Hi folks,
I am the webmaster of http://1000bit.net.
I am here to announce that I have decided to open my database of technical
infos to the world.
You can know use all the data freely in your own sites.
Here you can find infos and samples: http://www.1000bit.net/ws.asp
I hope that this could interesting for someone.
For those that have been looking for him, Jim Willing has a new email
address that he seems to be checking from time to time:
>From his last message he is planning on rejoining the group sometime
Erik Klein
The Vintage Computer Forum
The show device command displays the ethernet connection followed by
the CDROM as..
and it shows the hard disk as...
I have actually tried 5 different hard disks: 3 seagate models and 2
original DEC RZ57 drives, but they all end with the same error message
while installing!!! I have proved the 3 seagate disks on a scsi card on
a PC and the 2 DEC drives work OK on a DEC 5000 machine booting up a
copy of Ultrix, so I am pretty sure the problem is not actually with the
disk drives.
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242 Newsletters for me
You can use it too - and it's FREE! www.ellaforspam.com
Is anybody here familiar with an older DOS checkbook program called CASHTRAC.
I used to run it with Windows 95 in the DOS box and am trying to get it to
run under WIN XP PRO
I get the following error
ERROR 71 in line 200
Drive Door Open
Any answers or thoughts would be appreciated.
On Feb 5, 12:11, Brad Parker wrote:
> To follow up on my own post, replacing the fuse created a *hot* 12v
> regulator. My DVM indicated that something was shorting Vdd.
> Figuring it was a cap, I started pulling the + lines of the big caps.
> On the second one the short went away.
> Turns out one of the large Sangamo 47uf caps across Vdd was a dead
> short. I removed it and now the +12 is happy and the board works.
> (I'll replace it in my next digikey order)
> Do old electrolytic's short out? The MS11 parts list just say "AL
> which I assume is aluminum electrolytic. For some reason I was
> it would be a tantalum (based on it's silvery look) but now I'm
> not. I think I'll replace it with a nice axial lead tantalum.
What you described is the classic symptom of an aged electrolytic that
needs reformed. In an electrolytic capacitor, the aluminium foil forms
one electrode (the anode), the electrolyte (gel) is the other
(cathode), and the oxide layer on the foil is the dielectric
(insulator). Unless the capacitor is charged, the oxide dissolves into
the electrolyte over time, and no longer insulates. The cure is to
pass a small current to reform the oxide layer, and gradually build
this up until the capacitor can withstand its normal working voltage
without much leakage current.
Cylindrical caps in a metal can are more commonly aluminium rather than
tantalum; tantalum caps are more commonly made as beads of sintered
tantalum. The principle is the same, though: large surface area in a
small space, with a metal anode, oxide layer as dielectric, and
electrolyte as cathode.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
>Try http://www.knightsolutions.com.au/files/apps/spinrite%205/
>This program runs on any IBM compatible. If you have such with the correct
>drive type then this program will exhaustively test and repair the surface
>of any drive you care to test.
I have a newer version of spinrite, and am VERY VERY VERY disappointed in
I used it to check some hard disks that I thought were bad, it told me I
was right, and I had it map out the bad sectors. The disks still failed
to format. Others that is has fixed (and enabled them to format) failed
shortly after with bad sectors.
And of course, SpinRite only seems to do something if the drive itself is
already accessible to DOS. If the drive isn't coming up (from as little
as a non DOS compliant partition such as a Linux partition), then
SpinRite will claim it can't read the drive at all.
So basically, I've found that it doesn't seem to do much beyond that of
Scandisk. VERY disappointing indeed considering GRC's reputation.
The computer itself is kinda nice. It had a MOS 6509 processor in it,
which was the beginnings of Commodore's memory management experiments.
Some models also had the same video and sound chips as the Commodore 64.
I'd really like one of these myself. :)
<tosteve(a)yahoo.com> To: cctalk(a)classiccmp.org
Sent by: cc:
cctech-bounces@clas Subject: This just in - Commodore B128 low profile computer (NOT
siccmp.org 128D)
02/05/2004 01:35 AM
Please respond to
On-Topic Posts
Don't know much about it yet, but it sure is pretty!
Seems to work fine.
It came out the same time as the C-64, supposed to
replace the PET and be their business computer, but
didn't sell well, I guess.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
Yes I am trying to use the hobbyist version of 7.3-1 however I obtained
that version after I failed to get 6.2 to boot with exactly the same
error. I thought maybe the later version would work !!! Silly me.
<< ella for Spam Control >> has removed 1882 Spam messages and set aside
242 Newsletters for me
You can use it too - and it's FREE! www.ellaforspam.com
Anyone else have their eBay ID forcefully changed recently? I've had an account for over 6 years and I predate the rules against using an email address. Looks like the b******* have decided to forcefully change all of us using email addresses for our ID's so as to better control the flow of information to us.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh(a)aracnet.com (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |