> BTW, I can't get any response at the boot monitor. HELP, SHO DEV, ?,
>all the stuff I'm used to gets ILL CMD. BOOT works - VMS 5.5
> Are the console commands different from the 4000/60?
Since BOOT works and HELP does not, my guess is that the
security password has been activated and you either need to
type LOGIN followed by the correct 16 hex-digit code (which
I assume you don't know) or you need to pop the lid and
do the magic to circumvent the password (which I cannot
remember but will look up tonight if you need it).
Hi. I was at the Goodwill Computer works today - big, big haul.
Picked up:
A Commodore cassette deck, in the box, for the Commodore 128D, with
keyboard, that I grabbed Saturday to go with the Amiga 1080 display
Bill gave me
A 1541 floppy drive for same
An Atari SF354 floppy, in the box, looks new.
Tidbits and cables. I think one is the QuickTake-to-PC cable I
needed. Will check pinouts later.
Oh, Yeah! A TRS-80 trackpad. I think I gotta go back tomorrow for
the Model 4 to go with it.
Best of all.
I was walking by the front counter, asked the guy "Are you holding
that pile for someone?" He says "No, somebody just donated it. It's
some kind of terminal. If you want it, you can take it all for $5." So
I took the VT320, the LK402 (?!) keyboard and the VAXstation 4000vlc
they were sitting on.
Still playing with my Professional 3xx boxes. Managed to clean one
memory board of 8264 chips; will populate with 50256s when I locate
my bag of 16 pin sockets. On the software side, I managed to get
my RD51 with Pro/Venix 1.0 up and running on a 640KB Pro350. It was
a gift some years ago; the donor even brought it by my house - no
pickup! He didn't recall the root password, so I stuck it in the back
of the basement and only recently dug it out.
So... even though I have the manuals, it's not obvious how to get
a Pro to enter single-user mode. Any suggestions? Barring that,
I suppose I could wipe and re-install, but I'd like to poke around
to see what's on the disk first.
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I just saw on the news that eBay is buying PayPal for US$1.5 billion.
Good for the folks at PayPal, but this does not bode well for PayPal
customers if eBay's history of trying to wring profits out of it's
customers in creative ways is any indication. It also does nothing for
This sucks.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
I'm looking for the brackets/mechanisms to mount my TU10 in the rack.
Having never seen them, I don't have much of an idea what they're like,
but it looks like two hinges.
I'll buy or trade.
Jeffrey Sharp wrote:
> > Does the list archiver honor the 'X-NoArchive: Yes' line?
> No.
Um, I think the canonical spelling is "X-No-Archive:". You might want
to try another test with that.
> Would anyone mind if "[cctalk]" was appended to all subject headers sent to
> cctalk?
Appended or prepended? Either way, yes, I mind. I'll deal with it,
but I'd rather not have to.
And in contrast to Chris, I'm not at all sympathetic to people who say
they need this to sort their received mail; the list provides other
headers that are usable for selecting cctalk mail. For example,
"Sender: cctalk-admin(a)classiccmp.org".
-Frank McConnell
I managed to pick up a couple of VT-1200's/VX10A-AA's (no kb/mouse/etc)
today at Purdue Salvage. If anyone wants one, give me an offer. I'd
like to keep at least one to use. Also, does anyone know what sync rate
they use? I'd like to be able to use them with something besides my IBM
POWERdisplay 20 if that's possible (and besides the 'real' monitor that
goes with them.
-- Pat
One weakness that Iomega products in general, but the Bernoulli drives
specifically, had, was that the media would develop defects which it was
difficult to map out. The large drives of the early-mid '80's with FD media
in their cartridges came with software that could, to limited extent, fix
these defects or map them out. The later rigid media drives, which I don't
believe IOMEGA manufactured, came with no such utility, and the
still-current, though probably obsolete, JAZ drives come with a utility set
that doesn't really do much. I've used nearly every version of these
devices, from the 8" to the 3-1/2", and I have to say that I've never
encountered a product line that was as disappointing. Every one of them had
a set of features that looked good in the marketing literature but never met
the mark.
I've got a basement full of 'em.
-----Original Message-----
From: no <oliv555(a)arrl.net>
To: cctalk(a)classiccmp.org <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org>
Date: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:20 AM
Subject: Bernoulli drives was:Re: What is this?
>Curt Vendel wrote:
>> Sounds like the good old original Bournelli Box data cartridges.... first
>> removal hard drives for PC's.... I remember working on those
>> the original design had an issue with the power board assembly and the
>> capacitors used to explode. They were packaged into IBM XT type cases
>> when the caps blew it sounded like someone hit the case with the metal
>> baseball bat... when the case was opened, underneath the cover would be
>> marks where the cap blew out.... of course this "feature" was fixed in
>> versions ;-)
>> Curt
> for those interested in this sort of thing...
> ... there are 3 dual bournoulli 90 drives sitting at the
>290/Goodwill here in NW houston. At least 4 of the drives had cartridges
>in them
Came across this a few minutes ago...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Gunshannon" <bill(a)triangle.cs.uofs.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: OT: equipment available (possibly!)
> I realize this is kind of off topic, but I also figure the people
> here are the ones most likely to be able to make use of this, so....
> As part of a package deal I have come into possesion of some rather
> large pieces of Compaq gear. I don't see us ever being able to use
> it, much less actualy need it and I don't see the boss wanting to
> store it as space is premium around here, That means I may be getting
> rid of it at real bargain prices (especially being as I have no idea
> what its value might be!)
> I am sure everyone is on the edge of their seats right now, so here
> goes.
> I have two huge boxes labeled "StorageWorks".
> One measures 31x35x67 and the other 23.5x35x44.
> I have what I assume are chassis w/power supply that go into these.
> There are no disks or sleds with these. :-(
> I also have a BA350 containing 2 HSJ40's.
> I also have two of the older style DEC racks labeled SC008-AC
> each containing a pair of boxes labeled SC008-AB.
> And cables and terminators for said boxes galore!!
> If my boss says, "get rid of it." is there likely to be anyone
> interested or should I be contacting a scrap yard??
> This stuff was all in use until about a month ago.
> Do people like Island ever buy old stuff??
> Sorry for bothering everybody, but maybe someone elses needs
> will intersect with my good fortune.
> bill
> --
> Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
> bill(a)cs.scranton.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
> University of Scranton |
> Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include <std.disclaimer.h>
>Would anyone mind if "[cctalk]" was appended to all subject headers sent to
As long as it doesn't cause replies to get into a battle over the
prepending being before or after the Re: which rapidly turns into a
subject line of "[cctalk] Re: [cctalk] Re: [cctalk] Re: [cctalk] Re:
Personally, I hate ALL list prepending for just this reason. I haven't
seen one that works well with replies (probably because email clients
battle how a reply is handled. I constantly see long threads turn into
"RE: Re: RE: Re:").
Of course, I can live without the prepending just fine because my email
client sorts the emails for me, so I don't need it to see in the subject
where something is from. I do sympathize with those that are using
clients that don't presort.