test-drb December 2004

  • 243 participants
  • 530 discussions

LF: TRS-80 Model II boot disk
by dave04a@dunfield.com
20 years, 2 months

Altair switch handle measurements
by dave04a@dunfield.com
20 years, 2 months

Eagle CP/M machine available from November
by wpileggi@juno.com
20 years, 2 months

Wanted: M9312 RX01 bootstrap ROM
by wacarder@usit.net
20 years, 2 months

Final CP/M-80 diskette inventory
by tomj@wps.com
20 years, 2 months

WTB: DECstation 5000/1xx
by sethm@loomcom.com
20 years, 2 months

Vintage Edison Recorder...
by cvendel@att.net
20 years, 2 months

DECwriters (was Re: Auction Finds)
by CPUMECH@aol.com
20 years, 2 months

Altair switch handle measurements
by RCini@congressfinancial.com
20 years, 2 months

Need help with 2 projects (TI and Xerox)
by truthanl@columbus.rr.com
20 years, 2 months
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