test-drb January 2010

  • 187 participants
  • 240 discussions

C64 power bricks: What to do with.
by derschjo@mail.msu.edu
14 years, 11 months

PDP-8/L value
by dm561@torfree.net
14 years, 11 months

Intel MDS-225 development system available in Mineapolis, MN
by tosteve@yahoo.com
14 years, 11 months

Fwd: [alt.sys.pdp8] Another round of PDP-8 kits happening
by legalize@xmission.com
14 years, 11 months

old transistors
by dgriffi@cs.csubak.edu
14 years, 11 months

anyone have granite SGI mice?
by jlobocki@gmail.com
14 years, 11 months

Honeywell Level-6
by hachti@hachti.de
14 years, 11 months

Atari Portfolio Interface
by jthecman@netscape.net
14 years, 11 months

DEC H960 or similary rack needed in UK
by toby@coreware.co.uk
14 years, 11 months

ISA based DSP card available.
by jdr_use@bluewin.ch
14 years, 11 months
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