test-drb December 2004

  • 243 participants
  • 530 discussions

Who Made/Makes the World Smallest Harddrive( Winchester)
by mmcfadden@cmh.edu
19 years, 6 months

Resurgence of the C64/Tulip/Jeri
by RCini@congressfinancial.com
19 years, 6 months

olivetti underwood programmer 101 Kansas City
by mmcfadden@cmh.edu
19 years, 6 months

Apollo Guidance Computer prototype replica
by RCini@congressfinancial.com
19 years, 6 months

Domain Name Registration
by healyzh@aracnet.com
19 years, 6 months

Interesting stuff on E-bay
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
19 years, 6 months

question re HP 264x terminals
by jack.rubin@ameritech.net
19 years, 6 months

FET Cross-reference - a bit off-topic
by nbreeden2@comcast.net
19 years, 6 months

Macintosh collector groups?
by sml49@comcast.net
19 years, 6 months

cool HP-IB find
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
19 years, 6 months
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