test-drb January 2014

  • 224 participants
  • 263 discussions

Nine technologies that have faded into history
by trash80@internode.on.net
10 years, 11 months

ASR33 parity (was: Re: "stop bits")
by bqt@update.uu.se
10 years, 11 months

"Deciphering dissent" at Bletchley Park. TNMOC trustees'statement. | The National Museum of Computing
by robert.jarratt@ntlworld.com
10 years, 11 months

DEC Data Retrieval
by bqt@update.uu.se
10 years, 11 months

NEC uPD7201 misfeature, and V.14 (was Re: NEC uPD7201C Datasheet, Pinout?)
by spacewar@gmail.com
10 years, 11 months

Units (was Re: "stop bits"; was: NEC uPD7201 misfeature)
by spacewar@gmail.com
10 years, 11 months

by john@yoyodyne-propulsion.net
10 years, 11 months

Recovering OS/8 Device Handlers
by rick@rickmurphy.net
10 years, 11 months

Helios for Transputer
by kylevowen@gmail.com
10 years, 11 months

Using two RL02 drives on OS/8? (cont'd)
by charlesmorris800@centurytel.net
10 years, 11 months
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