Hi All,
I seem to remember that when I used a VT320 under VMS
and EVE/TPU (or at least one of the DEC editors), there was
status information on line 25 for the user. I think the file name
under edit was displayed and perhaps even the line number and
column number, although I really am doubtful about the latter.
BUT I do seem to remember the file name being available on
line 25. Am I correct? Please help! The VT220 was not able
to support line 25 as far as I know, and certainly the VT100
[View More]was not able. What about the VT410 and VT520 terminals?
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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I recently received from a friend a Televideo 910 terminal that
seems to have been drop-kicked off of the back of the mail truck. It was
dropped keyboard first, so the entire front broke off. So far, gluing the
case isn't working well, and I'm not optimistic about the ultimate success.
So, I'm looking for someone with a bad terminal with a good case so I can
make a Frankenstein terminal.
Please contact me off-list. Thanks.
Rich Cini
Collector of …
[View More]classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site: <http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/>
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I'm not an expert
>in the MCP O/S so have been in lurkmode on this for a
>longnow while.
>From what I've been able to tell, the thing executes a superset of the old
1107 instruction set.
Wrong side of the merger. MCP was from the Burroughs side. Descendent of
the 5500 family.
Clearpath/OS2000 are the ones-compliment 11xx family.
what a boring magazine. It really is a dull read. Not
sure why I want to add to my accumulation (have 16
between 1/85 - 12/87). But alas I am. Let me know even
if yer just looking for an article or two.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
the 9801 was not an all in one though. I cant imagine
myself confusing NEC and NCR actually, just that I was
somewhat familiar with their PC4s, and it seemed a tad
different IIRC. It could have been the Decision Mate,
which doesnt look any different, and would also boot
to a cpm a> prompt (Im thinking so anyway). The thing
just somehow looked different...(I was hoping some
nerd who also used to shop their might subscribe to
this list).
--- cctech-bounces at classiccmp.org <Tim at Rikers.…
[View More]org>
> Chris M wrote:
> > the talk of a peculiar USR pc made me remember
> > There used to be a (primarily) electronic junk
> > in LI called Eldies (Edlies?) on Hempstead Tnpk in
> > Levittown I guess. Sitting there one day was an
all in
> > one, IIRC, NCR unit that booted up to an a:>
> > It struck me as a weirdish dos semi compatible. It
> > didnt strike me as a PC4 or the nearly identical
> > Decision Mate (cpm). Pretty sure it was NCR, but
> > maybe it was NEC (definately NOT an APC, not quite
> > that big and heavy). Anyone have a clue?
> The Japanese NEC PC-9800 series booted with A: as
the boot drive even if
> it booted off a hard disk. the floppies would become
the next drives.
> Was the text in japanese?
> I did software development on some of these models
back around 1990. All
> the M$ tools were available for them, but only from
Japanese dealers and
> only in Japanese.
> --
> Tim Riker - http://Rikers.org/ - TimR at Debian.org
> Embedded Linux Technologist - http://eLinux.org/
> BZFlag maintainer - http://BZFlag.org/ - for fun!
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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
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Did you every find Trainer.zip? If not I have attached it.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> made. One other thing that might be of interest : The 34 pin connector on
> the back of the TF20 is not some kind of parallel host interface. It's
> exactly what you'd expect a 34 pin connector on a disk controller to be
> -- namely a SA400-compatible disk drive bus. The hardware can handle up
If the processor board is left out of the TF-20 you could use the drives
as extra drives on a QX-10. Some more info on the TF-20 and HX-20 Disk
basic can be learned from the …
[View More]User manual:
http://electrickery.xs4all.nl/comp/tf20/doc/tf-20_manual.pdf or
The CP/M like OS in the TF-20 probably doesn't support the extra drives
as the official way to connect more drives is daisy chaining another
TF-20 to the first one.
Fred Jan
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On 05/03/06, Zane H. Healy <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote:
> At 12:31 PM +0000 3/5/06, Philip Pemberton wrote:
> >In message <20060304205928.017C8BA48B5 at mini-me.trailing-edge.com>
> > shoppa_classiccmp at trailing-edge.com (Tim Shoppa) wrote:
> >Tom Swift? Never heard of 'em... It's either way before my time, or one
> of
> >the many things that never managed to get across the Atlantic...
> It probably never made it across …
[View More]the Atlantic.
They did, I remember reading several of them from our primary school library
in the mid 70's, I suppose I would have been 8 or 9. All I can remember now
is he had a very cool submarine/helicopter contraption that could fly at
humoungous speed and that the style, with hindsight, was E.E Smith gung-ho
for a junior audience.
Pete Edwards
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" - Niels
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