This may or may not be close to the ten-year rule - but anyway:
I am having a NEC Pent II computer, very fancy dark blue/charcoal case
with a curved front panel running in guides that slides up and down, and
the LCD status display, CDROM and Floppy drives all in a removable 'pod'
that clips to the op front of the case. This attaches with a connector
that is the same as is used nowadays for a SCSI II cable. And there is a
similar connector on the card that drives all this stuff (the pod is
conneccted thru a ribbon/header) the motherboard has the usual IDE ports
and this particular machine boots and runs. It runs Win98, soon to be
transmogrified into some dialect of Linux.
The only readable info on the card is:
Packard Bell NEC (Lo! how the MIghty have fallen!)
So I'm wondering if anyone might know the specifics of this, and
especially if it is indeed SCSI, or just a case of connector mix-up.
Hi! I've just resubscribed after a long break!
It's time for a clear-out here, and I have some Sun hardware to give
away. It's not *huge*, but you'll need a largish car for the 3/260.
Sun 3/60 with shoebox disk and tape, mono, with monitor and accessories.
Sun 3/260 with internal SCSI/EDSI disk, tape, external SMD disk,
colour monitor and accessories.
I'm in north Bristol, near M4/M5 junction -- BS34 8XB if you want
to look it up on
I'll probably have some more stuff to find a new home for in the next
few days/weeks.
John Honniball
Video Game Invasion is a program that I contributed to. I just got this
>from the production company:
This is to let you know that "Video Game Invasion: the History of a Global
Obsession" will air on the Game Show Network on Sunday March 21st, at
9 pm (ET/PT). Game Show Network have promised lots of publicity, but in
the meantime, please tell your friends!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at || at ]
I finally implemented SpamAssassin on VCF e-mail accounts after trialing
it with a personal account for about a month. I've gone from something
like 200+ spams a day to almost none.
My personal account has done similarly well though after a while the spam
count started creeping back up, but its still at a very manageable level.
Instead of having to wade through hundreds of spams every 2-3 days when I
would check that account, it's now maybe 10-15.
Question: has anyone been able to make SpamAssassin be "perfect" (i.e. no
spam at all)?
Anyway, the reason for this message, other than to claim (for now) victory
against spam, is to let people know that if they do have trouble
contacting me for some reason, it may be because SpamAssassin is equating
your message with spam. If so, please page me here in the mailing list
or you can send me a message via the VCF contact page:
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at || at ]
When "googling" for Information on "Fortune 32:16" i found that one :
On Mon Apr 21 00:52:13 2003, Kelly Leavitt wrote:
> I have the mother board (no security chip), several I/O cards, console
> card, console, two terminals, a paper box of software and manuals (I
> haven't inventoried yet), floppy drive and a power supply for a fortune
> 16:32 (or was it 32:16?).
> All the cards and motherboard are in their original shipping/packing
> containers.
> This is the spare parts inventory of a local (New Jersey USA) law firm
> that has moved on to one of the Linux
> Any takers?
> Make and offer (I'm not looking for ebay prices). Would be shipping from
> 07848.
> Kelly
... i know, it's some time since then, but : is this stuff still available (especially
software and docs) ?
I have a Fortune Systems 32:16, but the hard disk is dead, so after replacment,
i need the software ...
Thanks Bernd
Whilst browsing, I came across this list of computers for sale in the UK:
There are a lot of gems there. The site says the systems will be
auctioned off "over the next few months" so I don't know if this is old
and stale or still on-going.
The parent site seems interesting as well:
Japanese Computer Emulation Centre
The home page has a link to the seller's eBay auctions (which is invalid,
so do a search on seller "j0nstringer") and it looks like he's been
selling off quite a bit of classic micro stuff for the past several
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at || at ]
I would be very pleased to have item 4, under Software for Sale from your
file 004196.html.
4. $5.00 QB/Pro Vol 7 - QB Optimizer, Microhelp
Is it possible to give you credit card details, including Post & P. to the
Yours faithfully,
Tom Harding
New House Farm
Sheering Lower Road
Herts. CM21 9LE
United Kingdom
This is not really vintage, but I have a box of ISDN "stuff" I'd like to
get rid of. I post here in case anyone is interested.
An nice TA (adtran), several ascend pipe-50's (2-3), cables, a clam, an
NT-1, and an old 56k router box from Imatek.
I'll willing to give it away (paypal postage, etc..).
but just in case, I'd love to find any sort of unibus floppy interface,
broken or otherwise. And unibus bus grant cards - could use a few of
those :-) can't hurt to ask.
(and if you have a spare 11/73... heh :-)