test-drb July 2001

  • 301 participants
  • 824 discussions

Hackers: Computer Outlaws revisited
by LFessen106@aol.com
23 years, 5 months

WTB: Epson HX-40 in working order
by nerdware@laidbak.com
23 years, 5 months

Strange PSU mains connector
by rdd@smart.net
23 years, 5 months

The new VAX is alive!
by dittman@dittman.net
23 years, 5 months

Cipher C880 tape drive
by brian@quarterbyte.com
23 years, 5 months

I'm *ALSO* new to this list!
by Mzthompson@aol.com
23 years, 5 months

Wanted: info on Limrose MicroTutor (8080 trainer)
by sieler@allegro.com
23 years, 5 months

Hackers: Computer Outlaws revisited
by LFessen106@aol.com
23 years, 5 months

ThinNet Hub
by dittman@dittman.net
23 years, 5 months

building a PDP11 from the things you find at home
by healyzh@aracnet.com
23 years, 5 months
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