test-drb May 2001

  • 273 participants
  • 642 discussions

Offered: classic manuals
by dhquebbeman@theestopinalgroup.com
23 years, 8 months

Altair 8800b Turnkey & Front Panel
by celt@chisp.net
23 years, 8 months

booting from RQDX3
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
23 years, 8 months

Apple Turnover?(OT long, boring, maybe humor)
by Lee.Davison@merlincommunications.com
23 years, 8 months

Atari 400 & 800XL Power Supply Question
by univac2@earthlink.net
23 years, 8 months

Another way to kill the classics
by rhblake@bigfoot.com
23 years, 8 months

MS-DOS cross assembler for HP211x machines.
by dhquebbeman@theestopinalgroup.com
23 years, 8 months

Can anyone here burn a MMI6309 PROM for a Lisa?
by jlewczyk@speakeasy.net
23 years, 8 months

Washington D.C. Trip
by jlewczyk@speakeasy.net
23 years, 8 months

Call for Resources for CDC 6000/Cyber 70 Series Emulator
by dhquebbeman@theestopinalgroup.com
23 years, 8 months
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