> I
> have been told that the DEQNAs had problems and would lock up or
> experience
> other reliability issues. DEQNAs are not supported after about VMS
> 5.4/5.5,
> which is why I need a DELQA. I am not sure what the minimum VMS
> is
> for DELQA though.
DEQNAs never worked right, even after 12 revisions. That's why they
were dumped and the LQA was created. For moderate loads a QNA should be
ok, though. The big problem was that they weren't good enough for Local
Area VAXcluster use, which was a big thing in those days. I don't think
DECnet was thrilled with them either but DECnet was more tolerant of
I don't remember DEQNAs being dumped by the PDP11 operating systems.
"Paul Koning" <Paul_Koning at Dell.com> wrote:
>> > I
>> > have been told that the DEQNAs had problems and would lock up or
>> > experience
>> > other reliability issues. DEQNAs are not supported after about VMS
>> > 5.4/5.5,
>> > which is why I need a DELQA. I am not sure what the minimum VMS
> version
>> > is
>> > for DELQA though.
> DEQNAs never worked right, even after 12 revisions. That's why they
> were dumped and the LQA was created. For moderate loads a QNA should be
> ok, though. The big problem was that they weren't good enough for Local
> Area VAXcluster use, which was a big thing in those days. I don't think
> DECnet was thrilled with them either but DECnet was more tolerant of
> misbehavior.
> I don't remember DEQNAs being dumped by the PDP11 operating systems.
That's because they haven't been. :-)
I actually have an interesting reverse behaviour, where I can get a
DELQA to freeze on my 11/93 running RSX, while a DEQNA will continue
working fine.
(I do suspect it is because the extra care DECnet takes to keep a QNA
ticking which saves me, but anyway... Interesting...)
And to answer the OP: the cab kits are the same, modulo the letters
under the connector.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
There's a fellow in town selling a used Xerox 2825 laser printer with
duplexer for $100. I'm interested because it will do 11x17.
Does anyone have any experience with one of these? Worth looking at
or run away?
I purchased the Godbout 85/88 card, seems to be working fine so far,
not at 5Mhz. I must have a memory card that can't handle the blazing 5 Mhz
I am looking for a PLM86 compiler. I have the PLM80 compiler and
(if anyone needs this, please let me know) but am struggling finding the
compiler and associated linker/locator. I am currently loading code into my
system via a HEX loader I wrote and sending the hex file in via the serial
>from my Mac Pro (yes, a $5000 quad-processor computer serving as a dumb
to my 2Mhx 8080).
I want to be able to write PLM86 code and do the same for the 8088 on the
GodBout card.
Anyone know where I can find PLM86?
Jeff Erwin
Hi gang,
I ask every now and then here if anybody has run across one of these machines or might know sombody willing to part with one.
I had one once, new, and want to go back to those days.
If you help me find one, I will cross your palm with cash to feed YOUR vintage computer habit.
Quick access to your favorite MSN content and Windows Live with Internet Explorer 8.
Anyone have any info on rebuilding the head for a regular 9-pin dot
matrix printer? I have an open pin-5 coil on mine, and I would like to
take it apart to see if I can repair/replace the coil, BUT I am a bit
concerned about taking these things apart. Springs flying off, etc.
Looking on-line does not turn up anything (so far) on dismantling these
suckers. If necessary I will document it myself, but was hoping the info
was already out there!
The head I have is an Anadex DPH-100, and the only place on-line that
shows them no longer repairs 'em! Nor did the tech I spoke to recall any
John :-#)#
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"
This is quite off-topic, but we have such a knowledgeable group here I
thought I'd ask:
I just bought a pair of MyVu Shades 301, a head mounted display
system. However, I don't see the RCA connectors I was expecting, but
there *is* a cable that says it goes to "standard DVD players". It has
a green stereo 1/8" plug, which I assume is audio, and then a yellow
two-conductor plug. I'm guessing this last one is composite video, but
I'm just not sure. Have any of you seen this? I figure if I can't find
an adapter at Radio Shack I can probably whip one up in a few minutes,
but I wanted to get your opinions before I go messing around.
John Floren
"I've tried programming Ruby on Rails, following TechCrunch in my RSS
reader, and drinking absinthe. It doesn't work. I'm going back to C,
Hunter S. Thompson, and cheap whiskey." -- Ted Dziuba
My PDP11/40 had a high speed paper tape reader/punch when it was new
(PC04 I think). I have the hardware, but not the Unibus card. I think it
failed and was replace with a Facit punch with a serial interface.
So, does anybody have a M7810 they want to get rid of? That is the PC11
interface. I don't know if that is a quad SPC board or a dual that needs
a M105 address board and an M7821 interrupt board. I think it needs the
extra boards.
Any lead or information is welcome...