I use a program call PUTR ( which can create
RX50 formatted diskettes from any good DSDD 5.25" diskette. These are often
available at junk stores, scrap dealers, thrift shops, etc.
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"
Polling list wisdom here...
Hmm, any suggestions for anything creative to do with around 450 or so
5V relays? I have a bucket full here (literally).
I can't help thinking I should be able to wire up some sort of
interesting computer-esque demonstration with them! (Something nice and
power-hungry, noisy, and with plenty of obligatory status lights :-)
Sorry, brain randomly churning over here :-)
Damn site was working a couple of months ago, now Yahoo/Geocities claim
it doesn't exist, and Google seem to have done a spendid job of only
caching half the page, which is nice of them.
Unfortunately the bit I want is to do with the 4D-25 machines which is
on the missing part :-(
Don't suppose any SGI collectors have their own archived copy of the
page do they? (It was just the one page to the site IIRC; it was just
Original page was:
I won't post the Google cache link as it's huge. Does Google's web cache
- upon finding a big page - just cache half of it? Surprised they don't
either cache a whole page or nothing at all to be honest. Half a page
isn't much use to anyone :)
I *finally* got around to picking up that SGI which I posted on the list
about just before Christmas. I need to wire up an adapter cable for a
later SGI keyboard (I can borrow said keyboard from the museum then just
to make sure the system I got works), plus it'd be nice to know what
graphics options I have. There are a couple of daughter boards on the
graphics board so hopefully it's one of the better-specced systems...
Hi folks,
Had a mail from 'Steve' who's looking to buy some blank or reusable RX50
disks for a colleague of his who still writes using his DECmate III. I was
going to send some of mine but when I found that he's north of Boston MA I
figured one of you guys would be in a better position to help him.
His email is steve03054(a) so if you could reply direct to him that'd
be smart.
Owner & Webmaster, Binary Dinosaurs - possibly the UK's biggest online computer museum - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
I just got an HP ScanJet ADF.
Does anyone have an opinion on this either way? Worth keeping or not up
to the strict scanning standards of a Vintage Computer Collector?
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
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'lo everyone...
Who would be interested in a *new* classic computer..
it would have room for almost 640K of memory, the remainder being taken
a simple ROM monitor (like the apple I monitor, or the Polymorphic
What Microprocessors are still being sold new? 6502? Z80?
It would consist of a small board with RAM, ROM, CPU, and a serial port.
Best use would be to connect it to a PC running a terminal emulator for
IO and Mass storage.
Is anyone interested?
Perhaps I should just go find a simulator? :^p
Interesting thread ... nice reading.
For the design of a small 6802-based system check:
and click the links "interface hardware" and "interface
monitor". The project has had little time lately, but I am
working on the mechanical part: a new sleakier front.
it has the CPU (...), 8 kbytes RAM, 8 kbytes EPROM,
and is very easy to expand with as much I/O you want.
Hey, if you are going to connect a "PDP-11" console
to it (relax chaps, a home-made one, the real consoles
stay on my machines!) you need *lots* of I and O.
All fits on a single board. I still can write a program
in hex opcodes for the 6802.
Risk of starting a flame: Motorola is way nicer to work
with in assembly language than all the Intel crap.
Words hi- and lo-byte swapped ... go figure !
gd lck with your hardware,
- Henk, PA8PDP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Hudson []
> Sent: donderdag 19 februari 2004 20:57
> To: Classic Computers
> Subject: OT? What 8bit Microprocessors still available new?
> 'lo everyone...
> Who would be interested in a *new* classic computer..
> it would have room for almost 640K of memory, the remainder
> being taken by a simple ROM monitor (like the apple I
> monitor, or the Polymorphic monitor)
> What Microprocessors are still being sold new? 6502? Z80?
> It would consist of a small board with RAM, ROM, CPU, and a
> serial port.
> Best use would be to connect it to a PC running a terminal
> emulator for IO and Mass storage.
> Is anyone interested?
> Perhaps I should just go find a simulator? :^p
> ron.
Solved the kermit problem, and I see that, according to kermit, when
connected to the VAX:
CD = off
DSR = off
CTS = off
DTR = on
RTS = on
Still, as with tip and cu, no response from the VAX.
Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd(a) 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Re: OS/2 support on laptops:
First thing you have to do is make sure that card/socket services or whatever
is required to get PCMCIA cards recognized. You will also need the NDIS
driver for whatever NIC you want to use. I use a 3com 3c589 in my thinkpad 770 and
it works fine. You really need to get Warp Connect. You can still make disks
off the CD if you have to. I have had to do that and noted no problems. Setting
up LAN access is not too bad as long as you do it right the first time.
Basically all you need is IBM peer. The main bug is that if the LAN settings are
incorrect, you get a message about netwrksta.400 or something like that won't
load so you have you edit the ibmlan.ini file. The os2.setup newsgroup people
can help you out if you have problems.
I am not willing to give up my liberties for the promise of 'security'
Go look for the Prolog service manual!
Here's a list of the stuff that I got at the hamfest.
Just got back from the last (1/2) day of the hamfest. Todays haul;
Two boxs of HP and Tektronix manuals.
A pile of IBM RS/6000 docs
A studio grade RGB monitor (hopefully to replace SEVERAL of the Sun, HP
and SGI RGB monitors that I current have)
A Compaq Portable III
A HP 214A Pulse generator (an oldie but it will pulse 100V into 50Ohms
and none of the new stuff will do that)
A Sinclair ZX-61 with accessories (Glen, are you listening?)
An IBM PS/2 model 8525 (Kelvin?)
A pouch with a HP Logic Probe, Currrent Probe, Chip Clip and Logic Pulser.
PS the LD Xpro programmer has the plug in for the 44 pin PLCC 80x51
type devices.
Two days down and one to go. Here's the haul so far"
HP 9845B (appears to be loaded)
HP 1000 computer (yes, another one!)
HP 1351 Graphics Generator (vector graphics for the HP 1000!)
HP 3468 DMM with HP-IL interface
Three large boxs of early data books
Original early IBM PC. Appears to be untampered with.
Some NEC APC III manuals. Passed up several more boxfuls of these.
Anybody need them?
NuBus prototypiong board made by Apple. This one has two ROMs and a
68000 installed at the factory. Anybody know what the story is on that?
P133 notebook computer with Network Stumbler installed (this should be
A like new Logical Devices XPro EPROM programmer with the PLCC plugins.
An IR black body source with controller
Drum roll please. Taa Da!
National Semiconductor Pacer SBC
Passed up a Sparc notebook computer but got a lead on some Apple Lisa