Stumbling across some of the links previously provided for the different
permutations of DR-DOS, I found this:
Caldera at one point acquired some form of CP/M, and this appears to be
CP/M 2.2 for a Z80, if the filenames are any indication.
Gaby should have this, and MUCH MUCH more.
Anyone know about anything similar to this?
Mostly interested in something I could build. Probably couldn't even afford
the shipping on a unit like this.
Just dreading the day I finally run out of ST-506 hard drives.
Actually I tried sending 31 VAX version 5.1 manuals via USPS and USPS
said they must be hard bound, not loose leaf to use book rate. I had 4
boxes of manuals.
> Hint: Software and manuals can be shipped CHEAP using USPS
> Joe
Stumbling across some of the links previously provided for the different
permutations of DR-DOS, I found this:
Caldera at one point acquired some form of CP/M, and this appears to be a
CP/M 2.2 for a Z80, if the filenames are any indication.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
I have just purchased an RL02 and while waiting for it to arrive, I am wondering what to do for cleaning and lubrication before power-up. I don't know how long it's been sitting (indoors). I have downloaded the manual from bitsavers. I know there has been some discussion on this list recently but I think that was on the care and feeding of RK05's...
Also, the seller tells me he can't get the pack out:
>When I had the disk pack cover off, the release handle on the pack did
>not release the disks and I did not want to force it. Does the drive
>need to be powered on and is there a way to remove them without powering
>it on?
He does know about the shipping screws and will install them before Fedexing.
So, what should I do first?
thanks for any assistance.
I was able to find HPL Operating Manual and Programming Update
(09826-90040) on bitsavers website. I have HPL Operating Manual
(98614-90010). Does anyone know if HPL Condensed Reference (98614-90020)
is archived anywhere? Is there any other references available for HPL 2.1?
>Subject: Re: TG43 signal and the Nec 765
> From: Dave Dunfield <dave04a at>
> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:15:22 -0400
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>>> No, it for my ImageDisk utility, which is a replacement for
>>> TeleDisk with a documented image file format - I want to provide
>>> support for 8" drives that need TG43.
>>What platforms does it work on? (I could certainly use something for
>>Linux which was able to do as much as possible with the crappy PC
>>FDC... :-)
>>Presumably DOS-only? (Was there ever even a teledisk for Windows?)
>Yes, it runs under DOS. I need access to the "bare metal" without
>interference ... I don't think there was ever a TeleDisk for winblows,
>and I'm nut sure it would be feasable.
For up to win98se it's possible to get at the metal. For NT, Win2000
and XP forget about it. Linux is not happy with people palying with
raw metal too but it does provide raw drivers.
Dos is easy and actually a good choice. It's easily understood and
there are already tools and com compatbility with many of the uglier
versions of winders.
>Subject: Re: TG43 signal and the Nec 765
> From: Dave Dunfield <dave04a at>
> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:03:50 -0400
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>>>Can you elaborate.?
>>One of the things done when writing to a Floppy [it's done with all
>>FDC chips if it's done at all!] is to deliberately twook the bit
>>timing based on the bit pattern.
>>Hope this helps.
>I guess I should have been more clear - I understand Precomp, but
>I had the impression from your original message that some drives may
>expect special charactistics of the TG43 signals - I gather that
>"normal operation" (asserting it from Cylinder 44 on during writes)
>is all that is necessary? - let the drive worry about what to do,
>just provide the signal.
Yes, either the drive needs it or the pin is uncommited on the
>>>No, it for my ImageDisk utility, which is a replacement for
>>>TeleDisk with a documented image file format - I want to provide
>>>support for 8" drives that need TG43.
>>Ok, then I take it that this is in a PC FDC that is based on the
>>765 core?
>>I ask as a way to point out that features and functions that the
>>base 765 chip have as implemented on an something like a Disk1A
>>are very differnt in a PC. Largely the PC design truncates the
>>interface from the 765 to something simpler abd often far less
>>flexible. Some of the really late chips (post 37C65) do not
>>even fully implement the full complment of interface signals
>>and may only have limited access to things like precomp timing
>>or worse those functions are "wired" by the chips designer to fit
>>their view of what floppies are (IE: antique = 8" floppy,
>Believe me, I am aware of the limitations of the PC design, and
>the rudeness of some of the later designs... fortunately a lot of
>the guys here have older machines :-)
;) Helps to be on the same page. I really define 765 based FDCs
into groups and there are about 4 generations and they are distinct
both in the parts used and the character of the part.
I keep an old ISA fossel that was ture full capability with my mods
added. It can do all and any mode the FDC knows.
>I'm creating a replacement for Teledisk because:
> - I need to reliably backup and restore diskette images,
> and to post them for download (along with the tools to
> recreate them).
> - Sydex no longer supports TeleDisk, and is actively trying to
> get it removed from availability.
> - TeleDisk does not document the image file format, which
> makes it very difficult to explore other means of recreating
> the image if TeleDisk doesn't succeed.
>I am also creating systems to backup and restore images of disks
>which are not compatible with the PC controller, including several
>systems which work by serial transfer with the original host.
>This is just another piece in the puzzle.
No argement here. It's needed and it has to be with more current
capability to allow a wider range of users/contributors.
Does anyone here have an HP98780 (enhanced mono monitor for the HP9845B)
easily to hand, and if so, could they do a little electrical test on one
of the PCBs :
Remove the top cover (4 screws), the screening cover under it (4 more
screws). the 2 board hold-down strips (3 screws each), and the 2 screws
holding the heatsink pillars from the rightmost board to the right side
panel (directions given with the screen towards you). Pull this board
out. When putting it back, put a little silicone grease on the ends of
the pillars.
In my monitor it's a 98780-66552 Rev B, I am particularly interested if
you have that version...
Anyway, the test : Check for continuity between pin 7 of U53 (this is a
74LS157 mux chip) and pin 2 of U55 (a 4116 or 4816 DRAM).
The reason is that on my board, these 2 pins are not conencted, although
the other outputs of that mux -- and of 3 other similar mux chips -- do
go to the DIn pins of the RAMs. The 'missing' one would be bit 6 (of a 16
bit word), and I can't for the life of me think of a good reason why it
should be different. I wonder if I have a cracked trace in the board
somewhere (this is a multi-layer board so I can't check by eye).
Thanks in advance
Hi Dave
I have the need to tell the transfer program to ignore
the first track/side 0 and only copy the remaining tracks.
This is from an image that has fill for the first track.
The reason for this is that the first track is FM and
my controller does not support FM. The first track only
contains some fixed information that is always the same
>from disk to disk. I format the disk on a working target
machine and then use the PC to update the remaining
tracks with the new image.
I have a program that I use that does this but I'm also
looking for a program to handle different sized disk
with the same issue ( 96tpi w/ MFM ).
>From: "Dave Dunfield" <dave04a at>
>I've been working away at my ImageDisk utility, and have made a number
>of fixes, including some corrections to the sides/stepping detect logic
>which failed to properly detect some mixed density disks.
>I have added several new features, including improvements to the
>"Align/Test" function, and the ability to translate the data rates
>(This lets you do things like recreate DD disks read on DD drives on HD
>drives and vice-versa).
>This evening I finally wired up a cable to connect a double-sided 8"
>drive to my PC, and was very pleased to see that I was able to backup and
>restore several mixed density 8" disks with no problems - even a double
>backup and restore (backup of backup then restore) still matched the
>original and booted correctly.
>I have also created a first cut at my "Analyze/Merge" utility, this is
>a companion utility which:
> - Provides a detailed report of the track/sector layout and data formats
> occuring in the diskette image.
> - Can perform a logical sector by sector compare of two disk images, even
> if the binary layout is not exactly the same (usually due to different
> comment or problems detecting interleave).
> - Can merge two images into one, allowing you to take advantage of the fact
> that some PC's may read different sectors than others (one of my machines
> refuses to read the first sector on Cromemco disks while a second machine
> fails to read the last sector) - and create a complete image by merging
> them.
>It's late and I'm going to bed - in the morning, I will transmit the updated
>software to the people who already requested and received the first version (If
>you don't want to receive any more updates, please let me know). If anyone else
>wants to join in the fun, please drop me a line and I'll add you to my list.
>dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
>dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
>com Collector of vintage computing equipment: