test-drb May 2004

  • 244 participants
  • 500 discussions

DEC Diagnostic Disks
by cfandt@netsync.net
20 years, 8 months

20 years, 8 months

FS: (cheap) Apple grayscale tube
by aw288@osfn.org
20 years, 8 months

Re. HP64000, aka offering help to duplicate HP64K disquettes
by aek@spies.com
20 years, 8 months

More DEC equipment spotted in Kansas City
by msokolov@ivan.Harhan.ORG
20 years, 8 months

Big Vme Boxes.
by tponsford@theriver.com
20 years, 8 months

compaq's portable computer
by Innfogra@aol.com
20 years, 8 months

To Rich Beaudry - 8 inch floppies
by zdrawko@operamail.com
20 years, 8 months

Omnibot 2000
by emailkevin.potter@virgin.net
20 years, 8 months

WANG.... thingymabob?
by michael@mfp.co.nz
20 years, 8 months
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