On Jan 4, 2008 4:47 PM, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
> Is yours marked "Jurassic Classic"? Mine is :-)
Nope :( This one was meant to be a no-gfx server, I guess. Even the
hostname on the installed Irix 6.2 is "webserver."
> Is it possible that the SCSI device IDs are fixed and that's why
> connecting an external device makes your HD disappear?
The hdd sleds all have external pushbutton-selectable IDs. Not sure
about the tape drive. My next step is to take one of the non-boot
drives out of its sled and put a (hopefully compatable) CD-Rom drive
in there. I want to see what's on these drives!
In reference to problems listed below...if you can fax or email complete
LED-decoding, it would be GREATLY appreciated...
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Jos Dreesen wrote:
> 6 and 8 on : "indeterminate density" .
> Maybe the floppydisc itself is marginal ?
There's nothing in the drive when this is happening. Maybe when it tries
to move, its checking for density?
> 5, 6 and 8 : "invalid drive status during seek"
> Give me a fax number off-list and I'll fax you the complete LED-decoding
> list.
Cool, thanks!
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Due to lack of space, I've got to part with my VAX 4000/500 cluster. It
consists of a pair of VAX 4000/500 servers, and a third identical-looking
DSSI BA disk cabinet. I was last using this as a single system, and had
moved a memory board from one node to the other, but as far as I know all
works. I'm including the DSSI cables. This includes quite a few DSSI disks.
This also includes a KZQSA SCSI card, external SCSI cdrom drive, and
OpenVMS VAX media. This also includes several HSD30 DSSI RAID controllers,
for connecting SCSI disks, though I have neither the SCSI cables nor disks
to go with these.
I don't think this is worth a lot, but was hoping for something
useful but smaller in trade. Of interest would be an IBM p Series
server, *recent* Sun or Cisco gear, or possibly PDP8/e printed
service manuals and/or spare cards.
This is available for local pickup only, near Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA.
Please e-mail me if interested.
Mark G. Thomas (Mark at Misty.com)
voice: 215-591-3695
Sandy's Electronics here in Reno has a bunch $1.00 each, these are the
vellman boards and some telecom boards. 20 slot backplanes to match too.
> From: mcguire at neurotica.com
> Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 10:44:20 -0500
> To: cctech at classiccmp.org
> CC:
> Subject: Re: inexpensive prototype boards with 22/44 pin edge connector
> On Jan 4, 2008, at 6:51 AM, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
> >> Does anyone know where to get some inexpensive prototype boards with
> >> the
> >> 22/44 pin edge connectors?
> >>
> >> I am looking for something like DATAK or VELLEMAN boards preferably
> >> under
> >> $10 a piece.
> >>
> >> I have looked but have not been able to find any. Any hints would be
> >> much
> >> appreciated.
> >
> > I too would be interested in these. They used to be really common,
> > and
> > could even be found at radio shack for a while, but not these days...
> >
> > Small prototyping boards in general are of interest to me, with or
> > without
> > the edge connector for that matter.
> Same here; if anyone finds a good source for decent prototyping
> boards, please post it.
> -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> Port Charlotte, FL
Thanks Randy!
Andrew Lynch
Some kind soul took mercy on me and sent me the 2MB ZIP file. If anyone
wants it please contact me offline.
Andrew Lynch
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Lynch [mailto:lynchaj at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 10:17 PM
> To: 'cctalk at classiccmp.org'
> Subject: S-44 8085 homebrew computer
> Hi,
> Did anyone get a chance to save the "The Simple Computer II Project"
> homebrew computer pages before they went away?
> It used to be here:
> http://www.interparse.com/microcomputer/simpleii.html
> for some reason it has disappeared.
> I tried the internet archive and it found a copy but it is missing
> graphics.
> http://web.archive.org/web/20070702182520/http://www.interparse.com/microc
> omputer/simpleii.html
> If anyone has a copy, please send me one or post a link.
> Thanks!
> Andrew Lynch
> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 21:07:02 +0000 (GMT)
> From: ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell)
> If by 'commodity solutions' you mean the WD1010 or whatever, then I have
> to disagree with you. Plenty of manufactuers used their own ASICs in the
> hard idsk controller, and admittedly most of them did do a fairly normal
> MFM or RLL2,7 encoidng. But I'll bet at least one didn't!
The latter is what I said--and meant. "Unique" encoding schemes,
such as one finds on floppies (zoned recording, CLV, various flavors
of GCR, FM, whatever you want to call the Apple II flavor of GCR,
"mixed" formats, such as the RX02, etc.) were comparitively rare.
MFM and RLL 2,7 were overwhelmingly the rule on the ST506 and ST412
class drives. I mentioned the Perstor with ARLL, but it was hardly
the rule.
> And I've got machiens that use a 8x305 in the hard disk controller.
And there are plenty of systems that use the 8x30x and the WD1000
series chipsets (the WD1001 being one of the boards). Still MFM.
> A kludgeoard was added (and the CPU microcode device diivers changed)
> to talk to a Micropolis 1203, and finally a different kludgeboard and
> CPU microcode were used to talk to ST412 drives. I would not want to
> bet that the encoding on that was normal, at least not without doing a
> lot of tests.
I'd be willing to wager that it was MFM or M2FM of some flavor,
however. I've got an SA4000 and controller that's implemented in TTL
with nothing more complex than a few 74LS181s and a few ROMs. It's
still MFM recording.
My point was that with a decent data separator for the common
modulation methods and a simple deserializer, you'd have all you'd
need to cover the overwhelming majority of ST412-type drives. No
need for fancy transition-time recording as in the Catweasel (where
one often can spend a great amount time staring at a histogram and
pulse-time list trying to figure out how clever the designers of a
particular floppy format were.)
> Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:31:03 -0500
> From: "Roy J. Tellason" <rtellason at verizon.net>
> I ran a perstor card with a pair of ST251 drives up until I got my first
> 540M ATA drive, 24/7, for a few years, and they proved quite reliable.
> The bearing noise of those drives got to be a bit much by the time I shut
> them down, though.
Was this the ARLL (2x MFM capacity) Perstor controller? If that's
the case, I'm doubly surprised. On the first count that you got
ST251s to perform reliably with it and, on the second count, that you
didn't have to use ST251R drives.
I seem to recall that the difference between the ST251 and the ST251R
was how individual specimens behaved on final QA. They both started
off as the same drive, but some performed better than others and so
were labeled with the "R" designation.
I don't know if it was the bearing noise of the 251s that was more
objectionable or the resonance from the copper spring clip at the end
of the spindle. On some drives, the spindle brake would fail leading
to some really awful squealing noises from the brake pad. My usual
solution was to remove the culprit, whichever it was.
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 18:59:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com>
> It may depend on how we define "reliably".
> Remember when Steve Gibson's Spinrite (not the current edition, now)
> would, by default return to use tracks that were on the manufacturer's bad
> track list, if they passed Spinrite's "tests".
He wasn't the only one to try that nonsense. I recall a fellow
proudly proclaiming that he didn't bother with the flaw map printed
on each drive as "most of those flaws are fake anyway".
If it hasn't been mentioned yet, I'd start by unsoldering the DC-DC
converter that supplies -12 and temporarily replace it with a 9v
battery to see if the converter was at fault. Check for a dead short
before you hook the battery in...
FWIW, I've blown 1488/89s by dragging my feet across a carpet to
generate sufficient potential to cause a small arc when I plugged in
the comms cable (the far end wasn't yet connected).
someone posted something about DEC racks. I'm not
exactly sure what a rack is in this context - didn't
read the posts nor do I intend to, but I have a DEC
cabinet thing that's presently sitting out in the
yard. If this is what was meant by a *rack*, a
cabinet/battleship on casters type things, then
there's one sitting out in the yard. In good shape I
would think. If anyone's interested, give me a hollur.
psyk vintij gewrooze you! LOL LOL!
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