test-drb April 2002

  • 280 participants
  • 1162 discussions

The Future End of Classic Computing
by csmith@amdocs.com
22 years, 9 months

"Re: Shoddy Hardware (Was: Re: WW fixtures (was Re: "New""
by dquebbeman@acm.org
22 years, 9 months

The Future End of Classic Computing
by dquebbeman@acm.org
22 years, 9 months

Strange idea in VAX
by Antonio.Carlini@riverstonenet.com
22 years, 9 months

CP/M and Imsai
by caprio@dcms.com
22 years, 9 months

When programming is outlawed, only outlaws will program
by dquebbeman@acm.org
22 years, 9 months

Computers Manufactured in 1986
by Huw.Davies@kerberos.davies.net.au
22 years, 9 months

Computers Manufactured in 1986
by torquil@rockbridge.net
22 years, 9 months

Shoddy Hardware (Was: Re: WW fixtures (was Re: "New" PDP-8))
by ajp166@bellatlantic.net
22 years, 9 months

IBM 3192s
by pat@cart-server.purdueriots.com
22 years, 9 months
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