test-drb July 2012

  • 196 participants
  • 250 discussions

cctalk Digest, Vol 107, Issue 11
by elson@pico-systems.com
12 years, 2 months

Powermac G5 won't start
by md.benson@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months

Raspberry Pi and America,
by md.benson@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months

2 X 12 micro backplane 54-13211, 1979
by useddec@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months

IMSAI switch paddle replacements
by elson@pico-systems.com
12 years, 2 months

Strange Core Memory Behavior in a PDP-8/L
by elson@pico-systems.com
12 years, 2 months

NEC Spinwriter 5525 available
by iamvirtual@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months

sizeof(weird_things) was Re: SPI and I2...
by mtapley@swri.edu
12 years, 2 months

Chicago help requested (tick tick tick)
by wdonzelli@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months

Teletype/Dataspeed Model 40
by silent700@gmail.com
12 years, 2 months
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