test-drb September 2003

  • 281 participants
  • 507 discussions

*****hayes modem history.....
by esharpe@uswest.net
21 years, 2 months

Equipment Available
by jwest@classiccmp.org
21 years, 2 months

Teletype 33 engineering drawings?
by waltje@pdp11.nl
21 years, 2 months

museum needs a documation reader that interfaces to a pc
by esharpe@uswest.net
21 years, 2 months

Les Objets book free for shipping
by vcf@siconic.com
21 years, 2 months

RCA Appnotes
by Robert_Feldman@jdedwards.com
21 years, 2 months

PDP11/84 continued
by doc@mdrconsult.com
21 years, 2 months

Persci 299
by cmellink@xs4all.nl
21 years, 2 months

Quick Basic ( a bit of detail)
by r.mueller@fz-juelich.de
21 years, 2 months

Quick Basic
by r.mueller@fz-juelich.de
21 years, 2 months
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