Somewhat interesting. It's basically a computer recycler that has decided
to dump it's entire collection of Apple stuff, including Lisa's, ]['s, and
it seems a lot of recent stuff like iMac, G3's, etc.
Located in "Northeast USA". Shipping is $750.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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[ and academia at || at ]
Pulled the card and got the number. It's a Sun 501-2015-032 (Fast SCSI-2
and Ethernet SBus Card). It also had a 501-2708 CPU module in it (SM50
SUPERSPARC MODULE?) and a National Instruments SBUS-GPIB card and a bunch
of Kingston KTS 32000/S20 128MB (2x 64MB) KTS 32000/S20 memory sticks in it.
Do you have a PN for the card? I have a SUN sitting behind me with what
looks like a SCSI/Ethernet card in it. The cover is missing so I don't know
what model the puter is but it's one of the pizza boxs. I'll pull the card
and get it's PN.
At 10:38 AM 7/14/05 -0500, you wrote:
>I need a SCSI card for my Sun 3/180. Is there anyone that can help me?
>I've got a few $$ I could spend towards it, but I'm not willing to pay
>insane amounts of cash. ;)
>Purdue University ITAP/RCS ---
>The Computer Refuge ---
/700s only share the name with "real" Apollos, although I suppose that
could be taken as a positive, as Digital didn't even get that much
-Scott Quinn
I haven't looked in a while, but I have at least two or three of each
along with monitors, a NeXT laser printer, and docs. I loved playing
with the sound system and kept one close to the piano for a while. It
was great being able to record, listen, and practice ... again and again
> From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at>
> On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 16:13 -0700, Marvin Johnston wrote:
> > I ran across this mouse in some stuff and don't recognize it as going to
> > the cubes or slabs that I have.
> You have more than one cube and slab? That's just greedy! ;-)
Hi Chris,
Drivers for the SBS 616 are available for Windows XP/Linux/Solaris here:
I picked mine up on ebay. I also picked up a SBUS-to-VME one as well, but
its from Performance Tech SBS915 as well.
There is currently one on ebay for a relatively cheap price (picked mine
>from the same guy):
And its New in Box condition like mines. Now, if my board needs to use J2
connectors, do I need to install that on top of the terminators as well?
The transputer boards has its own J2 plug which I installed on all the
slots. Why do you need terminators if the chassis is limited to only 5
slots and all the slots are occupied???
Evan said:
> This guy says his Apple II clone value is an "estimate of $8,000"... But
> he's doing us a favor by offering it for $750...
Actually, this is a somewhat uncommon German Apple ][ clone. I'm not sure
how common/rare it is in Germany, but Hans would know. Certainly not $8K,
or even $750. Maybe a couple hundred.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at || at ]
The keyboard on my 425 is a beige, model # 007121 by Apollo, working
just fine. Not sure if this is "new" or "old", but it definitely
predates the machine (has a D-9 to DIN cable, so later than the modular
jack kbds)
Where's Bob's stuff at? It would be really nice to get the docs to Al,
I'd be willing to try to talk to HP to see if any software (tape
images) can be made available publicly. Don't know if I can keep much
equipment, though.
10.4.1 is very desireable, it improves SCSI support. I'm trying to
cobble together a diff for SAU11/(10.4-10.4.1) from 2 disk images I
have. Patches (including the y19.97k bug) are available from HP
-Scott Quinn
> This guy says his Apple II clone value is an "estimate of
> $8,000"... But he's doing us a favor by offering it for $750...
You should have saved the bandwidth and mentioned it was on
Ebay. I would expect anything on Ebay and pay it no mind.
I ran across this mouse in some stuff and don't recognize it as going to
the cubes or slabs that I have. Any idea what this might go to?
I think I have this problem figured out. The RL-H1400 has only 4k of
memory. If you press the I/O key after a cold start you'll find that
you have around 3123 bytes of memory free. If you then enter Basic
and type in a one line program, say:
100 print "hello"
and then press the clear key to get back to the top menu you'll find
you have only about 2 bytes free. If you try to reenter Basic you get
the error message about not enough memory. You'll also notice that
the filesystem has a file called "B". That must be the Basic
workspace. It seems to take up pretty much all of the available
memory and it is why you can't create any more files after having run
a Basic program.
The solution seems to be to type the "bye" command to exit Basic
rather than just pressing the clear key. This must free up the
workspace before exiting. If you do that after having typed in the
one line program above you'll find that you still have around 3098
bytes left. You should then be able to reenter Basic and select the
file you saved the last time and run it again.
So, it looks like I have Basic working. I still haven't been able to
find any information on SNAP though. I have seen some references that
suggest that only the SNAP runtime is built into the HHC. Apparently,
development was done on another machine. I would still be interested
in finding a description of the SNAP language and maybe documentation
on the runtime if anyone has any.