I'm having trouble trying to get running an old Apple ][ cassette program.
I managed to successfully load the program into the Apple's memory, but it
won't run.
Here are the details:
The program is 3-D Docking by Programma International circa 1978. The
program's load address is $200 (hex) and it ranges to $2000 (the load
command is 200.2000R). It somewhat cleverly is auto-running in that it
loads directly into the Apple ][ keyboard buffer (which resides at $200),
and at the exact spot where the load command "200.2000R" would normally
end in the keyboard buffer, the command "220G" is "inserted" (overlaid
really) by the load into the keyboard buffer. So when the ROM is done
reading the program, it finds the next command in the keyboard buffer is
"220G", so it will jump to the code at $220. This is where it is
presumably supposed to initialize some stuff and then presumably run the
game. This code first calls a routine in the BASIC ROM and then sets some
zero page addresses, and then jumps into the BASIC ROM. However, it
crashes with an "OVERFLOW ERROR" at the JSR to $F000 at $220. Here's the
"init" code at $220:
0220- JSR $F000
0223- LDA #$AF
0225- STA $4A
0227- LDA #$0C
0229- STA $4B
022B- LDA #$00
022D- STA $4C
022F- LDA #$20
0231- STA $4D
0233- LDA #$9C
0235- STA $CA
0237- LDA #$11
0239- STA $CB
023B- LDA #$8F
023D- STA $CC
023F- LDA #$0D
0241- STA $CD
0243- JSR $FC58
0246- JMP $EFEC
I have no idea what this is supposed to do. I've tried skipping the first
JSR but that doesn't fix things. The actual code starts at $800.
Starting at $800 sets graphics mode and clears hi-res page 1, but that's
it. I so far haven't been able to find any other start address. And I so
far haven't been able to figure out how it gets from $220 to the actual
game code.
I've tried this on an enhanced Apple //e as well as a stock Apple ][+ but
get the same results. I also tried it in an emulator (AppleWin) under
both //e and ][+ emulation and get the same results.
If anyone wants to play with this, I put it up for download here:
So if you're counting, that's:
Cassette -> Apple //e -serial-> PC -network-> PC Server -internet-> Web server -> You! ;)
Mount this volume into your emulator and boot from it. Then BLOAD the
program THREE-D DOCKING ($200). The binary loads at $6000 (for obvious
reasons, if you're an Apple nerd) so you must move it to its expected
You can then examine the code at $220 and $800-$1FFF.
If anyone figures out how to get this to run, please let me know ;)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
I got an email from someone looking for scans/copies of the three manuals
that come with the MPF-IP does anyone have either of these that I can point
this person to? For myself I'm looking for the thermo printer model
PRT-MPF-IP to hookup to the computer that I have. Anyone have a source or
extra one? Thanks John
>Subject: Re: Remembering RAMAC
> From: Paul Koning <pkoning at equallogic.com>
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:59:11 -0400
> To: cctalk at classiccmp.org
> Allison> Of course late in the game was the 32kW RS08 disk for the
> Allison> PDP8 systems. Small but very fast word wide storage.
>Not fast at all, because that one is NOT parallel -- the RS08 (and its
>PDP11 successor RS64, as well as the RF11/RS11) are all serial fixed
>head drives. The doc says the RS08 takes 32 microseconds per (12 bit)
>word; the RF11 was slightly faster at 15 microseconds per (16 bit)
> paul
Yep, but to a PDP8 that was fairly fast. ;) I did see a parallel
head drum hooked to an 8 once, no idea of the details but it was for
time sharing system and was very fast.
If anyone is interested in this, please reply to the original sender (see
Reply-to: gmt at CS.Arizona.EDU
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:04:41 -0700
From: Gregg Townsend <gmt at CS.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: Apple's first scanner
Would you be interested in this? It seems a shame to recycle it.
1987 Apple Scanner, model A9M0337, s/n 0030253. This is not the more
common OneScanner, but instead its rarer 4-bit predecessor, which was
marketed simply as the Apple Scanner.
This is a legal-size flatbed scanner, 300 dpi, 4-bit grayscale. It
has two SCSI connectors and ADB connector, and has two SCSI cables, a
terminator, and a power cord.
The scanner is in excellent condition; it was functioning perfectly
when disconnected about five years ago. From above, it looks like
new. Underneath, three rubber feet are missing, and there is a
security plate attached by adhesive.
You're welcome to have it if you think it's worth the shipping costs
>from Tucson.
Gregg Townsend
gmt at cs.arizona.edu
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
We've now named quite a lot of applications and concepts about how to
handle scanned documents. I'd like to get the big picture:
here is the current workflow that I'm using
Ricoh IS520 30page/minute duplex B&W scanner that can handle up to 11 x 17
with crappy Windows scan app (under vmware) generates even / odd pages into
two separate directories. Since it turned out that scanning wide-edge first
results in straighter scans, I need to postprocess front and back separately
since the backs are flipped 180 deg.
The tiffs are on a shared file system with my Mac. I do all of the cleanup
on there with Graphic Converter. I have a bunch of scripts I run over the files
to produce a single directory with the pages brought to size and the boarders
cleaned up. I then cull the dups/bad scans, check that I didn't miss any pages
then save the files with the page number as the file name. Then I squirt the dir
back over to the linux box (since tumble is little-endian only) and say:
tumble -b %F * ../file.pdf
Copy it back over to the Mac, add it to the postprocessed scans and put the
whole thing in a 'to be archived' dir where it is saved to DVD-R
If there are pages that can't be scanned on the Ricoh, I do those separately
on a Mustek 11x17 flatbed.
Then, ftp the pdf to bitsavers, and update the index files.
I have few different Mag tapes that don't have the Rack Hinges that
they hang on. I would guess they are different from model to model ???
The one is a Pertec T8X60A T8000 series pn 103338-01
Any one know of a Source or have a stash.
- Jerry
> I can't remember any hard disks greater then 50MB being available even
> into the late 1980's.
CDC 9766's (300mb also sold as DEC RM05s) came out in 1979
Similar size drives were being made by IBM and Burroughs
Sperry, Memorex, etc.
Just picked one of these up, lurking in a SPARCStation 1 case. I gether
it's a SPARC 5 clone board.
It seems to have 30 pin SIMM memory, but also a couple of 72 pin sockets
(both of these and all 16 30 pin sockets are filled).
Anyone able to tell me if there's anything special about the 72 pin
sockets? I'm assuming both types of socket are used as main memory and
this was just done for flexibility, but it'd be nice to know (just in
case the 72 pin ones are for disk cache or something equally strange)
It seems Tadpole bought Cycle a number of years back, so I'll give them
a poke just on the offchance they have a manual kicking around (their
European base is only just down the road from me)
Since I posted my last message regarding Don Maslin's
Software Archive on 5-14, I have followed the
discussion here without contributing. I mailed a copy
of that last message to Winnie Maslin on 5-16 with a
pleasant cover letter. I have heard nothing from her.
I have however heard through another source that she
has asked a lawyer friend of Don's to "do something" -
that something is undefined, though it is said that
this man (whom I knew slightly some years ago) feels
he can locate the software archive without difficulty.
I hope that he can and will do so; obviously, I will
not be involved. I don't know whether or when this
will happen, or that it will.
So I'm going to address some of the issues brought up
in the discussion, give my take, and retire to my
usual indolence.
1. Tom Jennings brought up the packrat v. collector
issue - I don't know why, but it did bring about
interesting exchanges. I considered writing to explain
why collectors are almost always also packrats or
accumulators, and how accumulators often become
collectors, from my view as a life-long book
But I decided that essay would be non-productive.
However, here in San Diego we did have a man who
accumulated tens of thousands of books and stored them
in his room in a hotel; the accumulation did fall on
him and if memory serves, kill him.
2. Several suggested that I talk to others in the
family - as though I hadn't thought of that. There
was only one person available, and he had no
Felt he had been told by Winnie to butt out, that she
would deal only with me directly.
3. The Computer Museum was suggested. David Weil was
one of the first people I talked to about the
back in September, after I had posted that initial
message. The Museum is undergoing the agony of having
to move (ah, how well I know that feeling!), as
College (where it is now housed) is going to sell
building. David is looking for a new venue. Anyone
access to big bucks is encouraged to contact him.
4. Barry Watzman stated that Winnie had made no
'agreement' with me. While the agreement that we had
(which was memorialized in a letter I wrote her
directly after the September posting and never, in
letter or in word, disavowed) may not stand the legal
scrutiny of the elements of offer, acceptance,
consideration, and the rest that go into a contract -
it's been a long time since I took Kingsfield's course
in Contracts :) - it was an agreement that she did
REGARDLESS - understand, all I wanted to do was
I don't give a hoot for the old computers that Don
- they're probably worth about ten thousand _in toto_,
and that might cover the cost of disposing of all the
many things (monitors, etc.) which cost big bucks to
dispose of in California.
5. Why didn't Don make a backup?
For that, you have to understand something about Don.
HE HATED WINDOZE - passionately. He tried OS/2 and
up on it. He watched me install Linux from scratch
(back in the early days of Linux, before the modern
"stick a disc in and let it do its thing" times), and
think it scarred him for life. (It did me!)
He used PC-DOS, not Microsoft (I'll not go into his
remarks about that company). So he kept his backups
on tape.
Somewhere, about 2001 or so, he got a burner; I
because I spent an afternoon showing him how to burn
discs. He was going to go home and hold his nose and
boot Win98 and burn a copy of his archive.
I don't know whether he did. At some point one has to
stand back and let a friend do what he pleases.
Yes, I wanted him to make copies. But twist his arm I
would not.
When his ISP finally took away shell accounts, and Don
HAD to log on through Windoze, we suggested he put a
little PuTTY between himself and Win98. He did.
6. Where do we go from here?
Well, the informal consensus, judging from the
until a week ago (I haven't read the last week), was
that the archive should be replaced _de novo_. And
then the discussion devolved into the deficiencies
of Teledisk, what ought to be the format of a new
archive, etc.
>From something Don said some years ago, Teledisk is
in the public domain. He kept up a desultory
correspondence with the author of the *disk programs,
who has moved into another field, and then asked me if
I would make some additions to Teledisk. I looked at
the problem and concluded that what he wanted wasn't
plausible in the existing program.
I would suggest that the group take the list of OS's
that is on gaby's site, and see if it can be
duplicated. And THEN DUPLICATE that list, find every
on that list, and put them on ClassicCmp's website -
As time passes, perhaps a fairly general storage/
transfer format may be found. I don't believe that
there ever will be a fully general format, but that's
not the issue. Doc Shipley wants a Kaypro boot disk!
We don't know whether Don's archive ever will be
or made available, or .... If we are serious lovers of
these machines and want them to do more than sit in
workshops, it behooves us to assume the worst and act
accordingly. We can always hope for the best.
Vern Wright
vern4wright at yahoo.com
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