Odd, perhaps even stupid question:
Was there ever a DOS-based VME computer?
If so, has anyone got one? Want to sell it?
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
> I'm not sure how to 'read out' the contents since I've never tried,
but they're often the same SRAM/EPROM footprint. Anybody tried reading
the > contents with said EPROM programmer?
I haven't finished/tested it yet; but I was planning to use NVRAM as
pseudo EEPROMs, because no UV erasing means quicker debug turn around
time. I have mostly finished a design that would use the PC parallel
port to read/write Dallas 32kx8 NVRAMS. Only mostly because I am waiting
for my cheap ebay ZIF sockets to arrive. I am happy to share
information, so if any one wants my ideas just drop me an off list
I have a SBC with nonvolatile RAM on it. There are
DRAM and EPROM too. I guess the nonvolatile RAM might
be used to hold some important parameters while EPROM
is used to hold program.
Since nonvolatile RAM has limited life, I wonder how
you guys deal with nonvolatile RAM in your old
computers. Reading out the content with a EPROM
programmer is a solution that jumps into my mind.
"Burn" a new nonvolatile RAM and wait for another 10
years? It seems a boring work...
vax, 3900
Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.
Google for 800-6358-11 to find the the SPARCstation-10 service manual. It
is a drool-proof manual but there is a pinout buried somewhere in the
-- Adam
I need to get rid of the following (it's not in line with what I'm
interested in and it's taking up too much space):
* Sun 4/110 with printer port and 2 SCSI ports
* Sun 4/110
* Sun Sparc Server 490 (has 3 disks in base) (big)
* 2 HP Apollo
* Symbolics 3650 (heavy)
* 2 extra color memory boards
* extra 2MW memeory board
* Monitor & keyboard
* VAX Vector 6000-520 (big)
* Sun 3/60
* 2 Sun 3/50
* 2 Sun Monochrome monitors (hey, they're monitors...heavy)
* Original IBM PC (w 2 1/2 height floppy)
* Original IBM PC (w floppy & HD)
* AT&T 3B2/EXP
* HP-UX tape set (4mm) Rev A.09.05
* HP-UX Install tape
* HP-UX Runtime 2-user
* HP-UX Runtime Support
* X.25/9000 link
* Focus for HP-UX
* HP9000 Series 700 Customized S/W
* Radio Shack TRS80 Model III (no floppies)
I want this stuff gone! The whole point of this excersise is to get rid
of this stuff so don't ask for board xyz-abc out of something. I'd
prefer pickup, but if you're not local I'm sure we can work something
out. I haven't tried powering any of this stuff so I'm not sure what
works and what doesn't.
TTFN - Guy
I took some pictures of the Millennium ICE and the Prolog M825 8085
System Analyzer.
The Millennium looks like the same manufacturer Joe R. was referring to,
but a different model.
>> Both of mine had seriously burned in CRT's; I put
>> new ones I got for about $40 each shipped
>Where did you get these. Have details of the swap
The instructions for CRT replacement (at your own
risk, etc etc) and the ROM replacement are linked from
I got the tube(s) from:
The people were very knowledgeable and helpful; the
tubes were less expensive than I thought that they
would be-they are very common. But they even had CRT
spares for my HP2644A (8008 based terminal-for
$250.00! But I (physically) rebuilt that tube myself.
The tubes were packed (not too suprisingly) very well.
You need to know the P/N and mfg of the CRT (should be
a label on it) before you call. My original tubes were
made by 2 different manufacturers and were slightly
-Steve Loboyko
Incredible wisdom actually found in a commerical fortune cookie:
"When small men cast long shadows, then it is very late in the day."
Website: http://juliepalooza.8m.com/sl
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Domains – Claim yours for only $14.70/year
My brother just got an apple //C, but it came without power supply..
I heard there was "cigarette lighter" adapter for the Apple IIC, Will
Apple IIC run on 12V? (the case says 15V 1.2Amps)
Does anyone know where we can get a power supply?
2- will ProDOS run on 5 1/4" diskette?
3- Will DOS 3.3 run on 3 1/2" disks?
cctech-request(a)classiccmp.org schrieb am 13.05.2004:
>From: "Ashley Carder" <wacarder(a)usit.net>
>To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
>Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:51 PM
>Subject: IDEA - Collector interest database
>Has anyone on here ever thought about putting up a site that
>documents the collector interest or areas of specialty for the
>folks who visit here?
>If this sounds like a good idea, I'll create a site and host it.
>It could have things like a "wish list", "current inventory",
>"items for trade/sale", etc.
>I know some of this type of thing exists elsewhere, such as
>on Sellam's VCM site, but I haven't seen a place where I can
>go to find individuals who have specific computers, parts, wants,
>Other ideas and opinions are welcome. If this kind of thing
>already exists, just enlighten me as to where it is located.
I can point you to the following drectory of retro-computing collectors in
Germany. It's very simple but has all required data in one interface.
http://dafc.rauch-grapengeter.de/ sorry, its all german, but you'll get the
You will find the following data:
-Name, Email (spam-treated), Collection-focus
-Geographic position, (town + zip) handy to know who to ask if suddenly a
nice machine comes up at the other side of the country that must be
collected whitin xx days (or hours...)
-Current inventory (as far as one likes to publish it)
-Items for trade / sale, items sought after.
-Machines cross reference with some photoos
-Internal area, (passworded) there are e.g. phonenumbers and Ebay-aliasses
to avoid useless competition between collectors.
is another site, but I will never list myself there due to the open
presentation of the email-adresses, which just asks to be captured by
So if you want to setup something, go head! I think it's useful. However,
you may considder to seek some cooperation with one of the big vintage
sites. Starting completely from zero off a new domain is not easey afterall.
Have a nice day,
Die max. Eintauchzeit von Keksen in Kaffe berechnet man so:
t = ( 4L2 * h ) / ( D * g ) L: halbe Keksdicke
h: Viskosit?t der Fl?ssigkeit D: Keks-Porengr??e
g: Oberfl?chenspannung