Dear fellow marketer;
A few months back I joined a program and then...promptly forgot
about it. You may have done this yourself intend
to work the program but then get caught in your day-to-day
activities and it's soon forgotten.
The program was free to join so maybe I just didn't take it very
Anyway, near the end of May I received a letter from my
sponsor (Jeff Maeher) informing me that I had more than 2000
PAID members in my downline!
As you can imagine, I was very skeptical. After all, how could I
have more than 2000 paid members under me in a program that I had
never promoted?
I took the time to check out the site...then wrote to Jim asking
for confirmation that these were paid members and not just free me :)
Well, it was true...I had 2365 paid members in my downline. This
in a program that I had never worked!
All I had to do was upgrade to a paid membership before the end
of the month and I would have my position locked in and a
downline of 2365 people.
You can bet I wasted no time in getting my membership upgraded!
I can tell you, if I had known what was happening with this
program, I would have become an active paid member months ago!
With this program, you will get a HUGE downline of PAID MEMBERS .
My sponsor's check, which is a minimum of $5,000, arrives every
month...on time.
How would you like to lock your position in FREE while you check
out this opportunity and watch your downline grow?
Just join Post Launch;
To grab a FREE ID#, simply reply to: greg22(a)
and write this phrase:
"Email me details about the club's business and consumer opportunities"
Be sure to include your:
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address (if different from above)
We will confirm your position and send you a special report
as soon as possible, also Your ID Number.
This is a ONE TIME mailing - your name is already on our exclude list.
I'll get you entered and let you know how you can
keep track of your growing downline.
That's all there's to it. No obligation. No risk. Do it Now!
I'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.
Warm regards
Greg Plooy
P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
marketing companies I had pretty much given up on them.
This company is different--it offers value, integrity, and a
REAL opportunity to have your own home-based business...
and finally make real money on the 'Net.
Their revolutionary Vertical Integration plan is amazing and
GUARANTEES that you will have PAID members placed in your
Don't pass this can sign up and test-drive the
program for FREE. Just join Post launch now for FREE.
Nothing more to it.
You have nothing to lose and potentially a LOT to gain. Just do
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas H. Quebbeman []
> For those of us who write code, it's been and remains one of
> the most significant journals in print. Byte and Kilobaud
This is a sore point of mine. DDJ used to be one of the best
programming/software engineering journals in the business, but
recently I'm afraid they're not so good about publishing the
kind of interesting theoretical or applied practical stuff that
you'd expect from them.
They're still the best in the business, make no mistake, but
business is not so good.
Instead they're recently publishing the same garbage as everyone
else; articles regarding active this, and microshaft viral that.
Of course, it's done in a better, more comprehensive way than
every other magazine does it. That's no excuse, though.
I recently wrote them a response to an offer of a greatly
discounted subscription rate, saying basically just that. If
they'd given me a discounted subscription rate seven years or so
ago, I'd have taken it in a minute. Today, though, I can't
justify paying anything at all for the same crap that you can find
in the microshaft developer network, which my company unfortunately
receives anyway.
Is it just me, or have the previously done a better job at covering
concepts and ideas in a way that didn't tie their examples to a
single platform? Maybe I'm just bitter.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl Hacker.")."\x08!\n");
Very sorry for the short notice, or if this is old news, but I just saw this on comp.sys.dec.micro. Contact Darrin
directly, and today, please.
Message-ID: <3CDD45F7.4205A47C(a)>
From: Darin Arrick <darin_arrick(a)>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.dec.micro
Subject: FF: FREE - A Vaxstation 3100 SPX and a 3100 M38
Lines: 12
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 22:21:08 GMT
For pickup in the NE Dallas, Texas area. Tell me now,
via e-mail, as these things MUST be out of my apartment
in the next 2 days; I'm moving and will not take them
with me. These are the "pizza box" type machines, without
keyboards, etc. The SPX doesn't have hard drives, but
the M38 has one in it.
Come get them!
Darin Arrick
- Mark
> At one time I did have the first three years of DDJ. I
> was a charter subscriber but to tell the truth I was never
> very impressed with it and I discontinued it and threw out
> the back issues a long time ago. If you'd been in the area
> about 6 months ago y ou would have had a good chance of
> grabbing the first three years of Byte and first two years of
> Kilobaud magazines that I pitched. (Easy come, easy go!)
For those of us who write code, it's been and remains one of
the most significant journals in print. Byte and Kilobaud
in those days were good for both code jockys and the hardware
types; I built but never tested a light pen based on an
article in Byte. I created an implentation of a comprehensive
memory test published in Kilobaud, and have used it on many
different platforms, including embedded systems.
> I also gave away a nearly complete set of HP Journals
> (only missing about 8 issues between 1954 to present). I do miss them.
But these would have been and would still be useless to
me, and would likely have been trashed.
One man's trash is another man's treasure, for sure.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Lafleur []
> I think I did neglect to mention in my Apple II message that I have a
> whole pile of Apple II 5 1/4 disks, which I'd be interested
> in trying to
> load into a simulator, and possibly make available on the net. I think
> I've seen information on hooking Apple II disk drives to a PC somehow.
> What are my options for doing this? I currently don't have
> any Apple II
> hardware at all, so as well as getting an interface, I'd need a drive.
> What kind of $$ am I looking at also?
Well... Richard Erlacher could probably find you at least most of an
Apple II ;)
Chris (I hope I spelled his last name properly)
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl Hacker.")."\x08!\n");
> This weekend I picked up a DECsystem 5000/240 system, with 112MB of ram,
> and a Prestoserve NVram card in the last slot (otherwise it would be
> 120MB of ram). This system was never turned on! Brand new, just never
> got used...
> I have a 2gb disk, and cdrom on it, and am installing Ultrix 4.5 now...
> I am using a VT510 as the console.
> Anyone know how to setup, etc the Prestoserve option?
> Does Ultrix 4.5 like a 4.3 gb disk? I have a barracuda I was going to
> hook up as rz1 for a data drive.
> I have an exabyte 4mm dat drive, I would like to hook that up as tape
> backup... comments ???
> Anyone else running this fine system?
I have/run a 5k/240 w 80megs of ram and a 4G, 2G, and 8G drives running NetBSD 1.5 as my fileserver, netboot server, dhcp server, mp3 server, and DNS server. You can't kill the things and they run like a tank. You're a lucky guy!
-Linc Fessenden
In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...
Your files are attached and ready to send with this message.
Microsoft bashers might like to read this from The Register.
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox Video Production
793 Argyle Rd.
Windsor Ontario Canada N8Y 3J8
519-254-4991 foxvideo(a)
Check out the "Camcorder Kindergarten"
> If it's "just a fuse" then there's a reason. That's the
> challenge. Of course
> you can get another "classic" here for $5-10. That might be cheaper.
Well, if someone located in Europe has a SE/30 for sale, please contact me.
I owned one a long time ago....
regards, Manfred
GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
I just picked up one of these today but I didn't get the power cord. Does anyone of the list have one and if so can you tell me the pin out of the power connector? It has three pins and I beleive that the caclulator can ran off of AC or low voltage DC. Here is a picture and article of the same model calculator <>.