On April 8, Jeffrey Sharp wrote:
> That last prophecy has fulfilled itself! I visited Owen Robertson while in
> FW, and we powered up his 11/34. He showed me a few things -- how to load
> RL01 packs, where the power switch was, etc. -- and we proceeded to play
> with the machine. There are problems with the RSX-11M pack he has, so I
> loaded up an XXDP+ pack. After printing and reading the help file, I
> experimented and was able (after some trial and error) to -- drum roll,
> please -- load UPD2 and create another bootable pack with XXDP+ on it!
Kick ass!! :-)
> It's too bad we didn't do this a week sooner. The scrappers had just
> finished destroying what was a very nice PDP-11/60. I at least found and
> took the unit numbers from the RK07 and RP0x drive.
I weep for the PDP-11/60.
I take it you "educated" said scrappers, and left them your number?
Dave McGuire "I thought it would go quickly,
St. Petersburg, FL that rubberized bottom..." -Sridhar
Does anyone happen to have the switch settings for a "Teleterminal
FlyReader 232" tape reader? The one I have works at 1200-N-8-1, but
I'd like to know if I can set it to 9600 so it's the same speed as
the other serial stuff I've got hooked up to my IMSAI.
-Bill Richman (bill_r(a)inetnebr.com)
Web Page: http://incolor.inetnebr.com/bill_r
Home of the COSMAC Elf Microcomputer Simulator, Fun with
Molten Metal, Orphaned Robots, and Technological Oddities.
>From the pic I'd put my money on the monitor PSU
mains smothing cap being o/c.
> Has anyone ever repaired a Lisa 2 with the following symptoms: A
> distorted video image on the upper 1/3 of the screen? I'm the high
> bidder on a Lisa 2 on ebay
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> Does anyone have one? I have borrowed two large manuals.
> I'd like to scan them, as opposed to photocopying, but
> it would have to be quick and reliable (so I can get
> good results the first time and return the manuals
> in good shape).
I don't know what Al does, but CDC manuals have "taint",
a small piece of paper that forms the outside edge of
that center, long-oval-shaped hole. The taint gets torn
by sheet feeders... so if you want to return them in the
same condition as you borrwed them, I'd have to recommend
against the sheet feeder.
I have an Imsai SIO Rev 3 serial card. I have the docs but the last section
of the manual may be missing. I've read the section on how to set the
two jumpers for the baord address but I'm having trouble translating.
Could someone who knows this subject please help me to figure out the
address of this SIO card?
Jumps on the baord are set like this:
C7 (port Select 1)
1 16
2 ---- 15
3 14
4 ---- 13
5 12
6 ---- 11
7 ---- 10
8 9
D6 (port Select 0)
1 16
2 15
3 16
4 13
5 ---- 12
6 11
7 10
8 ---- 9
Here is the s-ction out of the manual:
A7 --+---------- 1 16 ------+---------|
|___|>o--- 2 15 ______| |
A6 --+---------- 3 14 ------+---------|
|___|>o--- 4 13 ______| |
A5 --+---------- 5 12 ------+---------|
|___|>o--- 6 11 ______| |
A4 --+---------- 7 10 ------+---------|
|___|>o--- 8 9 ______| |---)
| )o-------
--- 1 16 ------+---------|---)
--- 2 15 ______| |
--- 3 14 ------+---------|
--- 4 13 ______| |
I/O --- 5 12 ------+---------|
MM --- 6 11 ______| |
MM --- 7 10 ------+---------|
I/O --- 8 9 ______| |
OK, so I know that A7=0, A6=0, A5=0 and A4=1, It's not Memmory mapped IO so
jumpers go on pins 5 and 6. So where are A3-A0, on D6?. I think the address is:
A7 0
A6 0
A5 0
A4 1
A3? 0
A2? 0
A1? 1
A0? 1
and the answer is 013H ????
"The board address is selected by jumpers or a DIP switch in locattion C7 and
D6. There are two cases for which this board may be jumpered: 1) to respond
to Input/output instructions and 2) to respond to memory access instructions.
The case of input/output instructions will be treated first.
In selection location D6 pins 8 and 9 must be jumpered together and pins 5 and
12 must be jumbered together. The user must jumper socket C7 so when the
desired I/O Port address appeas on the address lines, the inputs to the NAND
gate from bits A4 through a7 are high. If, for instance, address bit 6 is
desired to be a 0 when the board responds, then pins 4 and and 13 would be
jumpered together. If address bit A6 was desired to be 1, then either pins
3 and 14 may be jumpered together or 3 and 13 may be jumpered together,
since 13 and 14 are tied to the common address selection input.
It is suggested, however, that when jumpers are being used,
pins 3 and 13 be connected together to provide a easy visual indication of
whether the address bit is a 1 or 0 since that will correspond to whether
jumpers are slanted or straight across the jumper socket."
Thanks for the help.
Continuing saga of Friday nights haul:
When I emailed Terry that I'd pick up the MicroVAX, and we made the
arrangements, he told me, "By the way, as long as you haul off that
rack, you're welcome to take the PDP-11 and the PDP-8." Naturally, I
made that further concession....
The PDP-8/A is in pretty sorry shape, at first glance. It's on hold
till I have time to go over it and figure out what's there and what it
needs. Probably a couple of weeks.
Anyway. the 11/53 is in good shape, inspected, cleaned, and back
together. It has Micro/RSX installed on DU0, and not only is it Greek
to me, but I've been Googling for 3 hours, and haven't found a coherent
description or command reference.
Moreover, I don't see any software at all available to run on
Micro/RSX. Are RSX-11 utilities binary-compatible? Any suggestions as
to a next step? Pointers at the Micro/RSX Users' Group would be handy.
Does anyone have one? I have borrowed two large manuals. I'd like to
scan them, as opposed to photocopying, but it would have to be quick and
reliable (so I can get good results the first time and return the manuals
in good shape).
-- Derek
> Well, I guess "confiscated" was the wrong term. My checked baggage
> was checked, my ride dropped me and left, and my only option was to
> leave it there or leave with it. So if Jim hadn't been on shift, I'd
> have probably lost my light.
> It _felt_ like confiscation, and I _was_ upset.
The airport in New Orleans confiscated (yes, took away and kept, never to
return) a mini stapler my father had in his laptop bag. This is one of
those staplers that is about an inch long, holds 20 staples of that super
mini, can't staple thru more than two sheets of paper, size.
This was back in November, so everyone was a bit more paranoid. But he
showed them it was just a stapler... and they still took it away as a
I would LOVE to see that happen.... take me to Cuba or I'll fail to break
your skin with my mini shards of metal, in my lethal squeeze powered
dispenser! Don't make me empty this thing onto my shoe... I'll do it...
I'm just crazy enough! And if that doesn't scare you... I'll beat you
with this airline pillow!
Hell, you could do more damage by sitting in the exit row, and pulling
the shiny red handle on the wall.
Has anyone ever repaired a Lisa 2 with the following symptoms: A
distorted video image on the upper 1/3 of the screen? I'm the high
bidder on a Lisa 2 on ebay
If you look at the screen shots, the video screen is distorted very
similar to what my compact macs do with cold solder joints on the analog
board. I figure that it's either a similar problem, dirty contacts or
bad caps on the board. Just wondering if anyone has seen similar
symptoms. I think I can get a Lisa video board from a friend in DFW who
has a cache of Lisa's in storage. The guy's Apple collection is
awesome. He has several of absolutely every product Apple ever made
including a lot of prototype stuff that was never publicly released.
I usually don't attempt board level repair, but for a Lisa, I'll make an
exception. I thought Tony might have done one before. Have you ever
seen this one before Tony?
I think a Lisa would fit in perfectly with my NeXT's, Sun's, Indy and
You mean you're supposed to read the manual first?
This afternoon, while copying IBM 1620 manuals for Al Kossow's Bitsavers
Project, I met Mr. Alan Earls. He is writing a book on Rt 128, as he
explains below, and is looking for information. I have invited him to
visit both the Rhode Island Computer Museum ( www.osfn.org/ricm ) and
the RetroComputing Society of Rhode Island ( www.osfn.org/rcs ), and
promised to forward his request for information to friends and
colleagues. If you can help the fellow, either directly or by
reference, please contact him.
Clearly, any tech history writer looking for information on Clevite has
done his homework!
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Earls <alanearls(a)attbi.com>
To: geoff(a)pkworks.com <geoff(a)pkworks.com>
Date: Saturday, April 06, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: RE: Route 128 book
Nice to meet you and chat about "oldies" (Mailboxes, Etc. in Franklin).
As I mentioned I'm finishing up (by May 1) a photo/history book about
Route 128 and environs in Mass. from roughly the end of WW2 until the
early 90s. This isn't a scholarly effort. Rather it is an attempt to
provide a popular book that will capture representative images of the
"dawn" of high tech -- the post war years with the expanded defense
budgets and new electronic technology --- through to the recent past.
I'm still trying to locate photos of people, places, and things
associated with DG, Prime, Wang and many other companies. I would also
love photos from the Multics project at MIT and some photos of the early
area semiconductor companies: Clevite, Sylvania, Transitron, etc.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Alan Earls
508 528 6930
PLEASE NOTE: Effective immediately, my email address is
alanearls(a)attbi.com. Please be sure you update your files. Mail
addressed to my "mediaone" address will no longer be delivered after
Mar. 15, 2002.