I have an old VAX 730 that needs to be restored, and temporaneously is
because of lack of space to disassemble and repair the machine.
With the machine it came a box of old cassettes, that I would try to read.
Furthermore, I'm working on disassembling the code of a TU58 rom,
because I would try to hack the firmware to provide the ability to format
an empty DC100 cassette.
For this reasons, I'm searching for a TU58 drive in good/repairable
if anybody has one to sell for reasonable price.
I'm in Italy, so europe is preferred...
I have met with Don Maslin's niece and paid her for several boxes of S100
boards. I have also taken four complete machines on consignment. One of
these, a Commodore PET 2001-8 with 11 tapes is for auction right now
(http://www.ebay.com/itm/330910987205). I will assist Don's niece via
email on photographing and packing the remaining machines (which I was
unable to pack into my car) for which I will then run auctions when I get
settled in Bellingham, WA. I will probably pass this effort along to
someone nearer San Diego. Please contact me privately if you wish to
assist in this liquidation or take over entirely.
David Griffith
dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
Thanks John! That's great news! Yay!
Now that the S-100 68K CPU board is working I'd like us to consider either a
PAK68/2 and/or PAK68/3 for it or a 68030 native board.
Especially one that could use the top connector for the 8MB or 32 MB SRAM
I am thinking a 68030 native board would be about the same complexity as the
S-100 80386 CPU board and even share elements of the design.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
From: John Monahan [mailto:monahan at vitasoft.org]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 2:00 PM
To: n8vem-s100 at googlegroups.com; 'yoda'
Cc: Andrew Lynch
Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:1583] S100-68K-V3 -- A brake at last!
Good news guys, finally got a brake on the 68K board. Now have it working
R/W S-100 RAM (4MG Static RAM board) with a 12MHz oscillator (bus clock
The problem is embarrassing, a poor solder joint to ground on U32! You
would think by now I would have seen this earlier. Should have check more
carefully before the build - I never learn. My tip-off was that an old
Godbout 64K RAM board worked fine - did not require upper address lines!
Feel somewhat relieved, but we are still not out of the woods. At these
speeds the board does not work reliably in the extender board (but OK at
lower speeds). In contrast the 8086,80286,80386 have absolutely no problem
far higher speed (bus clock 10-12MHz). Timing is clearly tight. I will try
and tweak things. Dave, since you are almost there, for me - P2 16-15
jumper halts everything. Does it for you?
Stay tuned
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: [cctalk] Re: [cctalk] Re: Hardware vs Simh (and FPGA)
> From:
> Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com>
> Date:
> Fri, 26 Apr 2013 00:24:39 -0400
> To:
> General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
> To:
> General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
> So don't go get the free stuff, then. Good heavens. Some people get WAY
> too uppity about friggin' NOTHING.
> Hence: "Get over it".
> -Dave
"Some people get WAY too uppity about friggin' NOTHING."
Look who's talkin', Dave. Very Frequently!
Personally, I've learned a lot from all the highly intelligent answers
people have given resulting from supposedly stupid questions (such as
those by "MG" which I was in no position to judge), or other inane
remarks. Truly inane -- especially singular -- remarks, such as you
will undoubtably claim these of mine to be, can simply be ignored rather
than be pontificated on in any or every single instance.
- John
I've seen occasional threads about the HP calculators here and
there... so I suspect these original docs might be of value to
HP41C/41CV Owner's Handbook and Programming Guide
HP41C/41CV Operating Manual - A Guide for the Experienced User
HP41C Surveying Pac Manual
HP12C Owners Handbook and Problem Solving Guide.
acquired for a very meager sum at an estate sale so...
free for shipping from 95006
Recently acquired one at an "estate" sale for a minor sum... It's a
quite musty but very readable 3 ring binder will the entire Harris semi
line as of 1 Jan 1972. Including their early ICs and some app notes.
I've already scanned it for my files. If anyone on the list would like
this thing free for shipping from 95006, I'll pass it on. The binder
has mildew and water stains and it has a very musty smell about it...
but otherwise in ok shape.