Hello all,
I have a question or 2 to ask on the HP9826. I am now the proud owner of
the labs old system.
Now I have several issues to resolve. The first is the reason I have and
the lab does not. The
display is out of focus and not too bright. I have tried to adjust using
the pots inside labeled focus
brightness. It helped alittle but not much. Any ideas?
Also its no fun without an OS. Now we have BASIC Ver 5.12 at the
lab. Unfortunately its on
3 1/2 inch diskettes and the HP9826 has a 5 1/4 diskette drive. Hence
short of using a mallet
that won't help. So is there a method of using a PC to make 5 1/4s for it
since I do have the
3 1/2s?
A friend has some diskette drives available. Please contact Jack Boatwright
directly jboatno4(a)outlawnet.com if you're interested. He probably doesn't
want much for them.
13 - 3.5" floppies (all 720K)
04 - 5.25" half-height floppies (size unknown, 360K?)
02 - 5.25" full-height floppies (size unknown, 360K?)
01 - 5.25 full-height floppy (DSQD)
Additionally, he is selling off some very unusual Timex Sinclair clones on
eBay (Jack most likely has the largest collection of Timex Sinclair related
items on Earth). Search for seller jboatno4.
Later --
I only got this auction email today, and hopefulltythis will be posted to the
list before Sat morn.
I hate when they send me the notice the day before the auction.
Anybody in the Amarillo, Tx area? Amarillo by morning?
The auction list shows a vt102 and a micro-pdp among hundreds of lots of
peecee stuff.
The stuff goes to the dumpster if not sold.
Please do not read this sig. If you have read this far, please unread back to
the beginning.
Hi All
I love it. There is nothing worse than getting hundreds of incorrect
address notices from people you know you never sent anything
to. I just wonder if they can catch them all. Many are outside
of the country.
>From: Patrick <patrick(a)vintagecomputermarketplace.com>
>>From the text: "He was also found guilty of falsifying business records of
>EarthLink, when he forged the headers of email sent from the EarthLink
>Hmmm... if this is upheld, it has the beginnings of a major blow to that
>"industry", perhaps. --Patrick
>From the text: "He was also found guilty of falsifying business records of
EarthLink, when he forged the headers of email sent from the EarthLink
Hmmm... if this is upheld, it has the beginnings of a major blow to that
"industry", perhaps. --Patrick
Hi folks,
Anyone have any troubleshooting expertise on these things? Got one of my
spares out for sale and typically the bloody thing is pretty dead. I say
*pretty* dead 'cos I get the cart intro screen on power up, but with the
computer module attached I get nothing. I've left it powered up for 15
minutes in case it's a warm up problem but that makes matters worse :)
According to the service manual I have to replace either the RAM or CPU in
that order, but since spares for those will come from working intellivisions
I don't want to do that! Also, off the top of my head I can't think of any
other videogames that use the General Instruments GI1610 CPU, assuming it's
that that's croaked. The RAM is a GI-specific chip too. Spares, anyone?
TIA :)
Owner & Webmaster, Binary Dinosaurs
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - possibly the UK's biggest online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
I pulled one of my early 128k Mac's from storage for part of a Apple display
I'm doing on the 17th and was trying to find out the breakdown of the serial
number. The number on the unit is F40220FM0001 and I'm guessing that the two
F's are just there for show and that 40220 is the serial number and M0001 is
the model number? Is this correct?
On Apr 1, 20:16, Christopher McNabb wrote:
> Well, it's not strictly porno, but I do have the Mona Lisa printed
> on nice wide green-bar paper hanging in my cube. I also have the
> Plus program and data file.
Could I get a copy of that?
> I think that www.textfiles.com might have a bunch of ASCII art, if
> are still around.
I have a collection rescued from a few tapes about 10-15 years ago,
which I can put on my website if anyone wants them. Some of it is very
small simple files, some are fairly ambitious and run to a few 100K
bytes, and I have some VT100 display hacks as well, about 12MB in all.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Dear Kevin:
I've been browsing the web for a schematic for the Heathkit ET-1000 digital
trainer and I saw your posting. The unit has been fully repaired, but I'm
still worried about future repairs.
By any chance or design, do you have a schematic you could fax or email me?
It would even be helpful (and perhaps sufficient) if you could identify the
DIP chip on the Main Board (not the Power Supply board) that is labeled "2206CP
8271". Might it be a function generator chip? NTE and other sources do not
list what this chip is or what it does.
Anyway, if you still have data on the ET-1000 help would be very much