> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 09:45:49 -0400
> From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <RMeenaks at OLF.COM>
> Apparently, Rich has some other original stuff on ebay as well:
Yup ... It's me ...
I try not to advertise on the list because:
1) It's a bit self-serving ... People know I'm on eBay, so they can
check up on me :-)
2) It's PC-related, and even though *most* agree a 5150 is on-topic,
it's still a bit Controversial
3) It's eBay ... around here, that's inviting a flamewar...
I actually ended the 64KB listing, as I forgot to note some of the
packaging was missing. Maybe no big deal to us, but if looking for a
pure original package, it can be significant.
Anyway, it is me, and thanks to Witchy for noticing, and Ram for the ad! :-)
I'm still around, though my collection is less classic. I did however
recently acquire some neat Apple IIgs stuff (TransWarp GS, 2
High-Speed SCSI Cards, 2 4MB AppleSauce RAM cards), but I pray to the
gods that I could get the luck of Jules and his Horizons, or Dave and
his S100 haul :-) YIKES! Although, truth to tell, they are better
archivists than I...
So, I still lurk, and may yet have another Sping cleaning :-)
Rich B.
My wife has declared that I must remove all my toys from the living room
floor. She is tired of it looking like an "electronics graveyard" as she
has been calling it for the last week. And it isn't even that bad, I just
have two laser disc players with a small stack of discs, two surround
sound amps, a VCR, a Video Conference terminal, two NeXT slabs, my
PowerBook 1400, a TRS-80, and a Tandy 1000 with monitor and printer...
there is still a path to get thru the room, so I don't understand what
the problem is. But I know if I don't appease her, she will move onto the
garage and/or basement... THEN I'm in trouble! :-)
Regarding the TRS-80. It has no floppy drives. I haven't really looked at
it yet, but I presume it can be connected to a standard tape recorder to
use cassettes (it came with the case pre-markered saying "No floppy
drives, use cassettes"... that will be a different project to scrub that
What is the easiest way for me to obtain software and transfer to
cassette? I have no other machines currently setup to read/write to
cassette. However, I do have Windows and Mac setups that I can capture an
audio stream to cassette if there is some repository of WAV files or
similar archives of software.
Anyone want to point me in the right direction?
Apple Pascal disk images (most versions) can be found on the
ftp.apple.asimov.com ftp server.
Pascal 1.3 runs fine on the Apple IIGS, withsuppport for 3 1/5 inch disk
>From: "Fred Cisin" <cisin at xenosoft.com>
>Check what FDC chip and or/ additional circuitry is used on the floppy
>controllers; boards that can handle FM ("Single Density") are handy.
>Any board that has discrete ICs is a lot more fun to hack than one with
>If you are new to hardware, look at Bruce Eckel's book on parallel
>port interfacing.
When I wanted to add a floppy disk to my NC4000 processor
board, I just patched in an old XT floppy controller board.
It worked just fine once I realized that the NC4000 could
write to it faster than it was ready to respond.
> I wonder if the disk are all hard sectored or if they
>are soft sectored. Dave Dunfield has been working on
>methods to transfer disk images over serial lines
>from the N*. It would be a massive job to filter through
>all those disk. Who knows, one might find a jewel for Jules
>in the lot :)
Hi Dwight,
I've recently acquired a box of at least 1000 N* disks, and have
been slowly going through them and transferring the material to
image files. Most of it is rather boring business software, however
I have found original copies of several different versions of
various operating systems that I did not have before, as well as
some utility and language disks ... It's going to take quite a
while, but I'll make any non-personal/confidential material
available once I'm done.
Hey Jules - if you want to part with one or two of those Horizons,
it would make the job far faster to have multiple machines running
in parallel... Also, if you are interested in my transfer utilities
and a simulator which can boot up and use the images, I have all
of the material available on my site.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com Collector of vintage computing equipment:
Can be possible to obtain in some place image disks of the Apple II Pascal
or UCSD Pascal por the Apple II ? I'm searching a copy to play a little in
the Apple II Oasis Emulator.
Thanks in advance
>Subject: NorthStar Advantage diagnostic disk wanted
> From: "John" <john_a_s2004 at hotmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 09:43:03 +0100
> To: <cctech at classiccmp.org>
>Unfortunately GBASIC often crashes with a 'RAM Parity Error' message, I
>guess most of the RAM is OK else it wouldn't boot. The Technical Manual
>refers to the dealers Diagnostic Diskette, and shows a series of tests to
>identify faulty RAM chip. I don't wish to try and re-seat all the chips as
>when I tried this on my Pet it has failed to display anything since (another
>pending repair project).
Ther is an easy way. The NS*dos has a monitor and a memory test. If the
memory test isnt there use the monitor. from the monitor Fill ram with
a constant of Zeros and display it looking for non zero values. Do it
again with ones (FFh) and again display if and look for NON FFh values.
It's not exhaustive but I've found all bad ram that way in the past.
The alternate is that there isn't that much ram and in mine it's
socketed. So shotgunning though not pretty is possible.
Apparently, Rich has some other original stuff on ebay as well:
Game Controller in orig box:
Printer Adapter in orig box:
So for the purest, its not too bad...
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