Chuck Guzis cclist at wrote on Tue May 23 23:57:10 CDT 2006:
> On 5/23/2006 at 10:01 PM staylor at wrote:
> >all soft-sectored floppies,
> Scott, that's a pretty tall claim! How are you at Durango 850 100 tpi GCR
> floppies? How about 3.25" Dysan floppies?
> Cheers,
> Chuck
Hey Chuck,
Valid points.
I've never been able to obtain 3.25" floppies, so I can't
validate that I can make my one drive do anything--and I certainly did not
think of considering the media smaller than 3.5". Sorry for disregarding
all you Amstrad fans, as I thought there was a specific hobbybase concern
there already.
I do have 100 tpi drives (teacs), but I've never heard of them recorded
with GCR. You certainly will have more experience with those obscure
formats for sure. No doubt you can come up with dozens I'll never
encounter or even be able to verify existence of in my lifetime.
Suffice it that I may disappoint if called upon for any of those one-shot
proprietary media formats :-D
Shall we instead see what practical potential for discount arises?
Cheers :)
Over the weekend I finalized the latest release of the Altair32
Emulator. This latest version - two years in development - wraps-up a string
of changes to the emulation and adds some new emulated hardware: a Z80 CPU
core, emulation of the Cromemco Dazzler, and, the best of all, support for
the Altair32 Front Panel (another project of mine). The Altair32 Front Panel
was introduced at VCFe two weeks ago and is a USB-based peripheral for the
PC that enables one to interact with the Emulator as if at a real Altair.
The Front Panel is a full-sized replica of the original Altair 8800 front
panel. The dress panel I created can even be used as a replacement for a
real 8800. The Front Panel should be ready for sale in the next 60 days
after performing some last-minute optimizations to reduce manufacturing
As part of this, I have launched a new Web site specifically for
the Altair32: <> which also
has a support bulletin board. In the Announcements section of the BBS, there
is a short survey to gauge interest in the front panel. Of course, feel free
to send me any questions. The picture on the index page of the site is the
actual front panel (with the exception of the name plate strip, which I
haven't made yet).
Enjoy the emulator.
Rich Cini
Collector of classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site: <>
Hi folks,
I've been hunting high and low for a DECwriter Correspondent (LA12).
These are smallish dot matrix printing terminals made by DEC in the
mid 80s, designed to be portable. They take 9.5" x 11" pin-feed
paper. Some models have acoustic couplers on the side. I'm
interested in any working model.
I have a Teletype Model 43 KSR I'd be very happy to trade for one.
This is also a dot matrix printing terminal, upper and lower case,
and takes 12" x 8.5" pin-feed paper. It's in good working
condition. For information on the Teletype 43, see <http://> and <http://>.
Anyone have a DECwriter Correspondent they'd be willing to trade or
sell? If so please let me know!
Santa clara, CA
almost free.. anyone still collect univac?
anyway here it is:
Hope someone can give it a good home, it must exit the lab along with
the military computer monitor here:
I hate getting rid of these things, maybe doing it on the cheap will
encourage collectors. If I had $1 for every time I rented a truck and
drove 200 miles for a VAX 6500.. well. I'd still be out alot of $ I
On Tue, 23 May 2006 14:41:21 +1200, "Ethan Dicks"
<ethan.dicks at> wrote:
> I have several mechanisms, some as printers (Atari, Commodore), some
> as bare frames (surplus from Electronic Goldmine a few years back) - I
> don't think I have 4 good gears in the entire pile. Anyone here ever
> come up with a solution?
> -ethan
An excellent source: <>
well weve all seen how dusty the insides of computers
get. I had been using a shop vac to blow out the crud,
but its awkward and doesnt pack the same umph. So I
picked up an oldie at a flea market. The motor is shot
(easily replaceable) but before bolting a new one on,
should I perform any maintenance? No obvious place to
oil it. Pops or farts when I rotate the pulley by hand
- is this a favorable sign of its condition?
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I just read a reference in Compute! Magazine (March/April
1980) to a version of Adventure for the KIM-1. I did some quick Googling
but didn't come up with much. The article mentions that it was written
by Robert Leedom.
Do any of the KIMers on the list have a copy of this I could
I have an old system using this card with VMEexec OS. The disk with the
backup files crashed and I need the software drivers or at least file
M334Statics.H or M333statics.h
can you help me or give me a pointer to someone who can ?
Zevik Ben-Ephraim
ECI Telecom Ltd. Tel: 972-3-9287501
P.O Box 448 Fax: 972-3-9266200
Petach Tikva 49105 mobile: 972-54-5787501
Israel Email: zevik at