretty durable. The electronics around
> it may fail but the core planes themselves seem robust. At least that's
> been my experience. -- Ian
There are known cases of IBM System/3 core that had failed beyond practical
repair due to products of decayed air-sealing foam contacting and
dissolving core plane wires.
Our core in any of our classic 8 has never worked it didn't 30 years ago either. ...... ?just the thought of how many failed components.... yikes! ..... ?something to procrastinate ?about.. ?but I hate to hack out ?buckets of components. ...............
Ed# ?www.smecc.org
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Ian S. King" <isking at uw.edu>
Date: 7/18/16 17:29 (GMT-07:00)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Subject: Re: Straight 8 up on Ebay just now
Absent physical trauma, core seems pretty durable.? The electronics around
it may fail but the core planes themselves seem robust.? At least that's
been my experience.? -- Ian
On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 5:02 PM,? <ethan at 757.org> wrote:
> >> 25,000, Alexandria, Va.
> >> Josh Dersch can have one for his home and for work.
> >
> > Is that a dream price for such a system or realistic?
> Curious myself.? They don't come up every day.? The description says:
> "Last turned on the lights worked but the memory appeared not to
> work."? I think from posts on similar systems, it could easily be
> dirty marginal switch contacts or PSU issues, etc, vs damaged core.
> > I notice the corrosion on the front key.
> I'll happily sell him a clean key for a mere 1%...
> -ethan
Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS, Ph.D. Candidate
The Information School <http://ischool.uw.edu>
Dissertation: "Why the Conversation Mattered: Constructing a Sociotechnical
Narrative Through a Design Lens
Archivist, Voices From the Rwanda Tribunal <http://tribunalvoices.org>
Value Sensitive Design Research Lab <http://vsdesign.org>
University of Washington
There is an old Vulcan saying: "Only Nixon could go to China."
>> I believe these stands to be authentic DEC VT5X stands.? Is there any way
>> of telling for sure?? There are no markings on the stands.
>I can't be certain, but the height and the appearance suggest to me
>that they are.
>> Here is a picture of the stand:
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzqkBl9PETyQek51bFlXTU53a1E
The 5-leg stand seems correct to me, the vertical standing pipe
(painted black) seems also OK to me. However, the tray is a different
story. But I have to admit, that my reference is only the VT55-FB on a
roll-around stand. If the stand for the VT55-FB is identical to the
one for the VT52, then the tray is not the original one.
It is not a tray, but just a plate and significantly smaller, but not flat.
I can take pictures on Saturday of my VT55-FB with original stand.
Let me know, because I'd have to remove the VT (6 bolts, IIRC).
- Henk
In a message dated 7/17/2016 9:45:20 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk writes:
> The HPIL thinkjet version was also used with the hp portable and hp
> portable plus laptops.
> we have some of them in the SMECC here... but back when I was
> Computer Exchange inc we sold lost of these.. it was a small laptop
> with applications in ROM but also had a HPIL 3 1/2 disc and an HPIL
Yes. 80C86 (not 8088) based, there is a 16 bit data bus in there.
The Portable (HP110) has built-in RAM that can't be expanded. One of
the boards contains the processor and a lot of DIP-packaged 8K*8 SRAMs.
The Portable Plus used surface-mount 8K*8 SRAMs and could take more
on a plug-in 'RAM Drawer'.
> Hey!
> Remember to the hp 45 calc.. had HPIL interface also...
I think you mean the HP41 (LCD alphanumeric calculator) or maybe
the HP75 (handheld machine running BASIC, very similar to the HP85
in architecture). The HP45 was a simple-ish non-programmable
scientific calculator with an LED display. And an undocumented
Yes that is the 41 ! I know better! sorry!
sold oddles of 41s to surveyors etc... in the day...
> There was also a gaggle of cards to the PC and the HP 150 TOUCHSCREEN
> that would talk to HPIL and also on IBM side HPIL plus I seem to
> remember HPIB cards too.
The HP150 had HPIB as standard. There was an optional card that
added HPIL and a Centronics port. That Centronics port was a
mess. HP decided to use female DB25s for the serial ports. So to
avoid confusion they used a male DB25 for the Centronics port.
Only problem was the PCB was laid out for a female DB25 using
IBM PC pinouts. With the result that the male version ended up
effectively mirror-reversed, strobe on pin 13, etc.
There were, indeed, HP ISA HPIB and HPIL cards. From memory the
latter (at least) will not run in any reasonbly fast machine (8MHz CPU
clock tops?) There was also an HPIL card for the Integral (portable
unix machine) but I have never seen it. Was there a DIO HPIL card?
> I may be wrong but I remember a HPIL a HPIB a Parallel and maybe a
> Serial interface version of the HP Thinkjet
I have come across 6 versions :
HPIB, HPIL, RS232, Centronics, Portable (battery powered Centronics) and
IIRC an enhanced version of the RS232 one.
> Now there was another interface not to be confused with the HPIL it was
> called HP HIL HP HUMAN INTERFACE LOOP I remember? it was what the
> used on the hp 150 etc...
Yes. They are often confused... But very different to the user and
> I may still still have my orig HP Thinkjet service training course
I think you can get the service manual for the Thinkjet (probably only
covers the original 4 versions) from the Australian Museum.
thanks for all this info!
great brain refresh!
Ed# _www.smecc.oprg_ (http://www.smecc.oprg)
apples support seems hosed...
Load of URL http://support.apple.com/index.html failed with error code
but from this page....
there is a good guide.
this is my 1.1
Mac Pro --- MacPro1,1 --- MA356LL/A
it works... it is a good representative artifact too .
will not load curvet os because?
"This is caused by the lack of the 64 bit EFI bios. The hardware of the
Mac Pro 1.1 is already complete 64bit capable but they do ship the efi bios
only in 32bit version."
Ed says..... OK whatever an EFI Bios is.... (( remember this is my first
real exposure to USING a MAC - yes we have a 9 inch screen one in the
museum but have never even used that))
Ha wish it was a
Mac Pro (Early 2008) -- MacPro3,1 --- MA970LL/A
then I could current OS upgrade it.
ok we also have a -
"The Power Macintosh G5 shipped from 2003 until 2006. All models pack
64-bit PowerPC 970 (G5) processors in an easy-to-upgrade aluminum tower case
design with a single external optical drive bay"
This one is missing disc drives... this has the neatest form fitting
insides of any of the macs I have seen.
then we have Blue iMAC still in box
Then we have the old 9 inch one in museum collection.
( I do not see many of these around as I used to)
thanks for any help and tips Ed# _www.smecc.org_
In a message dated 7/17/2016 7:23:10 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
spectre at floodgap.com writes:
> that is interesting to know the old os can be run under the newer.
> I am confused on some of the G5 stuff.
> there is a real early one that has non intel processor
> then there is a 1.1 ( i have one too) but you can not upgrade to the
> latest os (bummer)
> then there is the G% 3 or 3.3 dated one that will run currect os
> is there a way to force the 1.1 one to run currest os somehow!?
I'm not sure what you're referring to. If the 1.1 is clock speed, the
slowest G5 is 1.6GHz. No Power Mac can run anything past 10.5.8; there is
no PowerPC code left in the kernel to run.
------------------------------------ personal:
http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- Don't be humble ... you're not that great. -- Golda Meir