I've posted the pictures I took at VCF 6.0 over at
They're primarily of the Computer History Museum's collection because I
like to take 3D pictures. Since I don't have a 3D camera, this involves
taking two pictures, one while leaning slightly each way. People tend
to move between shots, so pictures of crowded areas don't work out
too well. Two view the 3D, you need to be able to either cross your eyes
or make them parallel while focussing independently. If you were able to see
those Magic Eye 3D art thingies that were popular a few years ago, you
can do the latter; the rightmost pair of each 3D group is for you. If
you cross your eyes (like me), you'll want to look at the leftmost pair.
Maybe I'll be able to put together some sort of exhibit for VCF7.0 so I
can have access to the exhibit area before it gets crowded...
Roger Ivie
Well, looks like I lost the ebay auction for a 2648 terminal, because I only
bid a tiny amount and forgot about the auction until 10 minutes after it was
over. Serves me right for the sniping tactic.
So.. anyone have a decent condition 2647 or 2648 terminal they will trade or
Well, the last few tests posts to the list came back to me in under 5
minutes. I have been doing a lot of tinkering with mailman settings and
sendmail. Still have some additional ideas I want to try out over the next
few days, but just thought I'd let peeps know what wierdness may be afoot. I
am pretty sure I can speed it up more. Your position on the recipient list
used to be important, people at the top got responses immediately, people at
the bottom waited forever. Now I've got a max recipients of 10 and multiple
queue runners fired off and it seems lots better. But as I said, still have
more testing I will be doing over the next week or two.
By the way, if any cctech'ers ONLY get this email, please reply back to me,
need to test that too. If it is after 10/31/03, don't reply :)
Does anyone have any info on the Data General model 6243 terminal? I
found sites that talk about various programs that emulate it but nothing else.
Some time ago, members of our group suggested several alternatives to
Ipswitch's WS_FTP Pro software for file transfer. I no longer have those
emails, so if anyone has a particular favorite, I'd like to hear about it.
An off-line email is fine.
Jon Titus