Chuck McManis <cmcmanis(a)> on 07/19/2001 03:21:47
Please respond to classiccmp(a)
Sent by: owner-classiccmp(a)
To: classiccmp(a)
Subject: Re: OT: DSL Woes (was RE: Plato terminal
At 01:31 PM 7/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm troubled by the desire of companies to provide mission critical
>over consumer quality telecommunication and computer equipment.
And you wonder why they went out of business? DSL can be much more reliable
than Cable Modems but it does have to be installed properly, and you need
to have the correct filter at the junction box to prevent interference with
line noise.
Very true. Qwest (Formerly U.S.Worst,er West) in Cedar Rapids Iowa has
fairly decent DSL. They don't futz around with your computer like the @Home
cable modem folks do. I've had 256k DSL for about 9 months now and had
about 37 minutes of down time. (~20 min, and then ~17 min a couple months
later) Of course I live in a bedroom community about 5 blocks from the
TelCo switch. <grin>
My only gripe is that the Cisco 675 DSL router/modem they sold me MUST be
in routing mode, not bridging mode, and it does not have the capability to
do port forwarding. <sigh> So you can't run a server to save your soul.
- M.S.
On July 20, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > That would be downright silly, because they haven't EOLed the
> > line...they've announced that the WILL EOL it, in what should be a
> > couple of years.
> There is a lot of panic about the future EOL of the Alpha, with
> a lot of people equating that to the end of OpenVMS, which is
> wrong. This is just another architecture transition. I would
> have preferred that the Alpha go on, but the real point is the
> OS, not the CPU.
Well, for some folks, maybe. If someone sticks me in a project with a
crappy OS, I will find the source and fix it (unless it's Windoze, of
course, but I don't consider that an OS!)...whereas if someone sticks
me with a crappy processor, well, there's little one can do.
> I can see people trying to stock up spares ahead of the EOL,
> though. It would be better to grab them while they are
> plentiful and cheap than to wait until the EOL when people
> will want to stockpile some of the items that will be harder
> to get later.
Good point. But the EOL is *years* away. Isn't this a little
premature, even for the "careful folk"?
-Dave McGuire
I'm new to the list, so just a quick bit about me - I'm in my 3rd year
of a 4 year MEng Software Engineering degree at UMIST, UK, and I'm quite
happily collecting machines (much to the annoyance of my parents :&)
Anyway - the point of the mail is... I've been given an LP25, and it's
not a happy beastie :&( When you turn it on, it's status display says
"P" (power fault), and lo and behold, it's right. There's a definate lack
of any regulated voltages on the motherboard, the only voltage there is
the 38V RAW voltage, which is within limits.
So I've decided that the power board is at fault. The Maintainance
Manual says "Check fuses..." which I've done - all fine. So I figure
there's a fault on the power board. Problem is, I don't have any
schematics for the power board, so I can't really test it, without a lot
of trial and error.
I'd be very grateful if someone could point me at somewhere I might find
something useful, or even lend me the details, if you've got them :&)
(oh, and if anyone in the UK has a spare VMS 5.x docset up for
grabs... or perhaps a DECwriter :&)
-- Matt
matt(a), matt(a), matt(a)
mattl(a), mlondon(a)
Web Page:
PGP Key fingerprint = 00BF 19FE D5F5 8EAD 2FD5 D102 260E 8BA7 EEE4 8D7F
> At 07:22 PM 7/19/01 -0700, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >Though as I was cursing this morning, even with MacOS 9.1 a Mac can't format
> >a floppy and do something else. I love my G4/450, but that's just plain
> >pathetic.
> And I thought that having dual processors on my G4 would have
> some effect allowing doing more than one thing at once, but
> it doesn't. I bought it (that is, Apple sold it) months before
> OS X was shipped. OS X will use the dual processors. A few
> odd PhotoShop plugins use it. The client uses it.
> Other than that, I wasted a few hundred bucks.
> - John
Yes, BUT this has been a known problem dating back to the Quad-Processor 3rd
Party Mac's that were made around '95. How good of a job is OS X doing at
dual processors? One would hope pretty good, but I honestly don't know. I
bought OS X the day it came out (and have every beta ever released going
back to the OPENSTEP 4.2 "Prelude to Rhapsody" release), but I've barely
used it, it just isn't ready for my everyday use. By this Fall/Winter it's
starting to sound like it will be. I've got to admit I'm looking forward to
the release of Microsoft Office for it, with that, Eudora, Netscrape, and
eXodus I should be able to switch. Though in the long run I'll also need to
upgrade Photoshop and some other apps. Who knows, I'm happy with 9.1, and
might just stay there for another year or two, if not longer. After all it
does everything I need, and something tells me it's going to be a minimum of
another year before I feel the need to upgrade to a newer system. I made
about 2.8 years with my 8500/180, and it looks like I'll do even better with
the G4/450 as they're just finally starting to come out with systems that
should be significantly faster than my system (something to realize is my
system is from the very first batch of G4/450's sold). However, unlike the
8500/180, it doesn't look like I'll be skipping a processor family (though
who knows I might).
...for cost of shipping?
Also usable in most Ricoh engine based laser printers.
Have five complete, and a sixth partial.
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for sources of inexpensive Digital Alpha CPUs and motherboards
for a hobby project I'm putting together with my friends. I tried eBay, but
there is not much Alpha gear to be found there. I'd be very grateful for
any pointers.
PS. I love this list.
Czatuj, wyslij sms-y, sprawdz poczte
Zainstaluj OnetKomunikatora [ ]
Does anyone know where I might find three teenagers in the Marlborough,
Massachusetts area wanting to make some money by working various roles at
the VCF?
If so, please reply to <sellam(a)> ASAP. I will discuss the
details with you and you can pass them along to any potential
slave^H^H^H^H^H Event Services Engineer ;)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
On Jul 18, 11:21, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> Shortly after that, the U.S.A. and USSR (CCCP) normalized diplomatic
> relations enough to import vodka and export Pepsi to Russia.
Definitely OT: one of my prized T-shirts is a Russian Pepsi one :-)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
On July 20, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:41:59PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> > I've seen references to "3030" in many books over the years...I'm
> > nowhere near old enough to have been there though.
> > -Dave McGuire
> Same here, in the "IBM's Early Computers" and "IBM's 360 and Early 370 Systems"
> books, which are as close to canon as I can find on the subject...
Speaking of which...anyone know where I might get my grubby paws on
one of those Micro/370 boards?
-Dave McGuire
On July 20, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > > have preferred that the Alpha go on, but the real point is the
> > > OS, not the CPU.
> >
> > Well, for some folks, maybe. If someone sticks me in a project with a
> > crappy OS, I will find the source and fix it (unless it's Windoze, of
> > course, but I don't consider that an OS!)...whereas if someone sticks
> > me with a crappy processor, well, there's little one can do.
> I meant the point is the OS (OpenVMS) and not the CPU (VAX, Alpha, IPF),
> not the OS vs. the CPU in general.
Ahh, ok...
> > Good point. But the EOL is *years* away. Isn't this a little
> > premature, even for the "careful folk"?
> Not really. For some of the odd-ball stuff, the sooner the better
> (just ask anyone that has to keep a VAX going that uses the Pro3x0-
> based console).
Eeeek! Yes, you have a point! 8-)
-Dave McGuire