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that stuph you download off the SGI site is commonly
referred to as overlays. You need the basic 6.5.? set
to begin with (in totality 18 cd's). Starting posting
around. I had people offering to dump it onto a hard
drive I'd send them and whatnot. I found a set though.
There are issues regarding licensing - there's a
license attached to each machine evidently. But who
really gives a damn, right?
Some monitors are finicky about that signal, and the
same thing has happened to me with a Sun box (Ultra
5). If you turn it off and reboot a few times, you can
get it to sync up on some monitors. I'm of the
persuasion it's the rise and fall times of the sync
pulses or their width that could be the culprits.
Probably the width - a wee bit too narrow maybe?
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Sorry, I shouldn't have renamed the topic so soon. I fixed the problem - I forgot to jump pins E to M (interlock) - did that and I was able to input.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Duell <ard at>
>Sent: Jun 22, 2006 5:54 PM
>To: cctalk at
>Subject: Re: Serial console problems on 11/34
>> I get the following prompt:
>> ###### ###### ###### ###### (where ###### is the register values)
>> $
>> It's just that I can't respond to it. "L" for example is not echoed on the
>> terminal when I press a key.
>OK, your machine is basically working. The CPU seems to be running the
>console firmware, it can talk to the transmit half of the DL11. You've
>also not used a straight-through RS232 cable -- the output of the PDP11
>is certainly going to the input of the terminal.
>Here's how I'd attack this problem (being a hardware hacker...)
>1) Make sure the terminal is sending something. Put a breakout box
>between the terminal and the PDP and press keys. Check you get some
>indication on the breakout box LEDs that the TxD line from the terminal
>is changing state.
>2) Grab the printset for the DL11 and look at the output of the buffer
>chip (probably a 1489) that handles the RxD line. Put a logic probe on
>the output of that buffer, again prsss keys on the terminal and chack
>that pin changes state (if not, suspect the buffer chip, they do fail...)
>3) Now put the logic probe on the serial input pin of the UART and again
>press keys. If there are no transitions here, maybe you've forgotten the
>jumper wire in the cable connector that links the output of the RS232
>receiver (or the current loop receiver) to the UART.
>4) If serial data is getting to the UART, maybe the Rx Clock is missing.
>Look at the appropriate pin of the UART chip with the logic probe to
>ensure it's clocking. If you have a 'scope, make sure the frequency is
>right too (16 times the baud rate).
I have, what I now know for a fact is the correct lines set up on the serial
console on my 11/34. the correct signals are coming out according to my
tester box. However, I cannot respond to the prompt.
I started with the diagnostic on the front panel, which says if I hit CLR
173024 LAD EXA I should get 173000. I don't. I get 127777. According to
the manual there is something wrong with the M9301 or the switches are set
wrong, and all the switches are ON. Do you guys know of anything else that
could be the case? I do get different results whether or not I hook up the
faston tabs going to the front panel or not - I get 177777 if I don't hook
them up at address 173024.
Any help would be much appreciated, as always.
I recieved the following email this morning from a fellow who
used to run a company supporting DEC equipment. He is located
in the Boston area and has always treated me right. Please
contact him if you are interested...
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:14:04 -0400
From: "Joe Moir" <ppsjm at>
Subject: VAX 11/780
To: "'Tom Uban'" <uban at>
Message-id: <0J1600JAI7ZOIE56 at>
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How are you doing.
We just came across a VAX 11/780 with expansion cabinet. It is deep in an old warehouse wrapped up in shrink wrap.
At this point, we don?t think it is worth our time to pull it out of the warehouse, load it on our truck, and bring it back to our building.
If we could cover the labor to pull it out, plus maybe make a few hunded bucks we?d consider it.
Are you, or would you know anyone that is interested??
I?ve been out of touch with the vintage DEC buyers lately. I wanted to run it by you just in case you knew of anyone that was searching for such an item.
I probably need to know within a week.
The building that this item is in is going to be cleaned out and everything inside is to be scrapped.
Thanks very much, Joe
Joe Moir
Peripheral Parts Support
293 Second Ave
Waltham Ma 02451
781-895-4892 p
781-895-4893 f
Hi All!
Always on the lookout for any unique stuff at the local auction, I
picked up a Volker-Craig VC404 (working) for $2.
Googling, I found quite a few interesting tidbits, but no links to any
online user or service manuals. Anybody have any pointers?
Tom Ponsford
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:33:52 -0500
From: "Jay West" <jwest at>
Subject: Re: OT: Punctuation-starved Programming Languages
Chuck wrote...
>>Back in the 60's and 70's there was a brief interest in "natural"
>>programming languages that used English as a basis. The goal was to
>>provide something that would be easy for an "average" person to use.
Jay wrote...
>Well, it wasn't a programming language, but it was a command prompt data
>retrieval database language. Pick (aka Reality, Sequel, Zebra, Revelation,
>Mentor, Ultimate, Prime Information yada yada yada....) did. For example, at
>the command prompt, the following are valid commands and yield just what
>you'd think.
>And of course you could store those commands in a file and even use in-line
>prompting for variables, so it was kind of a programming language too.
>Jay West
Looks a lot like the xBase languages...
I installed NetBSD 2.0_RC3 on my VAXstation 3100 M38. The install was
quick and easy since it was from ISO, but compiling was dog -slow. I
installed the NetBSD pkgsrc collection and started the Samba install. I
wanted the vax to act as a fileserver for the house. Well, the pkgsrc
system installs everything by compiling from source. Three days after
initiating the install (almost exactly to the hour), Samba was reported as
installed. Now Samba is not a particularly large package, but it's
biggish, I suppose. I can't imagine compiling the kernel or, heaven
forbid, a desktop like KDE.
BTW, the vax, while it does take a bit to respond to requests fom other
computers, made a fantastic and highly stable file server. I think the
little thing had an uptime of 150 days before I finally turned it off.
Jeff Armstrong
jba at
SDF Public Access UNIX System -