Since I was offering VAX bits that someone might want, someone suggested
that I indicate where I am located. Well, I am located in the Seattle
> I don't know if this has been linked to before, but I found it to have
> a few useful documents, including the System User's Guide to RT-11 V3.
> Gordon Bell's home page:
> His CyberMuseum:
> The DEC part of his CyberMuseum:
Interesting, a bunch of that stuff looks to be new, and it looks like the
new stuff might be better done (as I recall he didn't have PDF's up before).
After taking just a quick peek, I can see I'll have to have a better look at
stuff once I can find the time.
>From: "Jim Kearney" <jim(a)>
>> Back to the original question: I'm not sure how to do a non-gerber board
>> inexpensively. If the artwork is in a pdf file (or even a tif from a
>> scan), you would need to find a board house that could use it, but none
>> come to mind.
>Olimex (in Bulgaria) claims to accept them, but I don't think you would get
>any holes drilled.
>I just tried to convert a PDF file to Gerber by going to a BMP file and then
>converting that to an Eagle CAD script file, but it eventually failed
>because Eagle couldn't handle the number of rectangles that the simplistic
>converter generated. In principle it could work, if the converter made
>bigger rectangles than one per source pixel.
>LEADtools supports Gerber format as output in their libraries, so any of
>their tools might work. For example, ePrint
>is a generic Windows printer driver that has Gerber in its output format
>None of these work very well, though, because they're a lot of work and you
>don't have a drill file. I think in the end the only real solution is to
>get a Gerber file somehow, even if you have to re-enter the design in your
>CAD software. Toner transfer, iron-on and CNC milling all take far too much
>work for not particularly good results.
Gerber format is not all that complicated. It seems that someone
with a little cleverness could write a simple mouse program that
would digitize mouse movements and buttons.
It was a while back but I used to hand fix bad gerber files to
get PC boards made. It seems that most programs still have bugs
and will trash some of the commands. I'd display the gerber
file on the screen and look for the big trapezoid or some other
messed up thing. I'd then go in and change it back to the correct
rectangle or what ever.
It has been a number of years but like I said, it wasn't that
complicated. You need to consider that is was a direct input sequence
of moves for a gerber plotter.
At 12:46 AM 11/21/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Since Compaq bought DEC, and then HP bought/merged with Compaq, yes, HP
>owns DEC's IP. For info on the OpenVMS hobbyist program, see:
> or
> to become a member of Encompass (what was
>DECUS) so you can participate in the OpenVMS hobbyist program.
So what happened regarding membership after all? I remember that
all emails from Encompass up to June/July seemed to imply
that from then on you needed to be a paying member in order to
belong to Encompass.
Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez carlos_murillo(a)
"Steve Jones" <classiccmp(a)> wrote:
> Anybody have a one-line description of the CompuPro Net 100? Was
> this Ethernet, serial, avian carrier...?
-Frank McConnell
Bit of a tricky question, but one that needs to be asked as i might
purchase one in A1 condition soon- and i don't want to be paying over the
odds for it.
INTEL INTELLEC-8 - (See attachment)
Model No. 8 - 84
Serial No. 245
S.D. 4.75 (Production Date?)
Fitted with the following cards:-
1. Intel front panel Control Console card. imm 8 - 73
2. Intel CPU. card. imm 8 - 83 (D8080AFC)
3. Intel 4k RAM Card. E48778 - 05 0042000
4. Intel 4k RAM Card. E48778 - 05 0042000
5. Intel I.O. module card 1000264 - 02
6. Intel PROM Programmer Module card E48778 - 0000090
7. Intel PROM memory module card. imm6-26
8. Mesonix 4K RAM Card
9. Mesonix I.O. Controller card (See Mesonix Casette Unit)
The original instruction manual, although carefully preserved, now appears
to be missing and may well be lost. The Intellec8 will however be supplied
with a later instruction manual for the Intellec8/MOD 80, which explains
how it all works complete with a multitude of schematics etc. but
unfortunately missing the first and part of the second chapter.Chapter 1 - missing.
Chapter 2 - The imm8 - 83 CPU Card mostly intact - includes timing,
schematics & pinout diagrams.Chapter 3 - The imm8-61 Input/Output Card
Chapter 4 - The imm8-63 Output Card
Chapter 5 - The imm6-28 RAM Card
Chapter 6 - The imm6-26 PROM Card
Chapter 7 - The Intellec 8/MOD 80 Control Console
Chapter 8 - The Chassis, motherboard and power supplies
Chapter 9 - The imm6-76 Programmer Module
Chapter 10 - The Intellec 8/MOD 80 system utilisation
Appendix A - Instruction set summary
Appendix B - Electrical characteristics of logic elements used in the
Intellec 8/MOD 80
Model No. - Fitted DCR-3 Tape Unit (Phillips?)
Serial No. - Mesonix Tape Storage Unit.
Production Date 1976?
Model No.606 - (Parallel Output)
Serial No.606136
Production Date 1975.
Model No. 528
Serial No. 528 - 23 - 3382
WWW.COM - Where The Web Begins!
I'll just write here... lol.. Was looking at the pics of your DPS-6, and I
think you actually have 3 systems, the 2 smaller cabinets appear to each be
a Microsystem 6 type machine... FWIW
Will J
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
The System 8000 is not really a development system... They are full-on
minicomputer-type UNIX machines.. It's a so-called "Super-micro"... I am
holding an ad from the DEC Professional proclaiming that the sucker can run
DIBOL... I really have to wonder if anyone ever ported DIBOL to any system
besides the System 8000, I wouldn't think there was enough of a user base to
justify doing such a thing... Anyway, it is a Z8000-based UNIX minicomputer
(yes I'm aware my definition of minicomputer may vary from some
listmembers). Someone should save it! It's freakin' cool... I wish I could
find one, stateside of course...
Will J
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*