--------------Original Message:
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:16:46 -0700
From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com>
Subject: Re: PC-MOS?
I think there are some simple ideas that are not amenable to
"improvment" by addition of extra functionality. I've still not
figured out all of the weird settings on my FM receiver, even though
it affords no more additional functionality than the receiver I
purchased in 1968. And, although it has a volume control knob, it
lacks a tuning knob, a shortcoming in my book.
Amen to that! I think replacing tuning etc. knobs with up and down
buttons is one of the worst examples of time-wasting "progress";
I love my ancient Pioneer receiver with a normal slide-rule dial
_and_ a digital frequency display.
If you add it all up, including the time we spend fiddling with
computers, VCRs, microwaves, etc. we may be living longer but
are probably actually living less, and with more stress caused
by the frustration.
BTW, back to the original subject: I've got a few multi-port RS232
cards if anyone wants one (no drivers though).
Could you put a date on that (along with some proof)?
- Andrew B (via mobile phone)
--- cctalk-bounces at classiccmp.org
<pete at dunnington.plus.com> wrote:
> On 13/04/2007 07:13, Andrew Burton wrote:
> > Actually you were right the first time - Windows,
> > Icons, Mouse and Pull-down menu - or atleast
> > to the guy demonstrating the Amiga (1000?) on BBC
> > Micro Live (from 1984/5).
> But you don't need a mouse, specifically; it could
be any pointing
> device. And many systems use context-sensitive
pop-up menus that are
> not pull-down. The original acronym was for Windows
Icons Menus and
> Pointer.
> --
> Pete Peter Turnbull
> Network Manager
> University of York
Hi folks,
I've got the first stage of my floppy disc reader working! Meaning, the
data separator and synchroniser works - I have a circuit that outputs a pulse
whenever the MFM 'magic sync sequence' (0x4489) is detected. In theory, I can
use that to sync the reader against sector boundaries on IBM-format discs, or
track boundaries on Amiga discs.
The data separator is an Verilog HDL reimplementation of the data separator
used in Petr Simandl's Sinclair Spectrum +2A floppy disc controller
(<http://www.simandl.cz/stranky/zxs/obrazky/zx_radic_89k.jpg>, but there's a
better quality schematic at <http://www.worldofspectrum.org/BackToThePlus3/>).
I'm driving the whole thing off a 32MHz TTL oscillator, divided down to 16MHz
for 3.5" DSHD, and 8MHz for 3.5" DSDD. I haven't tried FM encoded data yet,
though I have no reason to suspect it won't work, as long as I can figure out
what the clock divider needs to be set to.
I'm seriously miffed that I spent an afternoon trying to figure out why I
could get the separator to lock onto a DSDD disc but not a DSHD - seems most
of my DSHD discs are of marginal quality. The MPF920 in my desktop read them
fine, but the rather battered Panasonic JU-257A427P (complete with broken
drive door return spring) I was using with the FDR couldn't read them at all,
hence the huge number of SYNC pulses. Garbage in, garbage out.
I guess the next step is to do the RAM interface and bit timer, then the
MCU interface and firmware. The whole thing is currently squashed into a
Xilinx XC9572XL 3.3V CPLD, with a little room to spare for the acquisition
circuitry. The data-separator and sync detector are only using 29 of the 72
available logic macrocells, so I've probably got enough room for a 16-bit RAM
address latch, with space to spare. Can't really tell until I start
implementing it though.
Current power consumption is roughly 5V at 325mA while reading, according
to the display on my bench PSU.
For anyone who cares, I've thrown a couple of screenshots from my logic
analyser on my website:
Main blog entry:
720k (250kbps) sync - with SYNC lagging by one DWIN transition:
1.44MB (500kbps) sync - revised sync logic - SYNC doesn't lag now:
If anyone wants to see the (messy) Verilog code I've got at the moment,
contact me off-list and I'll send you a copy. It's probably very badly
written, but it works.
The tool I used to grab the screenshots from the analyser (a HP 1651B) is
also due to go online 'at some point' (read: when I can be bothered to fix
some of the bugs)... It basically emulates a HP Thinkjet and converts the
graphics output into a .BMP file, which is then converted to a PNG with
Irfanview and PNGOUT.
If and when this project gets a bit further off the ground, I plan to set
up another mailing list to handle discussions related to the disc reader --
for now, though, I think it's probably best to keep the discussions on the
classiccmp list.
For anyone that cares, I'll be posting announcements on the 'floppy-reader'
mailing list on my server
It's open-access, so anyone that feels like commenting is welcome to do so.
Phil. | (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk | (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
http://www.philpem.me.uk/ | (")_(") world domination.
Hi folks,
does anyone have an extender card for the Honeywell H316 CPU boards?
My new H316R had that broken chip in the ASR interface and I replaced
it. But nothing works... So I will have to track down what's wrong with it.
I could use an extender card. That would help a lot.
If anyone has more than one, I would be very happy to get it.
And if someone has just one card, I would like to borrow it for some
time. I would pay all shipping costs, of course!
Thanks a lot,
P.S.: What about the H316 posting above? I wrote some replies and a PM
to Tony Wardle - but nothing happened :-(
I have a desktop Monroe 1655 "calculator" that would also qualify then. I used it in 1971 at high school. It was built by Monroe.
I picked one up on eBay a few years ago complete with a card reader, cards, spare bulbs, etc (not shown in the picture).
The programming language had various conditional jumps, boolean functions, and would of course do all the math you wanted. The jumps probably let you "jump" to a specific program address. There wasn't much program space, but it was a great exposure for me back then.
best regards, Steve Thatcher
woodelf wrote:
> Patrick Finnegan wrote:
>> As I've learned before from this list, the only thing which that question
>> generates is a flamewar about what is a computer, and what's a "home
>> computer".
> I have yet to see a real HOME computer. Most game boxes I have seen
> - Coco, C-64 ect. where marketed as home computers but what do you need
> a home computer for?
To assist you in managing your household, or Course! A home computer would
be, I imagine, a computer installed somewhere in a closet or the basement,
and it'd have connections for thin clients all through the house. It'd
control your furnace, communications systems, lighting, heating, water
supply, you name it. You'd use it to determine at what level of ambient
light the room lighting switches on and at what times the curtains open
and close, or what temperature your bedroom needs to be a the time you
get up on workdays. It'd make sure your bath tub is filled at the right
time. and that your toast and coffee are ready in the kitchen when you
finish your bath, displaying your email on the kitchen's display while
you breakfast.
No, haven't seen many of them, yet. Only in a few proof-of-concept "home of
the future" type projects.
> Does anyone on the list collect non-IBM S/360 or S/370 "clones"?
> there was a firm called Two-Pi that in the early 80's was successful
> enough to be purchased by Four Phase.
CHM has an Amdahl 470 and a Siemens 4004 (RCA Spectra).
There were lots of people who built byte-oriented machines with instruction
sets similar to the 360 and I know there are people who have Interdata, and
Univac 9x00 machines. Memorex built a 16 bit 360 like machine, and I have some
docs and software for that.
The artifacts of these sorts of machines haven't been preserved very well. Same
for Burroughs, Univac and NCR (business as opposed to scientific computers).
M H Stein wrote:
> ------------------Original Message:
>>So to be clear, I am agreeing with the position that one can have
>>Windows outside of a GUI (and that one can have a GUI that lacks
>>windows, such as a CAD program), but in the mind of the masses, GUIs
>>== windows.
> ------------------------------
> And of course the mouse is irrelevant to this tiresome argument as well,
> since it was quite commonly used in plain old text-mode single-tasking
> non-windowed DOS (which could of course also have windows, multi-task
> and display graphics, so I guess DOS WAS a GUI after all...)
> Sheesh!
> The OP said all we need to know with "I was going by the *popular* definition
> of GUI/Windowed environment, not the strict one."
That was me that said that, but I'm not the OP. I was assuming that this was
what the OP meant, though.
And I have come to accept, as I'm sure most of us have, that the nature of
this list's populace makes a higher-than-average level of nitpicking inevitable.
Oh well. I wouldn't change it for the world.
Jules typed
> Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>> I question Tog's "$50 million dollar study" just as much.
>>> That's a lot of lettuce.
>> On the other hand, Apple doesn't exactly do cost-economical anything.
> Except mouse buttons :)
Apple's plenty happy to save money, it just never trickles down to the
end purchaser.
------------------Original Message:
>So to be clear, I am agreeing with the position that one can have
>Windows outside of a GUI (and that one can have a GUI that lacks
>windows, such as a CAD program), but in the mind of the masses, GUIs
>== windows.
And of course the mouse is irrelevant to this tiresome argument as well,
since it was quite commonly used in plain old text-mode single-tasking
non-windowed DOS (which could of course also have windows, multi-task
and display graphics, so I guess DOS WAS a GUI after all...)
The OP said all we need to know with "I was going by the *popular* definition
of GUI/Windowed environment, not the strict one."
Speaking of CAD, I remember being blown away by an early demo of
AutoCAD running on an XT with two monitors; an MGA for the
commands, etc. and a CGA (or was it an EGA) for the drawing.
Of course there were $$$ boxes that could do this as well, but on
a lowly XT? I was impressed (didn't take much in those days).