>Why is 212992 magic?
OK. I'm an idiot :-)
RT-11 has a limit on disk
size, and my (poor) recollection
is that this might be in the
region of 64K blocks (512 byte
block ... i.e. 16MB per disk).
This would be 16384 2048-byte
sectors. 13*16384=212992.
So my guess is that when you
use this RT-11 CD on an RT-11
system, you tell it to map partition
13 (and 14 etc. onwards to the end).
In which case writing an image
would be a breeze. Create your
ISO file system as a binary (ISO9660)
image file and overlay onto an
image of a full 650MB or 700MB CD.
Create images of however many
RT-11 "disks" you think you
can fit onto the end.
Determine where the next 16384 2048-byte
boundary is and drop your first RT-11
partition there, then keep overlaying
further partitions until the end.
OK. I don't know how to do this
on Windows 98 with the available
tools, so you'll either have to
do it on Unix (or OpenVMS)
or knock up a quick
tool in C for Windows.
Or you could ask Tim how he did
it (but I bet W98 was *not*
part of the answer!).
> Hi All,
> I just talked to Eric Smith and he's going to be visiting this area
>(Orlando) around May 17 or 18. I thought it might be a good time for
>another Junk Feast. Let me know if you're interested.
> Joe
I can probably make it. I'll let you know when the date gets nearer.
Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
> Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 15:36:04 -0800 (PST)
> From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre(a)stockholm.ptloma.edu>
> Subject: Re: GEM OS was: CP/M and Imsai
> > I've asked this before, but how close is the Commodore GEOS to the Gem
> > one ? The desktop at least is virtually identical.
> I don't think it is, myself. Berkeley Softworks supposedly modeled it on the
> Macintosh.
> > Does it have an underlying
> > system greatly different from TOS and AES(?) ?
> Not knowing much about the internals of TOS ...
In Geos the whole OS was coded in 6502 assembler. Couldn't make an 8bit gui work with slowpokes like C.
GEM and TOS (as I understand) were partly host assembler (8088 or 68000) and part c. No commonality
under the hood at all.
>Are you saying the actual CD image was available as
>opposed to the many files that are on the CD?
Yes. Four images, one per CD.
I don't know if they vanished during the
site reorg or whether I just cannot
find them right now.
>satisfied it is OK. BUT, I also want to burn my own
>CD in the same manner. ALSO using Windows 98 (Yeck).
Burning under windows is probably
not an issue - use something like
CDR-Win to make an exact copy
to an image file, and then burn that.
>BUT, Can anyone help me? I want to copy that same file
>to a CD-R or a CD-RW starting at sector 212,992 (just
>like Tim Shoppa did) after I have written the files to the CD
>under the ISO file structure. Of course, I want to be able
>to do this under Windows 98!! Does anyone know if that is
>even possible, let alone how it could be done?
I don't know the specifics of RT-11s requirements
for the CD. I expect that RT-11 sees it as though
it were a hard disk of exactly that many blocks
(well 4 times the number of CD blocks because
of the 2048<->512 byte thing).
Many (many) years ago when I used an
LSI-11/23 under RT-11, we had a 40MB
drive that emulated 4 RL02 drives (or
some such). I don't recall if this
was done in software or hardware -
quite possibly it was a software driver
that came with the disk.
Why is 212992 magic? What do you do
to make this CD visible as 7 (or whatever)
disks under RT-11?
Essentially your CD is a stream of N
2048 blocks and is presumably seen by
RT-11 as such (at a sufficiently low level)
and then given meaning by some
software layer.
A typical method for generating
a layout with both ISO and
"other stuff" in logically separate
areas of the CD would be to start
by generating a binary ISO-format
file with just the ISO data in. The
first 64 2048-byte blocks (or is it
32?) are ignored by the ISO9660
standard - they are deliberately
not used.
Now create an empty image file,
the size of your CD. Overlay the
ISO image file onto this.
Now you slip the PDP-11
boot block in there and add whatever
else you need at the end in whatever
format you want. The ISO file structure
will be unaffected (so long as you tack
things on after its logical end).
What you need to find out is
RT-11s requirements in this area.
Actually doing this under W98
may not be that easy. Typically,
when I've done CDs that have
both ISO9660 and ODS-2 on
them, I've generated the image on
OpenVMS and burned the image
to CD using a PC.
>Ok... I'll bite... what is that "peripheral"? Nukes or something?
Not sure I remember this correctly
but I have a feeling it was something like
the Washington metro - where obviously
"Washington" is a code name for
some plausible east coast city that
actually does have a metro, just
in case my memory is failing again :-)
On Apr 11, 3:19, Gary Hildebrand wrote:
> Happened to notice they are 10Base2 (BNC connector and AUI interface
> (DB15). According to what little I've found on the web, there is an
> adapter available that goes from the AUI DB15 to 10BaseT, so I can test
> these out through a hub.
> Any comments?
Well, assuming you really mean DA15 (not DB15 :-)) then, yes, all you need
is a transceiver. The miniature type that fits straight onto the AUI
connector is best, and usually cheap and easy to find. After that, it's
just a question of having TCP/IP software.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
>>Tim is providing support
>>for a $ 10 Billion system of some sort which likely uses VMS.
>It's not exaggerated, from what I know of the 'peripheral' attached to
>those computers, if anything that's a bit low.
Ok... I'll bite... what is that "peripheral"? Nukes or something?
>Does anyone else have copies of the RSX-11 set of 2 CDs?
At one point the RSX, TOPS and RT11 CDs
were all available as binary images. I know
I downloaded all of them and burned them to
CD with no problems. (Well, maybe a slight
issue with the RT11 one IIRC - I used W98
and whatever burning software I used
was not too happy verifying it ... seemed
usable though).
Tim does not seem to have any problems
with people downloading large amounts
of data so rather than ask for a CD, just
burn one.
> From: "Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner" <spc(a)conman.org>
> Subject: Re: Ultrix root password
> To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org
> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:10:33 -0400 (EDT)
> In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSF.4.33.0204111011480.68023-100000(a)spaz.catonic.net> from "Kris Kirby" at Apr 11, 2002 10:12:17 AM
> It was thus said that the Great Kris Kirby once stated:
> >
> > On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, ajp166 wrote:
> > > Boot to non-timesharing then use ED (sorry no other choice usually)
> > > to edit passwd file. set the Root user password to NULL (no characters).
> > > boot to timeshare level and then log in as root with no password.
> >
> > For those of us "young'uns", would someone point me to a guide on "ED"?
> Isn't it like vi, only without being full screen, and without prompts?
> -spc (Or am I thinking of ex?)
You are probably thinking of "ex". But "ed" is a proper subset of "ex".
The classic answer to the question "point me to a guide" is
$ man ed
executed on any Unix or Unix-like system. If you don't have one of
those running, you can try, with your favorite web browser, a Google
search with the key words: unix man ed
From: Brian Roth <broth(a)heathers.stdio.com>
>The MV's have Ultrix on them and boot fine BUT.....
>Is there an easy way to bust the root password for Ultrix on the
Boot to non-timesharing then use ED (sorry no other choice usually)
to edit passwd file. set the Root user password to NULL (no characters).
boot to timeshare level and then log in as root with no password.
My ultrix manuals are burried or I'd give more detail.