I have a Compaq Portable III with a 3.5" floppy drive that seems to have
gone bad. Does anyone know if this is a "standard" drive that could be
replaced with a current 3.5" drive? If not, is there a specific type of
drive I need to use for a replacement?
I haven't even ventured to see how to go about opening the machine yet, so I
don't know if it's easy or hard. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks.
- Bob
Is there anyone on this list who is looking for a spare Gould
Biomation K-105D logic analyzer? This one appears to be rather nice,
but it has no pods or probes. It did power up and pass self-tests the
last time that I checked it. Trades are welcome.
Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd(a)rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Just made a search at ebay for "option board" and
found nothing.... Do you remember how it was describet
at ebay ???
BTW, the way I wanna go is the cheapyest/easyest. I
have about 30 apple II disks (both sides) fulled of
binary files (old brazilian pinball rom files for
eproms 2716, 2708, 2732, 2764), and need to put them
at my PC, since I don't have an apple anymore and my
eprom burner only works with PC.
If that software I mentionned works, I guess it would
be the best solution. If not, I prefer a PC card,
since I don't have enougth space for another computer
(an apple II, i.e.).
[ ]s
Silvio Finotti
There is a Option board on ebay now in mint condition
with software if thats
the way he wants to go. I dont see why people go to
all the trouble to buy
exotic gear and get it to work when the original
equipment is so cheap and
WILL work. Its not like he has 10,000 disks he needs
to get data from where
an automated PC setup for reading and dumping the
contents to a HD would be
Conhe?a a nova central de informa??es anti-spam do Yahoo! Mail:
>I just found a message you wrote back in September mentioning a selection
>of old track tape drives. I run a computer department on the services side
>of the Oil industry and we specialise in maintaining and transcribing data
>from these older types of media.
And I am an active archivist of old software who works for groups around
the country on a pro-bono basis who has been trying to find a 10" 7 track
for years now.
People on the list can make their own decisions about where a drive should
go if one should ever turn up.
FWIW, 7 track drives are going for $3500 and up when they do show up.
I was happy when I found a write-only 7 track head stack for only $500
a few years ago.
Does anyone on th elist have an Intel SIM-8 or at least some good
pictures or drawings of it? I found a part that's marked SIM-8 and I'm
wondering if thats what it's part of.
This is a famicon clone and was in the box but is missing the manual. Could
not find anymore details about it using google. Anyone have one of these and
knows if it will take famicon cartridges? Thanks
I recently found a brand new Marpet board still vacume sealed for my Mega 4 ST.
The catch is that it has no disk with it. I ran across a post in a web-search
where you claim to have an installation manual (which I also have). I'm hoping
maybe you have the software and could zip it up and email it. I'd be very
greatful indeed if you would.
>Reads Apple ][ disks without no extra hardware?
>Does it also turn water into wine?
>Lead into gold?
>cure cancer?
>Wanna buy a bridge?
>Where on there does it make any claim about Apple?
You can read more info at the downloadable zip file.
The "Disk2fdi.txt" will describe what the software can
Take a look at the "Rawflopy.doc" file. There he
describes how to "fool" the FDC (floppy disk
controller) and read "other format" data. It makes
sense, and worth a try.... As soon as I find a 5,25
drive I'll try it....
As he describes, it's necessary one drive (can be 3,5
or 5,25) with an IMB/PC formated disk and a 2nd drive
(5,25) for the apple II or other formats disks.
> > -Apple Turnover card;
>> Don't you want to sell 2 or 3 pieces of those deads
>> cards ???
>I'll be glad to, if/when I find 'em again. Right
>I don't even know where the software for them is!
>If/when I locate them $1 each for the boards, plus >
>full USPS shipping
That's done !!! When/if you find them let me know,
> > Quadlink were entire Apple][ clones on a
> (NOTE: on a sample size of ~50, we had >75% DOA rate
> I'm interested in the Quadlink card too, if you
> have any of them....
>I had a new shrinkwrapped one at VCF abeled "probably
>DOA")on my dollar table. It probably sold, but if
>not, I'll pull itside mid January when I get to those
>boxes again. Full shipping plus $1
That's done too !!! Don't forget to tell me when you
find them (silviorf(a)yahoo.com)....
[ ]s
Silvio Finotti
Conhe?a a nova central de informa??es anti-spam do Yahoo! Mail:
> One more question, what is the best way to clean the heads?
Read the documentation in the cdc and dec sections of bitsavers
on these drives.
3330 style heads fly a LOT lower than RK or RL heads, and they
warn not to try cleaning either the packs or the heads because
it is impossible to get all of the residue off of them.
I HAVE a Deluxe Option Board. I am trying to get it to write to a 1.44
floppy. Is there a limit to cable lengths being used before problems
arise? TCM & TE both read 1.44 floppies just fine, but the write
functions do NOT work for me. It has been over 12 years since I have
used this board and I may be missing some steps. I have a printed manual
and I have tried everything I can find in it. Now I am in need of
"experts" suggestions to get it going.
I am trying to copy a plain 1.44 Mb floppy as an exercise. I want to
copy tracks 80-81 to see if that captures some copy protection of a
protected disk. (The company does not replace lost disks, just SELLS you
another registered copy) Running diskcopy gets you an Unregistered copy.
Doing diskcomp shows them to be identical. The difference must be in
tracks 80-81 or other places diskcomp doesn't pay attention to.