On Dec 17, 21:40, Charles wrote:
> I have a PDP-8/I and a Model 33 but there are no connectors at
> all. The serial interface card (? M709) is there and if I run
> clipleads to the appropriate pins on its backplane socket with a
> series resistor to +12v it works, both keyboard and printer.
> What pieces am I missing? The above discussion is beyond my
> current understanding of DEC interconnect hardware. Should there
> be a card that plugs into the backplane somewhere, that has a
> pigtail hanging from it, or what? If so, what part number should I
> be searching for?
There possibly should, but I don't know much about the details of an 8/I.
Are there wires running from those pins to another slot? An 8/E is
Omnibus, and the serial signals don't appear anywhere on the backplane, so
the only access is via the Berg connector on the (quad height) interface
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
On Dec 17, 15:58, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 pete(a)dunnington.u-net.com wrote:
> > I think the Commodore PET uses modified CUTS. It records each block
> > twice, which is why it's relatively slow, but also pretty robust.
> If it records each block twice, and one block is bad, which of the two do
> you trust?
> (Or is there a checksum involved too?)
The one with the good checksum, I expect. There is a check of some sort,
but I don't know the details.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
> >>I'd expect that for one with a SCSI Qbus module, but this system seems
> >>rather vanilla, except for the multiple RD54s.
> >>
> >>Who'd a thunk it?
As has been pointed out, someone is most likely after the 3 RD54's. The
thing to remember is that there are still systems being used commercially,
or by the Government that use these drives. The cost of qualifying
different hardware to move to SCSI far outweighs the cost of obtaining
> >Anyone have any ideas as to why most BA123s are missing the door that
> >covers the operator's panel? Is it just easily broken and lost?
> >
> >
> I think they were shipped broken. You had to be very careful using
> that door, or the pegs (hinges) would break off. Since all the intresting
> buttons were under the door, it needed to be opened fairly frequently.
I had one that was intact. The top peg that holds it in place and makes up
the hinge is now broken. I'm still ticked off at my Mother over that one.
I had the panel off, and she knocked it over on a hardwood floor. The
result, the peg broke off. :^( That was a few years ago, I've still got the
peg, and one of these years I'll try and patch it.
>> Seymore Crelbourn bought Audry 2 "for a dollar ninety-nine"
>Thank Dog google knows what to do with misspelled search terms. It's
>"Seymour Krelborn bought Audrey 2"
Yeah, I figured when I was writing it that I was spelling his name
wrong... what I didn't expect was that he got Audry 2 for 4 cents cheaper
than I said... he bought it from the old Chinese man for a dollar
ninety-five (that fact dawned on me later as I had the song stuck in my
On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:11:32 -0600, you wrote:
>> The -8/E has an M8650 (KL8E) which I've been using with RS232. However,
>> I have 40-way Berg connectors, and the proper AMP flat 8-way Mate-N-Lok
>> connector shells for the 20mA loop, and the male and female pins...
>Sounds like you have the basics covered. Don't forget the short jumper
>wire at the Berg end that directs the TTL output of the KL8E shift
>register to the 20mA output circuit. It's a different loop than the
>one you should have right now on your EIA cable.
I have a PDP-8/I and a Model 33 but there are no connectors at
all. The serial interface card (? M709) is there and if I run
clipleads to the appropriate pins on its backplane socket with a
series resistor to +12v it works, both keyboard and printer.
What pieces am I missing? The above discussion is beyond my
current understanding of DEC interconnect hardware. Should there
be a card that plugs into the backplane somewhere, that has a
pigtail hanging from it, or what? If so, what part number should I
be searching for?
And yes, we do have the MP3 of that available.. :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sellam Ismail [mailto:foo@siconic.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:40 AM
> To: cctalk(a)classiccmp.org
> Subject: OT: Detachable Penis (was Re: 1977 Apple II for sale.)
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> > > He had to talk the guy down in price but he got it and went home
> > > and put it back on, relieved he didn't have to sit down
> to pee anymore.
> >
> > "... for a dollar ninety-nine!"
> You must be thinking of a different song. He talked him down
> from $22 to
> $17.
> Lyrics here:
> http://www.lyricsfreak.com/k/king-missile/16758.htm
> :)
> Sellam Ismail Vintage
> Computer Festival
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> http://www.vintage.org
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at
www.VintageTech.com *
A little far for me to drive...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arne Bergseth" <Arne.Bergseth(a)dnv.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: New home for DEC 3000 model 300LX
> DEC 3000 model 300 available for VMS hobbyist.
> Workstation with Alpha 21064 processor, 64 MB memory and 1.05 GB disk,
> has been taken out of use and need a new home.
> I already have more than I can accomodate.
> The machine is located in Norway, the system box can possibly be shipped
> by mail if you are willing to cover the postage.
> If you also want the VRC21-HA monitor you will have to come get it in
> Sandvika in Norway.
> Regards,
> Arne Bergseth
>From: pete(a)dunnington.u-net.com
>On Dec 18, 0:37, pete@mindy wrote:
>> "101100" at 1200, you'll see it's actually a Manchester code:
>> __ _____ __ __ _____
>> | |__| |__| |__| |_____| |
>> --1-- --0-- --1-- --1-- --0-- --0--
>Oops, I take that back :-) Although the Sorcerer manuals describe it as a
>Manchester encoder/decoder, what it puts on the tape is FSK. I just
>checked the schematic and circuit description.
>Dwight hasn't exactly described Manchester encoding either, though.
> Manchester encoding puts the clock transition in the *centre* of each
>cell, and the polarity of the transition determines whether it's a 0 or a
>1. There's a phase shift at the cell boundary if necessary. His diagram
>*could* be Manchester encoding if you shift the 0s and 1s slightly to the
>left, except for the last bit. It should be (maybe 'd' for "down" and 'u'
>for "up" makes it more obvious):
> ___ _ ___ _ ___
> |___| |_| |_| |___|
> -0- -1- -1- -0- -0- -1-
> d u u d d u
>It's too late at night here, for any more of this :-)
Hi Pete
Yes, you are correct. The difference in the Poly format
was between RZ vers NRZ. I think Manchester only refers to
the clocking, as you described.
>Pete Peter Turnbull
> Network Manager
> University of York
I need to find a home for 2 HP Laboratory Automation Systems. They realy
need to be moved before the end of the year (or I need a firm commitment
to remove them very early in the new year), or they're going to have to
go in the skip, much as this pains me.
The systems are HP3350 Laboratory Automation Systems, each consists of:
HP-1000 F Series Computer,
HP 12990B Memory Extender
HP 12979B 1/O Extender
HP 7970E Tape Drive
2xHP 7925 Disk Drives
Each system is housed in 2 19" racks.
I also have 1xHP2608A printer, 3xHP2393A terminals, and an HP-1000 A700
machine (also in a 19" rack), lots of documentation, and tapes.
You'll have to collect them, or pay my costs for hiring a van and a mate
to deliver (within a reasonable distance) them to you (which I'm happy
to do over the Christmas Period), and they'll need to go on the ground
floor, unless you have a lift. I'm not making any charge for these
Collection from Ellesmere Port, Wirral.
If you need pictures etc., I can mail then to you. You can call me on
07980 859 383 to discuss if required. I've not much time at the moment,
so I can't monitor the list, so please email me at
tim.myers(a)protasisREMOVEME.co.uk if you're interested.
I'd hate for these to go in the skip, but I have to clear the place
theyr'e in, and have no storage of my own.
I'm also Ebaying my PDP-11/73s complete with VT-320s.